KM President accused of Stabbing Sachem
In a bizaar twist, the District Attorney of Douglas County, Oregon has elected to pursuit formal legal criminal charges against Kautantowit's Mecautea President Timothy Timm. The charges alledge " Domestic Violence Assault 4" and also "Domestic Harassment."
Though Mr. Timm has Yet to receive any formal copy of their Discovery of Evidence, his court appointed legal counsel has confirmed that none other than Sachem Joy Graves as Timm's "Victim".
Sachem Graves on behalf of Timm as well as their church, made multiple attempts to communicate with the District Attorney's office in the hopes of finding out what exactly it is that they;re talking about, but ultimately to no avail. a\Apparently they "Refuse" to discuss their case against Timm with her, interesting indeed as Timm was scheduled to appear for a jury trial on September 29th 2016 at 9Am and this was the first Graves learned that she was declared their "Victim". Graves, who formally became aware of this in July by the DA, was only told by the DA's staff that their case was "Based on a third party 911 call more than 2 years ago."
It would be because of Graves determination for answers that she would come to find out from Mr. Timm's court appointed attorney that the DA is alledging that Timm had stabbed Graves "In the neck back in July of 2014," an incident Graves insists Never Happened! "I think I would remember if I had ever been stabbed" snapped Graves, "Especially in the neck, and not to mention so close to my Birthday!" Graves goes a step further in the whisking of her hair up onto her head and insists that we note that their is absolutely no form of mark nor scar anywhere upon or even near her neck that would indicate ever have been stabbed, poked, cut or anything else of such a physical nature as claimed by the District Attorney.
Though Timm, Graves and the churches legal team continue to ask for and wait for a complete copy of the Discovery intended to be used against Timm in court, when asked to speculate as to "Why" they believe that this pursuit against Timm is happening, both concur simetanously that they "Know it's nothing more than retaliation against us" because of their choice to defend their right to use cannabis, and say that it "Will continue onward until affirmative action permanently stops them from attacking we and our church." They believe this and other attacks are the governments intentional retaliation on them because of their religious beliefs, practices and choices.. specifically their use of what Oklevueha Native American Church deems "Sacred Sacraments".

Sachem Graves states that their religious and medicinal choice to use cannabis, more commonly known as "marijuana" is why government law enforcers have and continue to "target" she herself as well as Timm and other active church members within Oklevueha. "Contrary to what many across the nation seem to believe, cannabis is and remains far from truly laxed upon by the state of Oregon's government as with the Federal Government's position as well, and as long as they are allowed to continue to dictate and regulate our Creator Gifted sacraments, we will continue to stand against them, and in turn be victimized until they are forced to Stop their insanity and madness and give us the respect that we deserve as Creators Creations."
As of now, Oregon has "legalized" the medicinal use as well as the recreational use and cultivation of cannabis, the industrial cultivation and use of "help' aka Cannabis, the taxation and sales of cannabis, and too, have Rescheduled Cannabis "marijuana" from schedule 1 to a schedule 2 controlled substance under the states "Controlled Substance Act." Sachem Graves says that this "Is where the root of the problem here starts." According to Graves, Cannabis does not meet nor fit into "Any definitive criteria that would justify it being a controlled substance at all according to their own writ."
Graves says that because of the "Sellout tactics" now emcompassing the plant, meaning "All the money to potentially be had" and the goal of them eliminating medicinal sanctions so to "Not look bad" as now being seen in Washington state, that Religious Recognition alone is what is likely also going to prove to be the only "honorable" option left in the tree state that threatens the profiteering auntrapaneurs seeking this "Green Gold Rush" rapidly serging across the west, especially by individual state governments, and that her churches firm stand is essential "If we as the people of this land are going to maintain Any of our Creator Given Rights that our ancestors fought and even Died to literally attempt to protect". Graves goes on to assure that "No matter What they continue to do to victimize us in attempt of bullying us out and away from freely excercising our rights Will be endured as long as I live and breathe, though Not Tolerated any longer "Because they are causing irrepairable harm to our members and ability to function in a beneficial way for them!"
Graves states in addition to her insisting that the incident never happened, and literally begging for them to dismiss the case against Timm, that she has also signed a Civil Compramise which Timm's attorney has agreed to promptly file along with a motion to dismiss the charges against him. Graves is also pushing for the DA placed "No Contact Order" between she and Timm to be vacaed immediately because "It is crippling our ability to properly and honorably function as the church".
However, thus far there seems to be no sign of a dismissal in sight, which ultimately the two believe will not happen until the case is heard before a jury who have no prejudice, but too, state that because Oregon government "So willingly chooses to be the weapon used against us", that the church is in process of not Only re-filing an Injunction against the federal government, "Including this time as it was supposed to include before the State of Oregon as among our attackers." Graves also notes that "Their accountability will not stop there as far as proper justice nor legal filings are concerned regarding what they are doing to our members." Graves firmly believes that not any government will honor or respect they or their churches rights until forced to, "Which means we will have no choice but to hit them in their red, white and blue wallets," and on that note, encourages us all to stay tuned for further explination of that statement as well as Oklevueha's strides continue forward.