Another attack on ONAC KM by Oregon proclaimed "Law Enforcement"
Well, it comes with great sadness, that once again we must report that Oklevueha Native American Church Kautantowit's Mecautea members again under illegal attack at the hands of law enforcement, this time targeting two Salem members for refusing to be victimized by a transient.
ONAC KM members Corey Busby and his mother LK Riggs opened their doors and their hearts to a homeless man who came to their attention suffering from some rather serious medical conditions who was otherwise roaming aimlessly throughout their community literally thousands of miles from "Home." The man claimed he'd come from Kentucky after losing his career and in turn, his family because of having developed a heart condition and too, a rare form of seizures. Busby and his mother both are well known and praised throughout the capitol city of Salem Oregon for offering such a "Hand up" to many grateful and positively benefitted people throughout the city, and both are considered members in high as well as admirable example within Oklevueha Native American Church for just such freely-given charitable acts.
Unfortunately however, as Busby and his mother both sorrowfully admit, recently they have discovered that not All needing help are truly willing to put forth positive effort in helping themselves when offered such a helping hand. Busby and his mother opened up their second home to a disabled woman and her caretaker/boyfriend who then in turn refused to leave and ultimately led them into court. "And now this situation and this guy just really makes ya feel like giving up trying to help people, which isn't spiritually the right thing to do or be made to feel."
Busby and his mother opened their home to more than just the homeless, they also too welcomed in church members passing through the area, which is how it is that this victimization would prove to play out, but not by the aggressor instigating the situation, but by the hand and decision of law enforcement, this time a third agency long hating on our sacred "weed".
As Sachem Joy Graves and elder member Michael Minter along with a youth delegate of ONAC KM from across Turtle Island ascended upon brother Busby's home where they were welcomed in with open arms, which after an all-night road trip was a sight for sore ears, and immensly appreciated beyond measure. Many friends would come and go from the house, and too, many prayers and blessings, even a few counseling sessions would go on before the sun would set on the pacific northwest that day, but all seemed to flow in proper accordance... until one transiet introduced to as "Dennis" would lose control and ensure there could be no going back.
Dennis Campbell is a middle aged man who presented his story as a man who lost everythig in life of value in his hometown of Kentucky beginning with his career as a truck driver and trickling down to losing his home, family, even his relationships with his children. According to Campbell, this all came about because of sudden health issues that onset without his understanding or reason, but as time would tell, not only did he know, but he actually caused it all himself by choosing loyalty to chemical drugs and excessive alcohol consumption. What Dennis paints as "unexplained seizures brought on by anxiety" turns out to be dependancy bordering abuse of prescription and over-the-counter pain medications, and as most of us know and would agree, alcohol being added into the equasion only tends to make things worse than they already are... which ultimately proved to be the case on the night of May 23rd 2016.
Initially Campbell was taken into church members home in exchange for doing manual labor in effort of earning his keep. Never was any rent paid nor asked for, despite declaring it His Home and attempting to wheel imaginary authoritive powers regarding it. Because the hole does not allow nor condone any type of addictive substances to be used, Campbell struggled often to maintain a harmonious balence in his daily life around the house, often times bouncing around in and out and back and forth as if he was supposed to be doing all kinds of things he couldn't remember. Ultimately Campbell volunteered to do laundry, cleaning and cooking duties around the house as physically he could offer very little if anything else, and too, he always presented himself in an irritated manner, claiming it was pain that he was lacking medication for.
On this evening, despite brother Busby's instructions of Campbell making ribs for dinner, for which brother Busby literally built a bbq pit for the ribs to be cooked, instea Campbell decided he would instead make street tacos for all at the house. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is a tiny tortilla with about a teaspoon of meat and other taco fixing items within. With these tacos, he made some macaroni and cheese as well. Once the dinner was made, Dennis set out to feed the "women" of the house... which included brother Busby's mother Ms. Riggs and too Sachem Joy Graves. Campbell announced to the room "I always make sure the women are fed first, the rest of ya'll can get your own" and then he left the room out back into his smoking room. At that time, brother Busby wasn't home and too brother Minter was resting on the couch from an all night drive across two states attempting to handle church business.
