ONACKM President Victimized Again by Douglas County

No thanks to former ONAC attorney Matthew Pappas, who failed to file the proper injunction on behalf of Oklevueha Native American Church back in December 2015 As he was Supposed to do, Kautantowit's Mecautea President Timothy Paul 'Talq-Talq' Timm once again suffers at the hands of Douglas County Oregon Sheriff's Department because of it.
An injunction was filed in the 9th Court on behalf of the church in December 2015 after Postal Inspectors illegally confiscated a package of sacramental medicine bound cross country to a patient member in desperate need. Problem is, former attorney Matthew Pappas filed the injunction Incomplete, meaning he "Forgot" that the injunction was needed on the state level too as Oregon officials have long been abusing the church, especially Douglas County sheriff's and other judicial officials.
Back in October 2013, one month after establishing and declaring the independent branch of ONAC in Douglas County Oregon, multiple complaints had quickly accumulated against Douglas County Sheriff's Department for Harassment ... so many that it ultimately led to the request of assistance from the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) who noted two then "New" valid complaints and in turn advised Douglas County Sheriff's officials to "Back Off" ONAC KM of Oregon, an instruction they apparently would take personally according to the conclusion of the Oregon American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) who concluded that the end result included the illegal search and destruction of the churches sanctuary garden across the state short after, about the time the Oregon ACLU went bankrupt and could offer no more assistance to the church other than recognition that it indeed was under illegal fire.
Though the case in Grant County was ultimately dismissed, the retaliation on the state level has and is continuing on, and Douglas County Sheriff's Department have returned to the front lines of the battlefield as the state of Oregon Insist on the targeting and blatant down right Attacking of of a church... a Native American Church at that - how Disgusting as well as Embarrassing in Our personal opinion!
The Grant County attack and illegal bust of 2014 wasn't enough for the state law officials whom then trumped up a petty theft charge against ONAC KM President Timothy Timm in effort of ensuring the deprivation of urgent medical care desperately needed due to a "favor" of a severe illegal beating on him just a month prior. This would bound Timm into the state more than 2 years and in turn ensure control of dictation over his medical rights was their's for the depriving. Finally on 4/20/2015 Timm though insisting his innocence to the charge ultimately pled guilty noting on the court record that it was "Only so I can get out from under this hold keeping me in Oregon".
After serving 5 days in jail for the conviction, Timm went out of state and sought the medical attention now rapidly degenerating his health and was diagnosed with having "Multiple blood clots" and "a possible hemorrhage" all severely needing urgent treatment IF at this point they're treatable at all. This, being publicly made known via our church websites (Which Douglas County Sheriff's officials Admit to monitoring "on a regular basis", Immediately as we would find out they once again trumped up new Bogus charges against Timm, this time hell-bent on Crippling if not out-right Destroying ONAC KM's ability to properly and effectively function as a church.
Meanwhile, on the friday honoring Martin Luther King's birthday, in the middle of a city-wide protest, public announcement was made via multiple media sources that the injunction and lawsuit had been officially filed on behalf of Oklevueha Native American Church for the theft of the package from the mail. At that time, it had been agreed that given the history and already long history of state level attacking, that the injunction was to be filed on both the state as well as the federal level. That evening, the first retaliation began and Graves found herself arrested and charged with Driving under the influence of cannabis for having opened a ceremony on media camera toking two puffs off a cannabis pipe 13 Hours before being pulled over and charged for it.
Pappas quickly scheduled a press conference and rushed he and his assistant to Portland where he announced that a TRO would be filed within two days for this clear retaliation... a filing that would nor has yet to come that would cause detremental damage to ONAC KM and it's ability to properly function. Also at that same press conference Pappas projected the Portland case to win "in the 90 percentile" on camera and boasting beyond off camera that he believed it to be a "98% guarenteed victory." Pappas told church members that they all would be safe from attacks from all law enforcement until the case was ruled on in the federal court, which he projected to be "in June of 2016." Pappas went so far to assure the safety of the church members by his promise of filing the TRO that he said "Even just one violation from them before court will guarentee us at Least 100% protection for a Year for ALL ONAC members And too, would establish standing against any other states that attack ONAC in similiar ways. Problem turns out, that the TRO would never be filed... if it had, the church would already have 4 Restraining Order Violations against Oregon law enforcement officers.
In February of 2016, two months After the federal indictment was filed in Oregon federal court, Timm was questionably encountered by Douglas County sheriff's officials, abused, and now charged with "Domestic Harassment" and "Domestic Violence Assault 4" - claiming none other than Sachem Joy Graves as Timm's victim. Sachem Graves continues to assure that their is absolutely no merit nor grounds for such charges being alligated against President Timm on her behalf once-so-ever and emphasizes her "Rage" against Douglas County as well as the state of Oregon as a whole because she says the church has been literally "Begging for government protection on the state level since the first attacks began infringing on" they and their rights... all Graves says remains ignored and unaddressed by "state big wigs" (including now two governors thus far.)
