A shred of Justice as case is dismissed against ONAC KM Members
It is with great relief that we announce that the pending assault case against 2 ONAC KM members have officially been dismissed.
Elder Warrior members of the Kautantowir's Mecautea branch Michael Minter and Corey Busby were charged with felony Assault 3 for stopping a physical attack on church leader Joy Graves from a transient while they and other members were involved in a missionary visit to the Busby family home earlier this spring. Both members and the church maintained that the members actions were justified by the states definition of self-defense which is what Busby and Minter's position in the incident clearly was.

Upon eye witness evidence along with actual video showing the transient literally trying to initiate a fight between he and the defense counsels private investigator, a frustrated judge told prosecution that he expected a dismissal request against the members "within 72 hours" if they could not provide substantial proof showing that the members acted in self defense. Ultimately this is how the dismissal came about.
"True justice would have been the members not having to go through nor be subjected to any court involvement" stated church leader and the men's clergy Joy Graves "The fact that they had the threat of prison forcing them to jump through hoops at the court's whim for all these months is deplorable, and the duress they caused they and their families, friends and loved ones is beyond deplorable."
Graves sates that she and other witnesses began attesting to the facts "Before either member was arrested." Minter states that he had insisted from the time of being given his first of 4 court appointed attorney's that he wanted the transient charged for actually criminally assaulting him. Minter says that not only did the transient throw the first punch but that ultimately the transient was the only one who threw any punches on him as he threw himself into the line of fire and impact as the transient was trying to punch his sachem "a woman" in the face.
It is unclear at this time whether or not the state will consider filing charges against the transient, or what if anything the church will do in effort of getting their members repatriations for all the hardship they've had to endure while the cases against them continued over half the calendar year, but one thing rings clear, members and leaders of ONAC KM state that this along with other cases still pending in Oregon courtrooms "Was retaliatory due to their hate for our church" and that despite this small victory, the church does intend on holding the state accountable as well as doing all it legally can to protect and defend further attacks on church members.
Please stay tuned for further news and information, and Thank you for taking the time ro show interest and support for Oklevueha Naive American Church, blessings to you one and all!