Douglas County Oregon sheriff's deputies strike again, on birth of the nation even!
After sending word of urgent distress over the hovering and victimization at the hands of local authorities, multiple members of ONAC Kautantowits Mecautea gathered together at the south valley sanctuary to see first hand alleged victimization against both sanctuary and church president Timothy Timm, and quickly did they see more than anticipated.
A church member, who at this point for the sake of protection will remain nameless, drove one of the church licensed vehicles to a nearby store and upon return to the sanctuary yesterday, found themself unjustly chased by Douglas County deputies. "As soon as the vehicle entered onto church property is when the police hit both lights and sirens and acted as if that justified them illegally entering onto the land" says the member who was legally driving the vehicle.
When asked how they responded, the member sated "I did what anyone in my position would have done, I ignored them and rushed up to the parking area of the sanctuary."
Upon personal evaluation on the property with the driver, it was easily assert aimed that legally speaking the member was already safely on church property when the police attempted to initiate contact, and in speaking with the other church members presently at the scene during the event it also quickly came clear that there was no legal Grounds substantiating the attempted illegal contact.
Multiple members who witnessed the events confirm that the vehicle as well as the driver were completely conducting themselves legally, and that it was in fact the officer violating both state and federal law, without reason. All state that the officer acknowledged that no laws had been broken to justify his illegal pursuit on the church vehicle, and that the officer made it clear that his only reason for pursuing it was because it was in fact registered to Oklevueha Native American Church, period.

"The officer even admitted that he didn't know Who was driving the vehicle" said two church members who directly verbally communicated with the deputy personally wanting to know why they were upon the land. One member noted that the deputy suggested he believed that another member was the driver, and when corrected to the fact that he was not, then began insisting that it then "Had to be church president then", the now nick named "weakest link easiest target" Timothy Timm. The deputy then attempted to order members to bring Timm to them for official confrontation regarding it."
As the driving member came up to the sanctuary landing area, the parking area was blocked by other member vehicles, so ultimately was parked in the direct travel path, the keys left in the ignition but engine off member witnesses confirm. "Because of where it was parked, the police car had to stop on the hill incline" which at this point the Vice President of the branch pointed and said "not a safe feeling location to have to park" with a chuckle, but what she said next is almost mind boggling: "the cop put his car in park and then went over and reached into the van, turned the key half on and then shifted the van into neutral, leading it to smash into a classic vehicle safely parked on the sanctuary and resulting in well over $1,000.00 in physical damage to the classic vehicle."
When multiple church members angrily confronted the officer for now having caused so much damage the officer "blew it off saying that he had to so he could get his car up to the parking area on the sanctuary property and then acted like that was all there was to it, closed case."
After smashing the classic and finally parking his car is when church members began heading for police confrontation, and the frat to find it was the Vice President and their Four year old daughter, who immediately had a hand gun pointed at them upon emerging from the sanctuaries longhouse (community gathering building), Untolerable according to church legal spoken Sergio Sandoval who quickly kept into action filing Two complaints against the sheriffs department for the entire illegal victimization this day, especially the pointing of a gun at a baby by what presented as law enforcers.
At this point police ordered all church members "evacuate the property for your safety" and illegally violated the sanctity of the church sanctuary by illegally wandering upon it. All church members but one evacuated, maintaining the fact that police had no legal right on the property and standing the ground of justice while ordering police to leave, which ultimately they did without further major incident.
Ultimately no one was charged with any infraction or crime as legally nothing warranted such an No Report was filed regarding the damaged classic car, despite the fact that the church Wanted legal action for the destruction of their property. Briefly the officer uttered under his breath as he was ushered off the sanctuary was "well just make sure the president of the church knows that his drivers license was put into suspension about a week and a half ago (thanks to his departments previous retaliation effort) so he is not to be driving". The actual driver during the event has yet to be "guessed" by police laugh the members who say it's proof enough for them that it's the church who remains under unjustified attack at the hand of entrusted and paid public "servants turned bullies."
Sachem Graves said she believes that title 16 of the us code section 241 and 242 were violated as their illegal presence made them present themselves "in disguise" because ultimately it was the deputy violating the law and rights of the church and members in an attempt to victimize them while on duty, in uniform and in a patrol car paid for by the people to be used honorably.
At this time it is unclear as to how if at all the church intends to proceed regarding this victimization, so stay tuned in case anything comes of it.