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The State of Cannabis, aka Hemp and Marijuana

Before we begin getting into all the legistics of cannabis, also referred to as Hemp and Marijuana, it is important to know that ultimately we are talking about the one plant family "Cannabis Moracea". Within this family, there are but 3 Creator Created siblings: Cannabis Indica, Cannabis Sativa, and Cannabis Ruderailis. Historically speaking since the dawn of human recording, all three siblings were catigorized as being the one plant family "Cannabis", but by the 1930's that simplicty would forever change in a grey medicine way.

Throughout human history, cannabis was acknowledged and revered as being a beneficial species of plant in a multitude of levels, many of what we are again seeing today as beneficial to our way and ability to live. For tens of thousands of years, cannabis was historically recorded by about every species of human to walk Mother Earth as being medicinal, in fact, it was actually listed in many cultures as being "An All-Heal" herbal plant medicine. Cannabis was also revered for it's fiber, pulp and oil" production options as well. That is where the clarity started to blur when it came to legal definition and dictation.

To truly look at the position, we must first look at the fact that as the settlers emerged upon the "New World", that which ws native to the America's was considered "Indian", and with cannabis it was no different. As the settlers came upon cannabis growing abundantly here, they quickly named it "Indian Hemp" You see ladies and gentlemen, it wasn't just the People who were renamed, and as time will progress forward you will see, that it wouldn't be the first time either would be renamed here either!

Now, to look as to the creation of "Law" encompassing this particular family of plant here on our land, we must first look to Jamestown during the year 1619, for that is when the very First law involving it was written in what we now know to be "The United States of America." That initial law stated that for every 5 acres of "Crop" a farmer grew, whether it was wheat, corn, cotton, etc., that by the passing of this law, they Had to produce an Additional 1 acre of Cannabis "Hemp" or else they were subjected to a fine as well as literally being thrown in Jail!

It was never specified as to which sibling of cannabis had to be grown, nor were their any tests nor standard of criteria that was needed nor required to be met to satisfy this government requirement such as quality nor quantity, whatever the farmer relinquished to them was accepted without question or complaint period, and interestingly to point out, it was such Because it, meaning the cannabis was actually the first ever form of taxation the people of this land faced as the people occupying it! Ultimately as time would progress by, cannabis would take on the name "Indian Hemp", and in time, become known and referred to as just "Hemp".

If we look to the writings of our nations "Founding Fathers", we can clearly see the differation initiating the separation of purpose for the cultivating of cannabis. In the diaries of George Washington we find that he grew cannabis both for industrial as well too as for medicinal & recreational uses. "I missed pulling my male plants by 6 days because of the war... now I must wait another season for my Blossoming Hemp." This is the best example, not only of the fact that this plant was utilized and declared as having a value to we the people of the land, but too, clearly shows the multi-purpose factor of cannabis since way back when.

George Washington grew cannabis industrially in the form of a plantation, but too, he also grew it to consume as well. Industrial crops did not care nor show concern as to hether or not the plants were male or female, and were ultimately left to grow together until harvest, meaning that ultimately the plants would breed with one another, resulting in the formation of seed. The stalks were the primary focus of an industrial cannabis crop, which was unaffected by a breeding and too, males and females both produced immense fiber from their stalks, so farmers growing for either industrial or for tax purposes need not concern themselves with whether or not their plants were male or female, nor did they have to worry about spearating one from another during a grow.

On the other hand, if cannabis was being cultivated for medicinal or recreational consumption, these otherwise insignificant details become greatly important. Only female cannabis plants produce quality flower worthy of ingestion, and unpollinated flowers at that. A pollinated female flower will produce multiple seeds per flower which ultimately re-route the potency of the cannabis flowers from the flower to the seed and ultimately diminish the quality and potency of the plants medicinal value content. George Washington noted elsewhere in his writings that he in fact did ingest and consume cannabis for medicinal purpose... to help eliviate the pain he had due to bad teeth.