As Sachem Graves began eating her meal, brother Minter awoke, focusing his attention on her plate. Being the giving soul she is, Sachem Graves quickly gave brother Minter one of her two street tacos, but then apologized for having ate all the 1-2 tablespoons of macaroni and cheese that Dennis had put on her plate. Dennis came back through the room and seeing her sharing her plate with brother Minter said "Only ones I make sure are fed around here are women and children, the rest of ya'll can get up off your lazy Asses and get your own" and then went out into the back yard. Sachem Graves then suggested to brother Minter that he go into the kitchen and grab himself a plate, and still half asleep, it's what a hungry brother Minter set out to do.
As brother Minter went from the living room to the kitchen, he spotted the styrafoam plates that Dennis had prepared the ladies dinner with on the counter in the kitchen, and so, he reached out and grabbed himself an empty plate, but before he could even begin to assess the food, in charged Dennis... yelling and screaming that "How Dare" he want to make himself a plate, and in short, with very much attitude and derrogitory curse words, began ordering him out of the kitchen. Not fully understanding the issue, brother Minter sat back down the stryfoam plate and actually Apologized for having apparently upset Dennis as he unintentionally apparently had... but that alone would prove to be far from enough to calm Dennis down.
Campbell followed brother Minter from the kitchen into the living room where brother Minter sought the attention of the situation by Sachem Graves. With Campbell yelling stomping and cussing right behind, Campbell continued to just tear into brother Minter. Brother Minter remained calm and just took Campbell's verbal abuse and attacks as he stormed throughout the entire house, back and forth in and out of the room they were in. Other people present began trying to diffuse upset by apologizing for Campbell's behavior, stating that he was "Drunk" and likely wouldn't remember any of it the next day.
As Campbell would stomp into other rooms of the house, he would raise his voice, assuring that brother Minter as well as the entire household would hear his upset... making derrogitory comments geared at pervolking brother Minter into anger so to justify his own dishonorable behavior... but brother Minter wasn't feeding into it, he just continued to ignore it, even when Campbell would come within a few short feet of his face Yelling screaming belittling and cursing at him.
"I was really surprised as well as impressed with how calm and controlled brother Minter maintained himself" says youth Delegate/eye witness Tyler Chilson, "Even those of us who strive to remain sovergn I don't think could have endured all he did." Finally, the statement flew out of Campbell's mouth that would spark action by both brother Minter and Sachem Graves "I live here and you don't, if you don't like me or my behavior then you can find another place to plant your Ass and get the hell OUT" Campbell yelled as he stood over Sachem Graves.
Sachem Graves made the call, which was for she and brother Minter to leave the house and wait out front inside the churches vehicle until brother Busby returned home so he could be advised as to what was going and had gone on opposed to being upset to return finding them gone, brother Busby asked them to stay until he returned so that's what Sachem Graves chose to do.
Campbell continued trying to antaganize a situation again focusing his rage toward brother Minter, to the point where Sachem Graves even going so far as to use herself as a literal shield between Campbell's glares and attitude toward brother Minter. This continued on as Dennis would storm closer and closer to the vehicle looking to see if he was getting any rise out of brother Minter. Appearing to him as if he wasn't, again Campbell disappeared down the block but apparently still not off of it.
Upon brother Busby's return home, Sachem Graves took a short walk with brother Busby to calmly relay the going's on's since he had been away and informed him that they were going to go ahead and leave, but brother Busby assured her that she and the church members were welcomed into and at his family home and insisted for them to stay. Sachem Graves again said she thought they should go ahead and leave in the hopes of diffusing the situation but brother Busby Insisted they stay and assured that he personally would Promptly deal with Dennis regarding his behavior toward the church members as well as his statement of authority in His family home.
