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ONAC seeks Restraining Order against Douglas County Oregon Sherriff's department

Because of the never-ending attack on ONAC KM memebers, especially specifically branch president Timothy Timm, Oklevueha Native American Church is seeking a restraining order be filed on the sherriff's department in effort of protecting the church and president.

"Our president has been victimized Enough by this county and we will tolerate it no more" says church sachem Joy Graves who is pushing for the action being swiftly taken on behalf of the church and the president. Graves says that it is not Timm alone being victimized, and that because too many members have and feel victimized that the church is about to officially draw the line of tolerance deep and publicly wide in the hopes of truly protecting their members and rights both as a church as well as independently.

Graves, who is named a victim of Timm by the county says that it is Timm who is realistically the victim, but insists that it is the sheriff's department of Douglas County Oregon who is continually attacking Timm and the church, not the other way around. Multiple members as well as neighbors all seem to confirm eye-witnessing what they feel are deliberately initiated attacks upon both Timm and the church sanctuary land. "Tim can't seem to leave the property without being encountered and harassed by sheriff's deputies" say some while others add "We never had so much police presence around the neighborhood until they established the church here."

Several church members state that they have had deputies confront and engage with them wanting to know answers such as "What do you guys do in that tipi" to "How many can fit in there" on down to the point-blank question of "What all drugs do you guys use in there?" The members say they are seldom asked for their names or identification and ultimately they believe there is no record noting an encounter between they and police at all when such questions are inquired,

"Our church has fallen under police attack since within 30 days of being established as a Native American Church" says spiritual leader Joy Graves, CEO and Sachem of the Kautantowit's Mecautea branch of Oklevueha based in the Pacific Northwest, "How many other churches had to file 3 complaints with the FBI within a month and a half of establishing, other than ours literally begging for their help and intervention."

Though Graves is quick to point out that she and her associates victimization from the county as well as the state began before associating to Oklevueha, ultimately she says that all of the targeted victimization does stem from the direct choice of cannabis activism. "In 2010 I was ordained as a minister of the United Cannabis Ministry of Central California, a well renoun sibling church of Roger Christie's "The Hawai'i Cannabis Ministry (THC Ministry) of Hilo, Hawaii, and as soon as I established publicly that this property was then declared sanctuary ground, that is when Douglas County Sheriff's officials began targeting and attacking any who would be seen coming or going from here." Graves says that when encountered by law enforcers, there was always a sarcastic attitude quickly seen by police toward she and her church, but more-so towaard the sacred plant medicine she had long been a front-line freedom fighter defending... cannabis, also known as "Marijuana".

Graves says she had her eyes set on Oklevueha church for a great many years and was "Beyond Honored" when elder medicine man James Warren 'Flaming Eagle' Mooney met with and in turn gifted her a branch of what she calls "The strongest standing civil rights church upon the land."


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