Cannabis ruderailis was not looked at for either medicinal nor industrial purposes as it has the lowest THC content of all three of the siblings and too, because it grew extremely small and produced no real fiber to speak of either. Cannabis ruderailis averaged only 2-3 feet in height, whereas cannabis indica averaged between 7-9 feet tall and Cannabis Sativa was praised for averaging between 7 to 18 feet tall. The height of the plant determines the fiber and pulp yeild. All the siblings can grow about anywhere and under any conditions, but too, a successful harvest also required the factoring of the seasons and climate zoning as well.

Cannabis indica can grow in a four season enviornment so llong as it has about 8 weeks of flowering time to be considered successful. Cannabis sativa on the other hand would need 6 months of flowering time to produce quality flowers outdoors. Where our founding fathers lived, Sativa was grown and worked well for industrial cultivating whereas cannabis Indica was grown and proven well for consumption cultivation. Ruderailis again was left out of perspective here as it was deemed to be worthless for either reason cannabis was being cultivated.

George Washington is not alone in noting the importance of cannabis being part of our daily lives, most all of his era have including John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson noted that while he was president of the land, he smuggled quality cannabis seeds into our country from Europe and went so far as to state that had he gotten caught doing so, he could have literally been executed. Jefferson noted that despite the risk, he believed it had to be done for the best interest of we the people living here on the land, and because of his efforts as well as he and his friends successfully growing it, he opened America's first ever papermill which ultimately initiated our liberation and dependance upon Europe. The final straw was the throwing of England's tea into Boston Harbor... we didn't need them Or their tea, we had our own including cannabis and ours is better!

In the early 1920's, the government decided to determine what over-thee-counter medicines Should or should not be labeled as "poisonous", which back then included non-deadly medication substances but that were very strong, such as alcohol based tinctures and plants including cannabis. This is where we find the beginning of the separation of the cannabis families siblings. It was decided that cannabis Sativa would NOT be labeled as a poisonous medication, but that cannabis Indica Would "Because it is by far the stronger medicines of this plant family out of the two". Cannabis ruderailis would remain out of the scope of consideration as it was "least potent" of the three.

Then we come to the year 1937, when the writing of laws governing cannabis would forever change for the worst all the way around. Harry Anslinger would present cannabis to Congress under the new racial slang name "Marihuana". When asked by Congress what this marihuana was, Anslinger described it as being the most dangerous drug to come down the pike into society. Anslinger would then be the "expert Witness" who would testify to the reefer madness propiganda still shadowing the facts and reality as to what this plants benefits are truly all about and keeping the masses away.

Not one person who knew Anything of cannabis at all on any sort of creditable level were present to speak on behalf of the cannabis family, and so, within 90 seconds of deliberating, thankfully for them no real Evidence to review, Congress acknowledged Marijuana as being "Cannabis sativa L." and quickly Outlawed it per the request of Anslinger, and things began to become blurry since when dealing with the aspects of "Law" regarding cannabis.

You see, Anslinger was the very first "Drug Czar" for these here United States so for him it was "job security" - what battling both Mother Nature and her plants and all, but his reasoning didn't stop their by a m ile. Mostly if one takes a closer look into the "Clicks" of that time era, quickly one could deduce that it was also "Social Relations" that geared Anslinger to target a harmless and helpless yet extremely beneficial and remaining subservient to date as he so blantently had. Ultimately Harry Anslinger was America's first Paid Profiteer with the goal of exterminating it!

Predominently, it was plantation sized fields of cannabis that were targeted by law enforcers of that time, which, if reflecting back to the wisdom of George Washington we can quickly assertain the target was in fact cannabis sativa, which was now legally named "marihuana". Eventually, as time would go on, that coarse would be blurred by the attack and destruction of cannabis indica gardens as well, and left never corrected as being done in error.

In 1973 the United States government created what is known as "The Federal Controlled Substance Act", which is a list of substances that they deem as dangerous to people. Within this, they have created sub-catigories so to define the level of danger per substance, schedule 1 being the Most Dangerous and schedule 5 being the least dangerous of all the substances to be included into the list. "Marijuana" was deemed a Schedule 1 controlled substance by government conclusion, meaning that is was among the most dangerous substances to be included into their list, that it was addictive, deadly and had absolutely Zero medicinal value, and unfortunately remains so still today.

