Creator sends reenforcements to Standing Rock

The first and most important thing to be said in regards to the situation at Black Snake, aka, the DAPL pipeline protest in North Dakota, is that those standing in opposition to the pipeline are Not "Protesters"... they are "Protectors". For those of you seeking answers to Black Snake, we hope you find this article informative.
The DAPL pipeline, which as historically taught about through tribal prophecy is known as "Black Snake". It is a 1,172-mile tar-sand pipeline conduit slated to carry crude oil from North Dakota to southern Illinois through the Black Hills. The project was approved by the federal governmnet in July 2016, and has since grown into one of the most hostoric stands of our lifetimes. In short, the Dakota Access Pipeline is really another name for the “abandoned” Keystone XL Pipeline and the goal is to wring every last drop of Bakken crude from North Dakota.
Because those who honor tribal wisdom know that “water is a basic human right opposed to being a commodity to be exploited”, in September, the bands of the Sioux nation joined together in effort of stopping Black Snake from coming through the Black Hills, highly sacred spiritual land to the North American tribal people. This is historic in that the Sioux Nation have not stood Together united since the mid 1800's!

According to The Dawes Act and the Allotment Act, authority opened the reservations throughout the United States to settlement by non-Indians. The tribe maintains jurisdiction on all reservation lands, “including rights-of-way, waterways, and streams running through the reservation.” This in turn means that the officials of law enforcers on our land are wrong and acting illegally, throwing our nation into obvious distress.
The Standing Rock band of the Sioux Nation, whose source of drinking water will be crossed multiple times by the pipeline, filed a lawsuit to block construction. Other tribes whose ancestral lands are also slated to be crossed by the pipeline voiced their concerns also, including the Osage Nation and Iowa Tribe THPO. A break would threaten the water supply of everyone on the river, most immediately the indigenous tribes living nearby.
Even though the pipeline is slated to pass underneath the Missouri River half a mile upstream of the Standing Rock Sioux reservation boundary, the final environmental assessment filed July 25th 2016 stated that the Army Corps of Engineers concluded that "There will be "no direct or indirect impacts" to the tribes, land or people inhabiting the land. This statement came with their request for a permit 12 which would give them the legal green-light to proceed as planned. DAPL's goal is to have the Black Snake pipeline completed by this coming fall, something that hopefully Will Not come to pass.
Getting approval for this permit would allow DAPL to continue the Black Snake pipeline construction in the 200-odd sites across four states in question. According to the official reports, their Black Snake is "already 48% complete." This raises question as to how it is that in such a short time so much could have been done to construct Black Snake before it got to the point of the tribes having to file federal cases in court demanding they be heard as treaty law required from before the start of such a project.
On August 4th 2016, the Standing Rock Sioux, now legally represented by "Earth Justice", filed an injunction, suing the Army Corps of Engineers and asking the court to compel the Corps to withdraw Permit 12. Eleven days later, Energy Transfer Partners, the parent company of Dakota Access LLC, sues the Standing Rock Sioux chairman and other tribal members for blocking construction.