Sachem Graves returned to the church vehicle with brother Minter while brother Busby went in and initiated his confrontation with Dennis. Much yelling was heard by Campbell - he admitted all that had been said and began insisting to brother Busby that it was he who was in the right because HE lived in the home whereas the church members did not. Brother Busby wasn't budging, in turn leading to Campbell raising his voice and temprament toward brother Busby on Top of brother Minter and Sachem Graves.
Brother Busby tried explaining and reasoning the facts that though he and his mother had welcomed him to Stay in their home, that it by no means gave him ANY form of authority, especially in regards to the guests brother Busby welcomed into his home. Campbell didn't like that and flat refused to honor brother Busby's decision - actually rising up and screaming and cussing in His face as he had brother Minter short before. Repetatively you could hear brother Busby telling Campbell to "calm down", "lower your tone" and to out right "Get out of my face". According to youth delegate Tyler Chilson who was physically present in the home during this time, Campbell continued to raise his voice louder as he yell at brother Busby, and too that when brother Busby would say he was done and walk out of the room, Campbell was seconds behind wherever he'd go "Continuing to throw a fit so to get his way".
Brother Busby was followed into his own bedroom and screamed at, not just once but multiple times according to the witnesses both in and outside the Busby home, and brother Busby is noted as yelling back at him to "Leave my Room" and to not "Talk to me like that in my own house." Campbell was in and out of his room as he was with all the rooms of the house, and making sure his rants were heard by all both in as well as outside the house. Brother Busby then decided to exit the house and join brother Minter and Sachem Graves out front, which of coarse led to Dennis following and continuing his attitude outside toward all of them. "For over 2 and a half Hours Campbell would pace back and forth between brother Busby and the church vehicle where Sachem Graves and brother Minter were calmly sitting, bitching and grumbling, stomping his steps so hard as though he were trying to crush cans and glaring death looks at Sachem Graves and brother Minter.
Finally when brother Busby went back into the house, the only one Dennis was seeming to get any rise from at that point, he pursued brother Busby into the house and could be heard continuing right where he had left off. Finally it got to the point where brother Busby told Dennis "Since you cannot respect the fact that this is My house and you refuse to respect My guests, I think you better go ahead and leave", which set Dennis into an even deeper tail-spin. His rage escallated as he began calling Himself "A nothing, a piece of shit" but yet insisting that it was he alone who had brother Busby's back. Brother Busby was done, and simply kept insisting that Dennis leave his home, period that he was done and it was over... Dennis apparently couldn't accept that as brother Busby's final position and "flew over the edge" according to those inside the home that witnessed what would surprisingly come next.
Campbell, as crazy as it seems, began literally physically punching himself in the face screaming "All over macaroni and cheese your gonna take everything away from me... F**k you" over and over as he continued punching himself, literally cutting skin and drawing blood. Brother Busby and other witnesses were in shock to see someone hitting themselves So Hard like that, and for no justifiable Reason. A few witnesses tried stopping his self inflicting blows, but to no avail, so ultimately they all just came out of the house and began relaying to those already outside that Campbell was actually in there beating himself bloody.
A few minutes later Campbell stormed out front where everyone was, this time adding in terms such as "faggot" and "D**k Sucker" toward brother Busby, and too adding Threats of "Revenge" and "Getting even", going so far as to say "I will see you around Motherf**ker, and Believe that you're gonna PAY for kicking Me out!" Brother Busby couldn't help but to laugh and say "Oh what, you gonna come beat yourself up again blaming me because You disrespected me and my house and guests, whatever - it's time for you to go, good bye." Dennis stormed back and forth up and down the block yelling and screaming his derrogitory threats and attitude, acting like he was coming to start punching on brother Busby but as brother Busby would take a single step toward Dennis each time, it was Dennis who would then turn and rush himself a few feet away before turning and again running his mouth in such disrespectful manner.
