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Despite major setback, ONAC continues forward and a New legal team jumps into action as Church Defen

As many know, Oklevueha Native American Church remains under heavy scrutiny from various angles within the legal systems of government across the America's but in the year 2014 ONAC felt more legal attacks upon their members and sanctuaries like never before, particularily because of increased attention on cannabis. A total of 13 churches felt attacks that year, one being ONAC KM of the Pacific Northwest, led by Sachem Joy Graves, and another authorized by well renoun cannabis expert physician Dr. William Courtney in the green-golden state of California.

Ultimately from the lot of the victimized churches, the leaders of these two independant branches having been victimized for cannabis sacrament medicine firmly persisted in the ear of mother church high elder counsel the desperate need for ONAC members to have a legal oversight counsel established in effort of handling legal attacks in an orderly regional based fashion. Leders ultimately all agreed that though it is not a Responsibility for the church to provide all of their members with legal counsel when it comes to their lives and judicial situations, that an Obligation Was justified for the church to errect a board of legal counsel to oversee church encompassed rights resulting in judicial question.

Oklevueha Believed that this had reached frutation enough to initiate and present that option last fall and so leaders of ONAC began officially announcing and trusting Pappas's sincerity of devotion enough to let it publicly become known that it was taking flight... that the ONAC Legal Counsel Board project was conceived.

This, as many well know, is when California Civil Rights & too "Cannabis" geared attorney Mr. Matthew Pappas was announced as officially being ONAC's "Secular Counsel." Our understanding is that this cme to be after some sort of a spiritual spark bringing Pappas to approach the church offering to provide his services "pro bono" right around the time that the Kenwood California ONAC that would become known as "The ONAC Sonoma Case" raid had happened, initiating Pappas's spark.

Pappas sold himself to the Mother Church based on his unique respect for the standing of ONAC as far as government and law were concerned and too his sincere belief in cannabis being a beneficial medicine as a whole, meaning spiritually as well as medicinally just as Oklevueha alone as a Native American Church stands and believes... as well as practices. Of coarse too, his offer to do much desired work being pressed as needed by branch leaders and increasing law enforcement issues between members and the judicial system too played part in the conclusion of it being "Creator Willed" leading to this decision that Pappas would be Trusted to represent Oklevueha on the legal level aspect.

Though initially effort was notably given by Pappas, meaning paperwork was prepared and filed and even personal appearances for support was seemingly effortlessly given by Matthew Pappas, from coast to coast. But as time would go by, and more "cases" emerged, it was presumed that the "oversights" were likely the result of Pappas trying to stretch himself to thin.

Little did the church stop to question any other reason for the mistakes being found upon closer inspection of those filings. As more and more flaws as well as concerns began flowing from the victimized churches and members, it wasn't long before Pappas apparently reached the point where he elected to seek out fellow attorney's in effort of helping him so it would appear, without even consulting with the Mother Church of Oklevueha mind you. Whatever aggreements or arrangements that went on during this remains unbeknownst to church leaders, but ultimately despite his growing number of collegues, not enough was materializing, meaning that things weren't being prepared nor handled correctly on really Any of the presenting cases, or at least not done correctly Enough to complete the caseses be able to declare as successful victories upon their parting of ways anyways!

This case is a prime example at the outcome of the consequence that would come upon the church because of it, but too, it wouldn't be the only ones. Most of the cases are lucky to be dangling by a thread, and irrepairable damages HAVE been suffered as a result, including literal Deaths, and that needs to be known and acknowledged if not accompanied by apoligies to the church all the way around as far as conscious is concerned! As the west coast cases and churches came under fire, and a family with five children Believed that Pappas via the church would help end the victimization of the children while in state authority back in Kansas state emerged- children who too have since been also abandoned by Pappas's attention And efforts to help them, a tangled web indeed soon began to unfold some Major deception from within "Team Pappas" that extended far beyond the boundaries of Oklevueha's members, right smack into the cannabis community Especially within the state of California.

Ultimately, long story short... a scam of fake branches from rubber stamped churches surfaced, and ultimately led to the termination of Pappas as representing legal counsel of Oklevueha Native American Church, and internal healing alone would not prove to be where the damage would end no more than it would end Within the church. Indeed without Pappas, Oklevueha was left without Any form of legal representation, and yet had many cases In courtrooms across the nation and too, been brought into even "International Incidents" as well as Non-Church related affairs. In addition to the obvious repercussions in courtrooms as Pappas and then "team" left many cases dangling and the return to square one in establishing a functioning legal oversight team, and not to mention many of the team under scrutiny and in question of their honor and integrity, victims are still emerging, and too, new angles of direction within their scams are also coming to light as well... as sad as it is to have to say, especially for their victims.

