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KM Member gets confusion from Oregon court

Today proved to be a rather confusing day for ONAC KM member Michael Minter whom has been charged as a criminal for defending his church leader from a vicious assault back in May when a highly intoxicated transient attempted to close-fist punch her, ultimately punching him instead twice in the face and ripping out a good portion of his hair.

Michael Minter appeared in court on the 19th where he found Two attorney's present in effort of representing his case, Ms. Julia Hyde, the attorney the judge court-appointed him as counsel and also Ms. Shannon Douglass, the attorney Ms. Hyde's company self-appointed to represent him in the case. What none of them could apparently find, were answers.

When Minter was arrested and then released back in May, he was given a paper from the jail noting that he was facing a "probability" of being charged with a "Misdemeanor Assault 3", which according to state law is not an option as Assault 3 is defined as being a "Class C Felony". When he appeared for arraignment, the judge confirmed that he was in fact being charged with the Assault 3 and that it was a misdemeanor chaarge he was facing, interesting indeed since it was condictory to state law, but here nor there, Mr. Minter was scheduled to "Enter in a Plea", meaning that the courts were expecting to hear either "Guilty", "Not Guilty" or "No Contest" from Minter regarding the case.

It was at that time Mr. Minter and his family would come to learn that there was a "Secret Grand Jury Indictment" encompassing Minter therefore meaning that he would Not be able to enter in a plea at the time as whatever the indictment concluded, it was Not being announced nor addressed with the court. "Since when is an alledged "Defendant" Not informed as to what crime he is being charged with by the state in court" growls Sachem Graves, who let's it be known how extremely "disgusted and disappointed" she and the church are for the entire

In court it was noted that the defense has Yet to receive a complete copy of the Discovery evidence planned on being used against Minter, which is interesting to this reporter as the judge had personally directly ordered the prosecution to supply and provide it to the defense last court hearing but as of today the defense still have yet to receive it, ultimately meaning that Another continuance was inevidable. So much for due process" in Oregon's "Justice system" right.

The court did not clarify Any of the charges actually pending against Mr. Minter, which really should have been addressed beings the prosecution announced a "secret grand jury indictment" ensuring Mr. Minter was going to be facing more prison time if convicted at the last hearing.

Mr. Minter was scheduled to reappear September 21st before the court for another "Seven Point Hearing", aka "Status Check".


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