And now, we come to yesterday... the latest victimization including another violent unjustifiable beating at the hands of Oregon police sustained by President Timm. According to Timm, a neighbor of the south valley sanctuary property came to the church asking for accompanyment two hours south so to get his laundry done. The neighbor said he had a friend willing to loan him the car to go, but insisted that he have a licensed escourt to accompany him. Timm agreed to ride along, which he did. As the neighbor dealt with his laundry, he began drinking... both whiskey as well as beer, unbeknownst to Timm. Once the young man was done, the pair headed back north, Timm riding passenger until the neighbor stopped to pick up a hitch-hiker. As they set out again, the hitchhiker began expressing great concern for the neighbors driving, to the point that the neighbor literally pulled over the vehicle and let the hitchhiker drive, the neighbor now in the passenger seat and Timm in the back.
As the night grew dark on the lone interstate highway, the hitchhiker realzed that not only did the rearr end of the car drag to the ground, but too, that the lights didn't and wouldn't work, and short after decided that this ride wasn't worth the risk or his effort, so he pulled the car over and literally bailed out back onto the highway... leaving the neighbor, now passed out sitting shotgun and President Timm in the back seat, the only one awake and alertable enough that Something needed to be done. As Timm began fittling with the car, trying to get the head and taillights to work on the side of the road, up rolled an Oregon state trooper. It was then that Timm would come to realize there was going to be a problem... when the state trooper flashed his flashlight over on the passenger floorboard and both then saw beer sitting at the neighbors feet.
The officer declared then that he believed he smelled alcohol and said that plus seeing the beer on the floor was "probable Cause" to call for Timm to perform a "Field Sobriety Test." Timm objected, statign that their was no grounds as he was Not operating the vehicle. He pointed out the fact that the car was literally parked on the side of the road and that it wasn't even on nor the key anywhere Near the ignition, including on him OR even in the car, that the hitchhiker had taken it with him when he bailed short before the officers arrival. But the police weren't having nor hearing it, and immediately placed Timm under arrest for Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol.
When the officer identified the passenger, the passed out neighbor, he let it be known that the passenger had a hstory for drinking and driving and in fact had actually ran over and murdered a small child while drunk and driving, which apparently was likely known by the lender of the vehicle... though it was wisdom Timm sure would have liked to have known before agreeing to accompany him blindly to it. Needless to say, this too now compiles on Timm as far as the Douglas County Courts are concerned, not to mention looks pretty bad initially to the judge soon to hear Timm's domestic case in a week from now.
As if the story is bad enough to end there, we haven't got to the beating Mr. Timm sustained this go-round at the hands of law enforcement, and that's because to this point president Timm was subjected to the hands of a state police officer and Two Douglas County sheriff's deputies. Though Timm does declare he believes he was handled " far more aggressively than was necessary" by the polce, it was the passed out neighbor, who now awaken by police state that Timm's real injury and trauma would be inflicted by the hand of Douglas County Sheriff's officials. "They really pounded on Timm, I couldn't believe how he Endured such a severe beating like he did, I don't think I coulda taken it."
According to the witness, it was Douglas County deputies that perdominently beat Mr. Timm, but says that the trooper did join in on Timm. "When the one threw Tim Timm into the douglas county officers car pretty hard, then they flung him from there onto the ground, face first and started pounding him." The neighbor, Seth Kessler added "After Tim Timm was put in the cops car, he got sick (threw up), I heard one of the cops say to the cops whose car it was that he shoulda beat him worse because he'd puked in his car."
From looking at the mugshot photograph, you can quickly see that the target of Timm's injuries ar found predominently in the face region, he states from having his face once again "Smashed into the ground" by law enforcement officials "Just like they had the other county do, same area... my head". Timm's diagnosis from the beating he refers to prior showed the main area of damage to have been in the 3 front lobes of his brain. However, in addition to this again being the case, Timm also notes that a few of his upper ribs feel "Lke something's not right, like they may be fractured or even broken, and it hurts when I breath too." Timm notes that his head is bothering him worse than it was prior to this incident, though notes that the last beating had already triggereed a "rapid degeneration" which he says did include constant pain as well as pressure.

In looking at both mugshots it comes clear that Mr. Timm's head seems to be the primary target of police in Oregon, and he says it's because "I'm the weakest link when it comes to this church defending peoples rights as well as rights to our sacrament." Sachem Graves agrees and says that despite these unjust efforts she and the church will continue to "Stand our ground in the rights liberties and freedoms that Oklevueha Native American Church alone apparently chooses to protect and defend." Both express great confidence in "Faith" that "Truth and proper justice will prevail and that ultimately ONAC will attain the proper protections without persecution by government entities ".
Mugshot from first beating 12/2013 Mugshot from Recent beating 5/2016
Oklevueha leaders say that the sufferings of ONAC Kautantowit's Mecautea as well as Timm will prove to show that the church does Not leave people high and dry no matter the angle of legal retaliation for being members of our church, especiallyhigh positions such as d dr those like Timm who are and willingly remain in the direct line of fire for simply standing his ground for that which is right and what countless generations of men and women fought and died for so that all could be and live free from such illegal persecution.
The unfortunate turn of event leading to the official termination of Pappas Law Firm as ONAC counsel has caused a bit of a hiccup as far as the legal progressing of the domestic case is lkely anticipated in resulting in a continuance by the court on his upcoming June 6th status check hearing scheduled in the early afternoon, but stay tuned here and we Will keep you posted and too, we Thank you for your continued faith and support in the cause in which men like Timm are enduring the front line of the schraptinal fire... blessings to all... be well and go in a Good Way... keep your smoke and prayers flowing!