Though not complete, ONAC ishowever, Proud to announce that the level of function has been reached Enough since the termination of Pappas in the spring of this year, that Oklevueha has Not given up on it's conclusion of obligation and that legal representation is now in motion for the cases needing it! A New "Secular Counsel" has Agreed to come aboard as legal representation of ONAC And too he and the Mother Church have initiated the assembly of the ONAC Legal Counsel Team, and Thanks to this action for the Kentwood California ONAC Especially, despite technically being dismissed, their case known among ONAC as "the Sonoma county case" is not completely deceased as was ruled to be thanks to Pappas afterall, nor has Onac KiM's federal case known as "the Portland oregon case" as where it's scheduled to be heard, been completely lost either, credit again befalling Matthew Pappas according to Both court cases records.

As the legal counsel team are still hard at work under its own construction establishment as well as jumping into action to salvage the Pappas damaged cases encompassing ONAC, our inside sneak peeks thus far show a well organizing team of confident and trustable attorneys sincerely motivated by being primary defense for church and members rights being preserved. It also appears as though ultimately each state may be having assembled their own legal counsel team that will connect and report the oversight counsel for guidance and direction as well, a much needed resource benefit needed until respect for the laws separating church from government and government from church is attained. This will be a "Work in Progress" and will continue over the coarse of time as deemed necessary as church membership grows and is deemed needed.

Out of sympathy as well as the hope for a conclusion regarding proper Justice being attained, both California superior court has agreed to giving the Sonoma county case the ability to refile And the Portland, Oregon federal court have also been given the ok to refile their case within the court as well, which we say again are but two of the many priorities they're effectively tackling on behalf of the church as they assemble themselves to best benefit the whole of oklevueha Native American Church, they are actively and accurately jumping in and on the job, restoring the ray of Hope so many Oklevueha members needed and are grateful to see coming after the "Team Pappas Storm"..

The goal of having a legal oversight team within Oklevueha, just to kind of touch base on that for a moment so people better concept it's objective and purpose, is to ultimately provide it's branches and members with a resource to utilize in the protective efforts regarding the right of they and their members to spiritually function without consequence or negative repercussion from any form of court.

The ONAC legal resource team is by no means being structured to be Thee legal defense of the entirety of the church and every single member within it, but more as an oversight team that will oversee cases that encompass being consequence for having excercised their rights as OKlevueha Native American church members. In short, they will look over the shoulder of primary counsel and be the little bird with the voice of reason for direction in effort of the preservation of the persons church assured rights liberties and civil freedoms in the hopes of aiding in ensured they're maintained as religious freedom expressions.

A prime example as to how they are functioning this far is in the ONAC KM's "Utah case", where a church member is currently facing the threat of inprisonment for attempting to transport sacrament across country by car per the instruction of Then current legal counsel Matthew Pappas after the Portland Oregon case came about and the injunction was "Half Assed" thanks To Pappas. Because the case stemmed from the postal service literally illegally Stealing a care package bound for Ohio during the holiday season containing cannabis sacrament medicine for a member ailing from cancer. This ONAC member is being represented by court appointed counsel in the state of Utah, whom is in direct contact and counsel regarding this cases defense with the ONAC legal oversight counsel and continue to actively worki on the members defense with the team leader established to oversee ONAC KM's growing multitude of legal cases as government retaliation progresses on.

Ultimately in short, the ONAC legal resource team are like an invisible resource of oversight on behalf of the church to ensure the rights of members and branches are protected to the best of their ability.There are many attorney's as well as necessary staff assistants involved within this team at all levels to ensure that no member or church ends up left to fend without legal opinion on a church challenged issue on a legal level. The ultimate goal of the church is to expand this project where Oklevueha members and church come to need it, including well beyond the borders of this here "United States" of the America's but Everywhere Oklevueha functions as a church. Again this will be a time consuming endeavor and too will greatly rely upon member support, but thus far it appears as if the church is already making up for the setbacks caused by misplaced trust in less than honorable and trustable people.

Real quickly, we feel it is well deserved to at this point send a special Thank You to Mr. Sergio Sandivol, for despite landing in such a sticky situation as "Team Pappas" for standing true to the side of proper justice annd for personally going well above and beyond to not only pick up the slack from Pappas but to stay and actually help to clean up and then correct the messes and chaos left behind - your sincere devotion and too, your personal sacrafices are so grately appreciated by the many ONAC members you have helped and too that your noble efforts will continue to help in the future, you are a wonderful human being and treasured immensely for being a true you, Thank You Brother, many blessings to you and yours!


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