Finally, a couple neighbors from a block away who heard the commotion and came to see what was going on, a spiritual man who wanted to attempt to make things better, quickly concluded that it was Dennis who was refusing to take self control and so the man insisted that brother Busby accompany him over to his house for a quick prayer and meditation. The man thought sure that by removing brother Busby it would diffuse the situation and ultimately leave Campbell with no other choice but to leave... if only that proved to be true... but those of us who deal with addiction and alcohol both KNOW it's likely never that easy when trying to reason with a person in such a meltdown, es[ecially as intoxicated as Campbell was, and that's not even factoring in his mental illness. "He never even left the block, he'd go down the street for a few minutes and then would return raising more hell" concur multiple eye witnesses.
At this point, many of the house guests began chiming in encouraging Campbell to just take his things and leave - obviously he wasn't willing to take any self control nor be respectful, but instead Campbell again began punching himself in the face. Ultimately he finally grabbed his suitcase and stormed out, not to leave mind you, to increase his audience which he did... now he was disturbing many of the neighbors on the street with his yelling threatening and cursing, and the more attention he got the louder he would get,
Campbell left the property with his suitcase, but not far or for long and he would storm back to the house yelling that he Was going to leave and "make everyone there pay", that he'd "Be seeing you Again". For another almost Hour, Campbell would seemingly leave but didn't go farther away than maybe a half a block before he would turn around and come back raising hell as he yell and scream at and about brother Busby up and down the street Busby lived on since he was a little child.
When brother Busby Reluctantly left the home thinking it may have calmed the situation down a bit, he handed the house keys to Sachem Graves with the instructions to she and brother Minter to "Put the kid in the house with my mom and lock the door, I don't trust Dennis in my home at this point and want to make sure that the kid and my mom are safe from him... you guys stay out here and keep watch... do NOT let him Near the house because I don't want him getting in."
Sachem Graves and brother Minter remained inside the back of the church vehicle parked right in front of brother Busby's front door as requested and watched as Campbell continue his fit up and down the block time and again long after having seen brother Busby leave the situation but not attempting to set foot on the land so ultimately he went unconfronted, other than by disturbed neighbors who had no patience for Campbell's conduct.
This return, Campbell made it a point to walk so close upon the church vehicle he literally bumped into it as he staggered in rage to the Wrong house and began beating on their door calling brother Busby out and seemingly into a fight. When the disabled female neighbor opened her door. When Campbell realized he was at the wrong house, he sat some of his stuff down and began yelling at the neighbor calling brother Busby names and saying "I'll be right back I'm gonna go beat his F**king Ass." The neighbor girl was obviously scared, she told him to stop and to leave their neighborhood, but of coarse Campbell didn't care and wasn't hearing it.
As Campbell left the neighbors pourch, he bee-lined toward brother Busby's, at which point Sachem Graves elected to exit the church vehicle and attempt to sway him into leaving. "This isn't doing you any good, it's only making things worse for your situation... and your disrespecting the only people who took you in trying to help you, you should just leave for a few days and let things calm down and then see what's repairable" witnesses say Graves said, but not only didn't CARE about the valid points she made, he then turned his rage directly at her, screaming slanderous and highly disrespectful things AS he literally came Charging at her.
Fortunately for her youth delegate Chillson saw it through the livingroom window and rushed out on the porch just in time to warn her. " "Sachem Graves again turned and addressed Campbell, trying to get him to leave, but he began verbally attacking her to the point she realized there was no reasoning with him so again turned and went for the church vehicle, just as brother Minter had opened the rear door and began exiting the church vehicle."
Again youth delegate Chillson yelled out for the Sachem to "Look out", and as Graves turned back toward Campbell, Campbell was within a few short feet from her with both fists doubled... as if he was about to hit her. "That's when brother Minter rushed from the vehicle and put himself Between Dennis and Sachem Graves" says witness and youth delegate Tyler Chilson "When Dennis (Campbell) kept going at her even I started yelling at him to leave and to stop, but he was in such a rage, it didn't do any good."
