Share Christie next victim of war against nature
On July 8, 2010, Roger and his wife Sharryanne Christie and 12 other individuals associated with The Hawai'i Cannabis Ministry (THC Ministry) were indicted by a Federal grand jury in Honolulu on Marijuana possession and trafficking charges. They quickly earned the name "The Green 14" in Hawaii. What would later come to light, was that Roger was also head of the Oklevueha Native American Church of Hilo, which according to the Utah State Supreme Court, do in fact have the right to use "All earth-Based healing sacraments". So what is the problem here?
On Sept. 27, 2013, Roger plead guilty to marijuana trafficking and two counts of failing to file income tax returns. He Believed that in return for his plea entry, that his wife would be spared from prosecution and incarseration, apparently that was wrong. However, On April 28, 2014, Roger was sentenced to a term of five years in federal prison, with credit for time already served at the Honolulu Federal Detention Center. Once released and finally allowed to go home, the reality of fact has slapped he and his wife hard in their faces.

From the words of her husband~
"Share has to fly to the mainland October 6th and self-surrender to federal prison on October 11th for 27 months plus 3 years probation after that. She's already served over 6 YEARS on Supervised Release with zero violations. Share is over 65 and a first-time, non-violent person with health challenges. That would make a total of over 11 YEARS of federal custody - that's unjust, unfair and unconstitutional. She was ruled by our federal judge to be sincere and religious / legitimate; a very special, positive and rare designation, so why the loooong sentence? Why ANY prison sentence? The longest one of all the Green Fourteen?"
It is an outrage that the federal government would choose to put Share in prison just because her husband was legally sanctioned to perform ceremonies as a cannabis sacrament using church, especially when he was granted a license by the state of Hawaii sanctioning him specifically to use it during church ceremony. While her husband served his stent, the state of Hawaii Legalized the medicinal use of cannabis. One would think that the Color of Law would come into play, meaning what's good for the goose is good for the gander, but apparently, just like other states, religious rights must still be attained and honored before victims like Roger and Share face punishment no more.
According to Roger, "Getting high with safe and natural Cannabis is a spiritual term for a spiritual activity that "We the people" have a fundamental religious right to. It's part of our birthright inheritance from the Great You Name It as humans on planet Earth."
According to the human rights entitled us, every individual himan being has the right to all things of and from the earth, however as time progreses forward, especially within the boundaries of legal law, one quickly learns that their position is quite the contrary. Religion has to fight for the recognition of being honored, and until that is achieved, people like Share will continue to be victimized. Oklevueha Native American Church stands with Share and is doing what they can to productively help and support the Christies in the hopes of sparing Share having to go to federal prison.
"We're going to file a Motion to Vacate the Sentence based on Share already serving over 6 years on Supervised Release with zero violations. Add 27 months in prison + 3 years probation = over 11 YEARS of punishment for a woman ruled to be sincere and legitimate / religious for a plant that's safe to use? Not fair; cruel and unusual."
What is it exactly that the federal government feel they stand to accomplish by throwing a 65 year young woman like Share Christie into federal prison? What exactly did She do that they feel was so criminal that they would have to lock Her away? For three Years they kept Roger in a cell, not even allowing him visitors or phone calls, not even from his wife, but so long as she was free, he endured the worst of the hell he thought they would put the couple through. Now, unfortunately not only for them but the whole, we are about to see that Rogers worst fear is about to come true, it just lacks the goal being a benefit to society.
Share is scheduled to fly to the mainland and turn herself in to federal officials in Phoenix, Arizona. We the people Should be outraged and unwilling to stand for this. We are Hoping to bring this to the public's attention and to build up the much needed support system that the Christie's are about to really need to get through this. We are Hoping that people will come and rally around Share on that dark day not so far away. She was no threat all these years while her husband was kept locked away, but because she stood by her husband and there's nothing more they can do to him, it's apparently her turn to be attacked and punished because she refused to turn tail and run away.
As stated above, October 11th is the dark D-Day for Share Christie,, in Phoenix, Arizona. We HOPE that people will turn out to show there support and compassion on Share, and too that action will be initiated so that it rings clear that we the people of this land do not stand in support of such the abuse of authority under the guise of legality. We also encourage people to contact their representatives on Share's behalf, as well as not forget her if and when the cell doors swing shut on her. Letters mean the absolute WORLD to people incarserated, and so we encourage you all here today to prepare some stamps, especially with the holidays fast approaching.
There is no victim, therefore one versed in law would know that there is no crime, except the one being waged against Share and those like her who believe that we have God Given rights to the land being thrown in prison for defending a plant that can heal many ailments, and not just for humans, but animals as well as the overall health and well-being of our very planet.
We believe that the reason victimization such as is happening to Share now, is because ultimately it's our rights of birth that now threaten the governments ability to freely and solely profit off plants like cannabis. We can see, it took so long to get cannabis honored as being medicinal, but since then, society has learned that shitloads of Money can be made so in turn, the law has been geared toward tax and regulation. Cannabis activists have praised recreational laws that have been put into place in some states, to the point they seek it in more. This coming election, it's reported that 20 states are to consider regulation, yet very few are moving toward medical recognition.
Washington state about has lost their rights to medicinal use this very July because of the sellout move of recreation. We wonder how many more will follow their example and eliminate medical too. Oregon seems next in line as state officials have said "Less than 200 people are registered in the medical program who are under age 21, meaning the medical program is now obsolete."
In Oregon, patients as young as 2 years old have found extreme benefit in having the right to use cannabis as medicine. Children have beat life threatening seizures as well as bone cancers otherwise medically "uncurable". We wonder when they will look into the eyes of those patients and explain to the parents of the sick children dependant on the program and explain how it's ok that their child will now DIE because people over 21 can now legally pay taxes and get high. Least we forget Cahs Hyde, who had ben sucessfully cured of cancer Multiple times, but ultimately Died when the state jumped in and prevented him the right of access to the cannabis medicine.
We are at a crossroads, and unless we the people rise up and stand, more children as well as others Will suffer and even Die if we allow the government to deprive us of this safe and natural plant medicine. We HOPE people will join us in this fight, and again, that we can come together in support of the Christie's and other victims of prohibition. Together we CAN make a positive difference, and the sooner we do, the more people will stop suffering and actually surviving!