By August 22nd 2016, the world had no choice but to recognize that an official stand had been taken by the protectors of the land. The protectors are led by the Standing Rock Sioux, who say their drinking water is immediately threatened by the pipeline. The first historic moments were when the Sioux Nation came together in a unified stand, as it had been more than a hundred years since the entire Sioux Nations officially stood together in such a stand. History was again made as tribal nations came to Cannonball North Dakota to stand with the Sioux Nation, including tribes who have long history of standing in opposition of the Sioux tribes. As the numbers of physically present began to rapidly grow, the federal government of our United States, out of panic, went immediate oppression mode, turning a peaceful situation into a line on a battlefield.
September 3rd, a holiday weekend mind you (Labor Day Weekend), two DAPL bulldozers fired up and intentionally set out to plow over 150 foot wide of a path 2 miles Long through what the tribal people insist are among some of the most sacred of their spiritual grounds at Standing Rock, completely and intentionally an attackative move by DAPL as that ancient site was within days before its destruction was awaiting review by the state historic preservation office to determine the importance of it's preservation.
Also please keep in your mind the fact that on the day marking the anniversary of the White Stone massacre from 1863, when the Army then killed more than 300 tribal members of the Standing Rock Sioux Nation, also intentionally marked this day in Black Snake battle of being one where the tribes were wrongfully and unjustly attacked. In addition to video surfacing showing DAPL's private security attacking Native protesters with dogs and mace without any justifiable reason or cause other than being out-right malicious and too, officials have placed concrete barricades along the main road to Standing Rock. At least 30 people were pepper-sprayed and six people, including a child, were bitten by dogs on this day, according to tribe spokesman Steve Sitting Bear.
On September 6th 2016, US District Judge James Boasberg agreed to temporarily halt construction on a portion of the Black Snake DAPL pipeline—too late to save the Standing Rock Sioux burial ground, but enough to stop the bulldozers ahead of a more final ruling promised in the coming week. The following day, Gov. Jack Dalrymple apparently grew impatient waiting for a court decision still 2 days away and went ahead and called for the North Dakota National Guard to increase law enforcement efforts at the pipeline protest site. Some wonder whether or not he knew that District Judge James Boasberg intended to deny the Standing Rock Sioux's injunction request, allowing for construction to continue, which did officially transpire on September 9th despite logic, respect or common sence.
To the worlds surprise, the Department of Justice, the Department of the Army, and the Department of the Interior issue a joint statement that same day short after the official ruling, acknowledging the district court's opinion but refusing to authorize construction in the Lake Oahe area, near the protests. The departments asks Energy Transfer Partners to voluntarily cease all construction within 20 miles of the region until it can be determined whether the construction is in violation of the National Environmental Policy Act.
On October 9th, a federal district appeals court again refused to grant an injunction, this time dismissing the Standing Rock Sioux's request for a permanent stay on planned construction. The decision according to officials, "Reaffirms Energy Transfer Partner's legal right to continue building".And again, on the following day,The Departments of Justice, the Interior, and Army issue a second joint statement, again refusing to authorize construction permits and requesting that ETP cease construction voluntarily. ETP defies the departments, choosing to go ahead with construction anyways.
This is important to really clearly and coherantly comprehend for all the human beings on a global level, because their stand, is in defense of all of Creator's Creation - water is life and all species Need water in order to literally live.

At the hand of both private security hired by DAPL as well as law enforcement officers and personnel themselves, there have been literally Hundreds of physical assaults, mace and teargas attacks, beatings with batons, even vicious dogs brought out and ordered to attack the protectors. Elders, children and even pregnant women have been reportedly targeted and attacked without just cause, while those arrested due to profiling tactics have reported being antaganized, abused and treated sub-humanly. There have even been reports of protectors horses being shot and killed by so-claimed officials!

Drones are being used by both sides, of coarse law enforcers are reported to be "shooting down" drones that are not their own. People report being pulled over by police for traveling to and fro for no reason other than because they are associated with the protectors stand against Black Snake. Among the hundreds arrested, including media personnel, most report being strip searched, many stating they were kept in jail cells without not only any clothing to wear, but blankets to stay warm or covered for 24 straight hours if not longer.
These mass arrests and beatings are highly questionable to say the very least, but too, are clear indications that it's the side of DAPL who continue to disregard and break the laws of this land. The 1868 Treaty makes their point best of all, which the protectors encourage all to read for themselves before commenting about tribal lands. In it, you will find the "Supreme Law of the Land" (as treaties are referred to via the US Constitution) details who has claim on that land. It's not DAPL, OR the State of ND.