As Campbell kept charging, brother Minter rushed to save Graves from being struck Brother Minter used his shoulder to get her out of the way from Campbell's attempted assault. "She is an unhealthy frail little woman, and he was an out of control punk looking to hit someone" said brother Minter "It's my and every other man's job in such a situation to protect the women, and that's what I was attempting to do... I like to think I did, though now apparently it might mean I go to prison."
As soon as Campbell came into reach, he threw a punch- which thanks to Minter didn't get to impact her as intended. "Campbell's swinging fist smacked brother Minter in the right eye, and then he followed up with a punch into brother Minter's jaw." says Chillson. "Before brother Minter could even Think to respond to the physical attack, Dennis (Campbell) reached in and quickly grabbed a "Vise grip hold" on brother Minter's hair" (he has long thick hair in which he takes great pride and puts much care into). "Brother Minter began insisting that Dennis "Let go of my hair MotherF**ker" but his grip wasn't budging, Dennis (Campbell) began violently whipping brother Minter's head around using his own hair trying to throw him off balence." Minter began trying to release Campbell's grip from him," which ultimately proved to no avail, Campbell ultimately used the force of his grip to toffle both himself and Minter onto the ground... "Dennis had a death grip and flat wasn't letting go, even after they both hit the ground."
Now with both men on the ground Campbell still tightly gripped onto Minter's hair, with his free hand Campbell began trying to swing upward at Minter's face again. Youth delegate Chilson said that he and Graves both continued to plead withCampbell to stop and to let go of Minter and "Just leave", but that Campbell kept screaming he was gonna "Kick your Ass" to Minter as he attempted "At least a half dozen more punches" and calling Minter derrogitory names "That woulda made most men want to pound the guy for." Minter remained focused on simply trying to break free from Campbell's hold on his hair while trying to deflect Campbell's punches according to the eye witnesses. "Dennis (Campbell) then began squirming around and trying to now Kick Minter in the face, ribs and gut, "which he did a few half-ass shots connect."
Thankfully, brother Busby returned to the scene, to which Sachem Graves immediately called him to the situation, askng Busby to help get Campbell's hold from brother Minter's hair. Brother Minter, still trying to free himself, began trying to pull himself away from Campbell's hold, "We could literally hear his hair being ripped from his head, and not a small amount or a few strands either, we're talking a good inch around circumference" explains youth delegate Chilson.
Busby being seen coming up behind brother Minter by Campbell is what got brother Minter free from his death grip according to the witnesses, but as he released, Campbell jumped up to his feet, turned, took one step away from the boys and then nose-dived straight down onto the sidewalk - "Face down and butt sticking Straight up in the air." he layed there for a split second as Sachem Graves explained to Busby how things had led up to the now moment of the situation. Brother Busby called Campbell a "Dumb f**k" and ordered him to leave and Not ever come back around his home, and then as Busby, Minter & Graves turned to walk away from him, Campbell again jumped to his feet and then Charged at brother Busby from behind and attempted to strike him. Brother Busby turned around and seemigly lunged his chest toward Dennis, who turned and literally ran a few feet back, but then turned around as brother Busby was walking back toward his home and Again tryed to physically attack him. This time as brother Busby turned around to face his attacker, Dennis swung a punch towards brother Busby's face, which set him off and he reacted by raising his own fist. "Brother Busby never swung his fist, he just made and rose it as he dodged the punch coming at him, Dennis being in full motion literlly ran smack in to it with his face, then fell back to the ground, still threatening he was going to beat all of us up as he fell."
