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Another small victory (and feather) for ONAC KM

It is with happy hearts that ONAC KM reports that the military veteran recently mentioned Has been granted mental health treatment by the courts, despite the VA intentionally dropping the ball in their obligation to help her and the states attempt to escape cost burden!

Thanks to the devotion for justice and the compassion of church members, and tearful testimony this afternoon, Multnomah County officials have ordered a 180 day treatment commitment for the 36 year old woman, 30 days which will be continued at OHSU and then the veteran will be transported to the Oregon State Hospital for the remainder of her care. From there officials say that she will be placed in "Transitional Housing once she is able to safely be released" and that they will continue to arrange the long term housing and medical needs of the woman from there.

Though church members and officials are happy to hear that the woman will be helped, still they express that the "break-down in the state's system still needs addressment and correction". Church leaders express great concern while reflecting outward at all the other people still in desperate need of such help remain without the resources needed to help them attain a better quality of life than the great majority continue to suffer through. We hope that this story will prove to be a light of hope for them, even if ever-so-dim, and ONAC KM wishes to emphasize that despite this success they still intend on pushing for improvements to such systems.

"We are going to continue to advocate for resources and support in government systems that are greatly needed both for the whole of society in general and especially so for our nations veterans." ONAC KM leaders state that they will continue to insist that the Portland Veterans Administration acknowledge this woman's service in the hopes that they will step forward and presume their obligation to the woman as her treatment and care continues forward. "The VA should be ashamed of themselves for turning any veteran away in such dire need as this woman, and it's our job as a church to make sure that they do and too, that they straighten up and fly right!"

Oklevueha would like to at this time, say thanks and sing the praises of 75 year old Diana Arling, a pre-comittment investigator for Multnomah Mental Health for more than 35 years of sincere dedication and devotion toward helping people, for without good-hearted and compassionate people such as her, only Creator knows what could have happened to this woman. Also too, ONAC KM sing praises to Sergio Sandoval, Oklevueha's legal church counsel representative for all he personally did to help ensure that this veteran wasn't discounted like so many unfortunately are. We would like to wish her and Sergio as well as all of you a blessed and gloriously memorable holiday season and we look Forward to continuing such beneficial services for and beyond church members for years to come!

This right here shows the importance and positive difference Oklevueha strives to make within our communities and society, and we are happy to share in this victory with you. If the church and it's members were not there to advocate for the woman, officials say that she would have been put out on the street and likely suffered detrimental consequences before finding her way back into their system, if not worse. Church officials state that this is an example of the positive community services Oklevueha strive to provide, for, and in this case even beyond the scope of church membership. "Church member or not, this woman is a human being in need of help that is owed to her and all like her suffering, Oklevueha sincerely strives to be a positive resource in society, and especially so for our nation's heroes, and we are honored to know that today we made a positive difference in this woman's life, especially when no one else was willing".

Merry Christmas everybody, and a happy healthy and propserous New Year blessing for you all. Stay tuned, because we've only just begun!!!

Please stay tuned for future updates and reports from the front lines of the human preservation battlefield! A'ho!


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