The proof of prophecy fulfilling in the Black Hills continue to be seen as history is daily made by the indigenous "tribal" nations of our land as now more than 500 federally recognized tribal peoples have joined together at the front lines as Black Snake slayers of Turtle Island, despite the danger of personal safety people continue flocking to the frontlines of the Black Snake battlefield, and those who cannot attend personally are standing in support across as well as beyond the boundaries of our continent, such as can be seen in the picture here taken at the capitol building in Sacramento, California. Today hundreds of people occupied Grand Central Station in New York and they then marched to Bank of America offices and JP Morgan, both banks whom reportedly funded the pipeline standing with Standing Rock in protest of Black Snake.

On September 25th 2016, the Standing Rock Sioux Nation posted the following on their facebook:
The chairman's statement at the Protecting Native Land and Resources, Rejecting North Dakota Pipeline Forum:
"Thank you for taking this time to hear us. It's really important that we understand where we are coming from as tribes from across this nation. From my perspective, I don't think it's the perception that we oppose economic development or we oppose energy independence or we oppose national security. What we oppose is it being done off our backs. For too long, there are too many cases where tribes have been forced to give and continue to give. Today, we pay for the Missouri river, Lake Oahe Hydropower with Western Area Power Association so that this nation gets affordable electricity.
One of the things that we at Standing Rock go off of is one of our leaders of the past was famous, famous for his quotes. If you ever hear of Sitting Bull, if you know who Sitting Bull is... Sitting Bull came from Standing Rock and one the most famous quotes that he has is, "Let's put our minds together and see what we can build for our children." So today as this is the topic, something that guides us in our decision-making as leaders: We are putting our minds together so that the kids, the ones not yet born, have something better than what we have today. It's a constant strive to make sure they have clean water. It's a constant strive to make sure that sacred places are protected so that they have that when they're here.
We've been in this battle for a couple of years, it's been ongoing. We were going through litigation with the Corps of Engineers because we felt that we are a sovereign nation and we never had meaningful consultation for a project like this. Another project that is bringing infrastructure through our territory without us having a say. And what's law is flawed, so we want to make sure that this doesn't happen. We should have an opportunity in the future no matter what to have a say. The way we've been doing that through prayer and peace. I have to share that with you because we've got a lot of attention and it seems like attention only comes when there's negativity.
Attention only comes when the media thinks there's something worth reporting because it's negative. But, we're getting attention because of the positive. We're doing something positive and we're doing it in a peaceful way. We have an opportunity for policy change with the three agencies coming together and saying what has been going on, is it necessary? You do have legitimate concerns. We have to stop and look and review what has happened in this permitting process in a project of this magnitude." That's good, we welcome that opportunity to say but I just don't want this to say "OK, this is going to happen no matter what the next pipeline is, we'll make this change." We have to make this change with this pipeline and there is a full EIS done."
I wanted to talk about the treatment that we receive from our own state. There is a state of emergency by the Governor. We have blockades re-routing traffic that's going to our Nation. We have the National Guard called in. We have low flying planes. We have the Governor contacting the Pentagon to investigate waste, overstepping the district. I need to let you know that this is the treatment that we're getting and it's not right. Not only that, we have the Dakota Access Pipeline and the way they treat Standing Rock. Standing Rock had sacred burial sites of our ancestors and they came in and destroyed. It's not right. They were privvy to information and within the law sometimes things are legal but they're just wrong. I know this case, it's just been wrong what the company's done.
Recently, they purchased the Cannonball Ranch, yesterday the transaction was final, the documents are signed and recorded with the county and the money was transferred. So the owner of the Cannonball Ranch, where we're demonstrating, what we're protecting, has now been sold to the pipeline company so it's really disturbing to me because the intention is all wrong. Without having any further review and without understanding what the process was... it's not fair. It's not right and the company is going to try to move forward without any consideration of tribes. I am not asking that you stop this pipeline, I'm asking that you do a full EIS."
October 27th reports came in from Sacred Stone camp indicating that approximately 7 different states police officers arrested between 114 - 141 protectors and fired what they call "non-lethal beanbag shotguns" and maceat protectors while arresting them!
On the morning of Halloween, while the protectors were engaged in morning prayer, hundreds of Tatanka (Buffalo) stampeded at Standing Rock, a strong spiritual validation that the protectors are on the red, good medicine road and that Great Creator IS paying attention s the 7th sacred fire times of White Buffalo Calf Woman prophecy fulfills. Buffalo is extremely sacred to all tribal peoples of this part of Turtle Island (North America), as is Eagle, who also came in clear undeniable support of our protectors.