Again as Busby turned to walk away, Campbell began swinging fists at him from the ground as well as now trying to kick Busby... well, that was about enough, and far more than Most woulda taken... Busbylaughed at Campbell and told him that he simply wasn't worth his time and effort, to just move on and stay the hell away from here before he Really gets himself hurt.
Witnesses say that Campbell intentionally banged his face into the sidewalk a good 3-5 times, and then yelled to Busby that he was gonna make him PAY for kicking him out. He said he was going to ruin Busby's life and reputation and started calling him things like a drug dealer and a child molester - two things Farthest from the truth for anyone who knows Busby - this is a good man, a loving son, father and grandfather. To most, it woulda been fighting words, but Busby simply told him to "F**k off" and go find his own way somewhere else and continued walking back toward his front door.
For another 15-20 minutes Campbell continued his yelling and screaming to the point that even more neighbors began telling him to leave and telling him how Stupid he was being. Finally Campbell disappeared, leaving behind only a bunch of his cigarette tubes and a bottle of over the counter pain pills behind. Busby Apologized profusely to Minter, Graves and youth delegate Chilson - whom offered to leave and apologized for things having got to such a serious level. Busby assured as well as insisted that they stay and that it was he who was sorry that they had to endure such behavior at his home.
A few of the other house guests then stepped up and chimed in the fact that Dennis was extremely drunk. One guy said he had been "hammering beers all afternoon" behind everyone's back with him, while another admitted to have been sharing a whiskey bottle with Campbell as well. Seeing the bottle of pills laying on the ground from Campbell's pocket seemed needed to be added into the equasion as a few other witnesses said they saw Campbell popping "4 pills at a time" from the bottle "more than once" during the coarse leading up to this blow out. One witness say Campbell popped 8 pills in one shot while another said they saw him take 5 more pills within 20 minutes of having took the 8 at a time.
Just over four hours later, police would show up and ultimately Arrest both Busby as well as Minter, ultimately charging THEM with misdemeanor third degree assault. They were released a few hours later but cited into Marion County circuit court June 20th.
Police only sought to briefly question Sachem Graves as to what had gone on resulting in the physical confrontation between her church members and Campbell. "They didn't seem to care at the fact that Dennis was the one who kept initiating it, all they wanted to know was who hit Dennis how many times." Clearly this was a case of Self Defense if anything as far as all witnesses present were concerned, but ultimately, because Campbell went to the emergency room seeking pain meds in the condition he was in, officers minds were made up meaning ultimately it was the victims who would ultimately go to jail and the beaten one go free with his pills and the title "Victim".
Youth delegate Tyler Chilson being more of an eye witness than any parties now engaging with police also too tried explaining to the police that it was Campbell who caused and continued to cause the dissention, and too, that it was he who not only initiated the physical encounters between himself and the church members, but that he saw Campbell punching himself in the face multiple times Both times he did, drawing blood and stating that he was going to make Busby pay for it.

One would think that information by eye witnesses in a situation such as this Would be pertinent to "investigating officers" who ultimately are going to declare and determine whose accountable for what, but in Salem, Oregon, facts like this seem irrelevant so long as one person is bleeding whereas the others involved are not. Something is wrong with our system if lives like our members could be jepardized by the whim of a careless strung out drunk, but too it really makes one contimplate perspective when they come to find themselves in a similar situation such as our memebrs had here this day.
"Perhaps trying to avoid and diffuse a situation, remaining soverign and passive is NOT the right way to handle it - legally speaking" witnesses say. "I dunno... I just know that Oregon proves to be willing to give no respect or honor to any Oklevueha Members regardless what the legal situation nor their part in whatever... honorable or not, and that ladies and gentlemen is the True tragedy in this and all the other cases encompassing our members in the Pacfic Northwest."

Minter and Busby are both scheduled for arraignment on June 20th 2016 in the Marion County Oregon Courthouse. Please stay tuned for updates and what if any support You might be in position to give. Please make smoke and prayers for proper justice for our members and pray for their families, loved ones and relations.