And to no surprise, it wasn't long thereafter before individual people were being harassed, arrested, tried and even convicted and Imprisoned for possessing small amounts of what was labeled "Marijuana". Since then countless homes, families, material possessions and freedoms have been Lost, not Only to those convicted but to All who encompassed and had part in their lives since prior too even their sufferings as convicted victims.

Factually and scienticially speaking however, Cannabis has since proven without room for any doubt, to be "A safe, effective" and beneficial medicinal herb that is non-addicting, and non-dangerous, nor deadly. Cannabis has proven to be able to heal the un-healable, cure the otherwise medically in-curable, reverse not only symptoms such as pain, muscle spams and even neurological disorders, but too reverse the Damages otherwise irreversable from conditions onset by things such as Stroke, Dementia, Alzheimer's The Institute of Medicine (IOM) further concluded that cannabis has no harmful side-effects or even withdrawl symptoms either, so it's puzzling to say the least how it is that the government could warrant it being included within the controlled substance act... "On neither a state nor federal level."

Here nor there, it is and remains unchallenged nor uncorrected to date as far as "Law" is concerned, and is adopted as well as enforced by the great majority of the individual states that make up our "Great Nation." Graves says that she and her churches fight roots there, but that federally is only one of her churches battles with a goal of cannabis liberation, "Creator has his ways, plan and time-frame when it comes to All Things perrtaining to the Earth, we as Kautantowit are but Some of his mere tools of the 7th sacred fire times... he chose the place for us to stand our ground in the defense of our rights as well as his Creation, knowing that the government has picked the when and where, Creator decided that he wanted us to be the who, including us and this takning place within the state boundaries of Oregon".

When asked to explain, Sachem Graves points out that the state and federal government each have their own version of a Controlled Substance Act, and that contrary to common belief, they are in fact different as far as definition and verbage is concerned. "The federal government defines Marijuana as ONLY BEING Cannabis Sativa L." explains Graves, whereas the state of Oregon defines marijuana as being All the Plant Family Cannabis. "Most states adopted the Controlled Substance Act from the federal governments version back in the early 1970's, but Oregon state did not, they re-defined the term all on their own, which is one of the main roots to the problem, and Why Creator has decided that Kautantowit's Mecautea would foundation in Oregon."

When inquiring with the Secretary of States office as well as the state's Department of Justice, all conclude that Oregon "Copied the Federal Governments Controlled Substance Act", but clearly Graves says "Someone must have copied it wrong, else it would read the same." Obviously for Oregon's government to have rescheduled cannabis as they did Without electory prompting from the residents of the state, it would seem that the states government acknowledged the plant as being medicinal.

Today, when we look across the land that is our nation, we see marijuana becoming an accept ed face among society, at least as far as canna-business goes. Daily there seems to be headshops and dispensaries setting up shop almost as quickly as did Starbucks and McDonalds. We see almost half the states honoring the need of medicinal use, but too, faster springing is ultimately showing to be toward honoring the adults free choice whether or not to use the all-heal and danger-free herb, a path Graves calls "Sellout".

Ultimately though, Graves remains confident in the fact being that whatever the position and motivation as their laxation on marijuana travels, ultimately it legally should have no bearing nor adverse consequence on Oklevueha nor their member's "Creator given right to All Mother Earth's medicines." And in closing, she encourages Everyone to research for themselves the Utah State Supreme Court Case ruling titled "State of Utah v. Oklevueha Native American Church, James and Linda Mooney" where the unamous ruling in favor of the church was given and in it, specifically noted that members of Oklevueha "Have the right to utalize All Earth-Based Healing sacraments.

"Cannabis is not only one of them" says Graves, "She is among the most important and sacred Of them... Cannabis is our Mother Medicine... the tree of life, and eager to aid in the healing of all nations."


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