ONAC disgusted in attack on ill branch president
It is with growing outrage that the sheriffs official representing Douglas county and more importantly the state of oregon continue to target a medically unwell and federally declared disabled person as Onac KM President Timothy 'Talq-Talq' Timm, but apparently it is the choice they continue to make as more legal allegations come down attempting to bound the 51 year old man into a prison cell one way or another.

Church leaders all conclude it's to do with his defense of the sacrament, an all heal non-dangerous, addictive or deadly plant that they officially detest...cannabis, aka "marihuana" and insist that the retaliatory attacks have increased far more since the church filed a federal suit last winter. "I am legally the weakest link in the church branch" declared ONAC KM President Timm "because I have a criminal conviction record, and in spite of not having any record for so many years, because I do have one and the sachem doesn't makes me their easiest target in attempt of crippling our churches ability to function, and my ability to properly function."
The initial upset within the branch came in the unexpected arrest of Timm in February, when the church van was almost immediately pulled over within less than a quarter block from the sanctuary and with a tazer buried in Timm's chest at the heart region, he was arrested and charged as victimizer of both the church and the sachem, charges the sachem herself says she feels are souly "illegally construed by the county as "an act of retaliation in attempt to destroy our church".
Sachem Graves went on to point out "the fact that they are basing every single of their "secret grand jury indicted case against Mr. Timm proves without any room for doubt that they are basing them on convictions from his past in attempt to easily convict and imprison him."
Now, the counties newest attack comes against Timm in the form of drunk driving and reckless driving charges, neither which they can materialistically Prove mind you, but that doesn't seem to stop them, while already on release for the domestic based alleged charges, which both say makes since beings Timm had pled guilty to such charges more than two decades ago in his past when he did have an issue of struggle with alcohol as his marriage dissolved and his only baby son was restrained away from him...hence their concept for generating their domestic victimization both say and ultimately includes a "court ordered no contact order" between church president and sachem and ultimately resorting in no choice but dormancy for the branch on an official functioning level. "How is the church to actively function when the two leaders can have no form of contact with one another" barks sachem Graves "and too, how can personal issues be handled for him if I, his sachem, his clergy, his mental health counselor And his durable power of attorney can have no form of contact with him for crying out loud."
According to medical records Mr. Timm sustained a sever traumatic brain injury which resulted from a police beating in the winter of 2012, months before their cannabis church branch "United Cannabis Ministry" was conjoining into the Native American church and second severe TBI, which ultimately physicians say results in more severe injury than a first, especially in Timm's case beings the first wasn't ever treated.
Statements recalled being made by the attackers upon the regaining of his consciousness from that beating confirmed to him that it was because he and Graves were using church rights to protect cannabis in a neighboring counties community who apparently asked that Timm be beaten for it as if it were a favor. A federal suit was filed on behalf of Timm but like recently experienced in Onac, ineffective counsel dropping legal balls tend to delay and deny proper justice. Graves says that is when Douglas county began digging into Timm's conviction past and "drumming up bogus charges in effort to maintain bondage control over him."
Graves says the county then charged Timm with tin can theft and used it to deprive Timm from attaining proper medical care out of state that was urgently needed for him because of the police beating, and that the paper trail of time frame and physical evidence easily prove they held that case until the statute of limitations ran out on Timm's suit, meaning in lamens terms that it couldn't be heard or addressed by the justice system and in turn they not held accountable for his wrongful and excessive victimization of him while posing as public Servants.
Once the statute "ran out", the case cleared the courts hold that bound him to the state of Oregon and depriving him from medical attention needed and as attention as it became known that Timm was obtaining medical attention for the damage and the official diagnosis's confirmed the severity of damage caused by the beating but also too showed how Important it was for Timm to receive medical attention and treatment for it.
When this became publicly known is when Graves says the domestic victimization charges "popped up" and again deprive Timm from the still urgently needed but state deprived medical attention and treatment. "So they started with the cans he was convicted of back when he was 19 and asleep in a car being used by otiers for stealing tin cans that were caught red handed, then go with the domestic as did his trail of convictions from during the times of his sticky divorce, and now they are trying to finish him off by drinking and driving as he had back 25 years ago, it is no coincidence, it's just not justifiable other than their chosen coarse of retaliation on him" Graves said as she assures will not go unknown publicly as well as in any form of court sessions targeted against him. "All we can do is hope that they do not enclose him into a corner before he can attain the medical attention desperately urgently needed for His best interest as a human being to the point something happens To him... Time is of the essence when it comes to the human brain after all.
According to the medical records, Timm is believed to have multiple blood clots in three of the five regions of his brain a well as a hemhorrage that in turn are rapidly degenerating various aspects of his symptoms ranging from hearing and vision to sensitivity to light and hot and cold items into notable mental degeneration.
Church leaders feel it is beyond reprehensible that the state would attack such a disabled person and deprive him of such urgent needed medical attention and ultimately agree and conclude that the official timeline does justify the position of it being souly fueled by officials personal views on the churches chosen sacrament medicine. The cases pending against Timm are in line for the churches legal counsel oversight teams attention. Please stay tuned for further updates.