As this issue continues to progress onward, all the front line tribal supporters call upon all people across the globe to join the stand in solidarity with them, preferably in person if you can, but in Any way you can however you can. Oklevueha Native American Church including Kautantowit's Mecautea honorably stands in solidarity against any further criminal acts by the Corporate States of America against Indigenous People and against the planets natural resources. This is a spiritual battle for generations to come. Clean water and air is a right, not an option.

There are many protector camps established, two primary camps occupied by Protectors against Black Snake. One is located within the “official” reservation boundary (Spirit Camp) and the second “main camp” (Red Warrior Camp) with the majority of the protesters located on U.S. Army Corps of Engineer’s land just north of the Cannon Ball River.
Another notable camp is "Sacred Stone" camp, who report that "Police are currently desecrating the burial grounds of Alma Parkin and Matilda Galpin, the indigenous women who once owned the Cannonball Ranch, where Dakota Access is working day and night to finish their pipeline though they have no permit to cross the Missouri River. They have unleashed pepper spray and tear gas on water protectors standing in the river with their hands in the air. In the last shot, notice the small tree on the top of the hill where the armored vehicles are staged. This is the grave site. This is unacceptable."
Meanwhile, to add another interesting twist, we have just gotten reports that more than 350 clergy from across the nation have said they will stand with the “water protectors” blocking construction of an oil pipeline adjacent to the Standing Rock Reservation in North Dakota during a “unified action” tomorrow (November 3rd). Had such respect and support have been given back in the 1400's perhaps our land wouldn't be in such the thrashed state it is today, but here nor there, better late than never - right! John Floberg, supervising priest of the Episcopal churches on the North Dakota side of Standing Rock called for the clergy unification at Standing Rock stating that “increasingly provocative and excessive” actions by authorities need not be tolerated.

Ellin Jimmerson, a Baptist minister in North Carolina whom also plans on attending Standing Rock said "Members of the clergy are often quite reluctant to take a stand, we saw in the civil rights movement that religious leaders were the last to arrive at the party. We need to be first." She went on to add in a media interview "This has to do with America’s long and sorry history of wanting to override indigenous people’s rights to their own lands.” She also stated "It continues a pattern of racist attitudes toward Native Americans, who have seen every treaty signed with U.S. government broken in some measure" and says proof of that is found in the fact that the pipeline’s route is that originally it was slated to go much closer to Bismarck, N.D. and that when residents there resisted, "It was rerouted toward the reservation."
With winter coming, the tribe has began establishing a safe place for protectors to have access to the resources they will need. The state has indicated that they lack permits to accomplish this legally but the tribe refuses to not provide for the protectors. Thankfully it's being reported that the local Episcopalian church is offering adjacent land to set up a winter camp, with church facilities available as a community center for the Protectors as well. Reverend Floberg has been involved in ministry in the area for 25 years and he states that he "is thrilled at the response to his letter requesting that clergy join him in a unified action."

Spiritual leaders of Oklevueha Native American Church maintain our standing at Standing Rock with more leaders as well as members also preparing to join the protectors on the front lines of Black Snake. We Highly Encourage you all to come down and be counted as part of history and prophecy fulfilling.
Caravans, charter busses and carpools are forming nationwide to help supporters get to the front lines of Standing Rock in Cannonball, so for those in need of transpo, we encourage you to network with like-minded supporters near you. People are coming by all means possible, from walking to driving, carpooling, horseback and even canoe!

“I just hope to be a part of a clergy presence there that says violating indigenous people’s sovereign rights to determine what happens on their own land is contrary to God’s will,” Jimmerson said. “Neither people nor the land are commodities to be exploited.”