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ONAC KM's view and position in Oklevueha

Please join us in an in-depth discussion with ONAC KM Sachem Hawkeye Graves regarding the establishment and strides of she and the church.:

Before I begin, I would like to briefly tell you why and how my branch came to be in Oklevueha, so you can better picture all the pieces and my fitting into them.

James chose to gift me my branch for multiple reasons, ultimately to be the martyr for our mother medicine sacrament (cannabis) while he was attending Seattle Hempfest in August of 2013. The ancestor spirits he accredits for this, and Jack Herer is who I hold accountable for it, lol. Jack was a second father to me and I his caregiver for 13+ years at this time, before he was murdered in 2010. He is renowned as "The founding father of the Global hemp/cannabis movement" they and his book refer to him as "The Emperor".

James's son Michael 'Raging Bear' Mooney was already under federal fire for that stand and James was completely on the fence about the plant (yet to ever use it) but ultimately wanted Someone willing to jump in front of his son like a shield on behalf of the church regarding the defense of this sacrament... and I agreed. Among the great many things I was to accomplish in order to be entitled to such an entrusted position, James also insisted that the tribe of my great grandmother (Narragansett) "Give the blessing of the branch", which I didn't know what or why but agreed. The tribe did not Want involved association with Oklevueha, but ultimately agreed and gave the blessing of our name 'Kautantowit's Mecautea" which tribal counsel explained means "Great Creator's Warrior Soldiers who fight off evil and the enemy." James was ecstatic!!!

As you may know of the 7th sacred fire times prophecy of White Buffalo Calf Woman (Sioux), James via Oklevueha IS the igniter Of the 7th sacred fire times, and we the independent branches thereof, ARE the Warriors of the Rainbow... elder counsel of the Narragansett tribe solidified that by blessing us with our branches name... James is Still fathoming the meaning (and for us the obligation and Responsibility) of that fact of reality, but for our branch it continues to emerge proof as we progress.

As I began to understand this, and counseling with various tribal members and their elders, I began to get "cold feet" about following through with this path, Especially when told the deck was stacked against me - first for being a Woman 'Sachem' (chief), and second because my skin pigmentation is caucasian and too because I'm Not federally owned "Injuin" - I say that that way because it's my detestment of the Racism line encompassing the division of we native Born "American's" still in play- thanks to our common Oppressor.

The Scariest thing I was warned about by the tribal elders was "The AIM Generation", that they would bring me the most trouble, hatred and possibly even physical harm. Luckily being under Jack's wing so long, indirectly I knew a former head Of the AIM movement back when it began just after the occupy of Alcatraz, which this source was also actively part of - John Trudell. I highly recommend you check out, his autobiography online via youtube, but don't require it, lol. He's considered a prophet among many things By most all the tribes and then-some, he most notably starred in Thunderheart Awesomely!!

Initially when I tried speaking with John about Oklevueha he was turned completely off by the term "Church", and flat Wasn't enthused at ALL about it, but I told him like it or not, he Was gonna be an essential component To My "Church" whether he agreed to it or not, Which he said he didn't, lol. As time and our encounters continued, by the mid-second, he was far more open minded to my branch of Oklevueha and ultimately became my personal spiritual foundational support and confidence!

When I told him of my concern of resistance/resentment from AIM he said he "don't speak for AIM anymore" but assured me that my resistance/resentment from AIM would be minimal in his opinion, and overcome If I stay on proper focus of the good red road, so onward I Charged saying Hoka Hey which made him Proud! He counseled me until a month before he crossed over to Happy Hunting Grounds about a year ago, telling me to "Always remain clear and coherent and focused on the greater good" and so I have.

As he said, the resentment opposition I have faced has proven to be fairly minimal, but getting through it head on as he said has got my branch as well as the whole of Oklevueha on the favorable end of their scales of judgement opposed to where it was before my branches establishment, and from there additional branches have joined in in the strengthening of that position including right now today with Standing Rock and the "Protectors".

Then James and I put our plan into action of getting me to the front lines, and by June 2014 was our first legal issue with the state courts of Oregon. Ultimately we baited a county sheriff into illegally raiding one of my sanctuary properties in Oregon While the church members present were literally still planting our sacrament garden. 13 plants were pulled from the ground where 33 were to be - the rest were not Found! Long short of it, James and I got the court to acknowledge And Accept INTO evidence and court record ALL the Credentials of Oklevueha all the way back to the original Native American Church... Without ANY Challenge on the state's part!!!

Ultimately the state filed for a dismissal of the charges against the members and myself (I was indicted on my Birthday that year and threatened with "20 Years in prison"), and according to James that win Has benefited and protected other branches in their battles with the legal system, even getting a few members out of jail/prison. However, other branches did and still Are coming under legal fire, which brings us to the point where all my reason for this formation unification of our branches into fruition. At the time our church was attacked, 12 Others were attacked legally as well! I don't know what came of the others cases, but ours is going in the ONAC legal book being completed now by the instruction of the mother church.

Because I am not sure of how much you were aware of as far as what has been impacting Oklevueha over this last year (2016), I will briefly re-cap from the beginning of what I refer to as the major breakdown, which was about February of last year that we began realizing their was a problem Internally as far as the whole of our church was concerned.

We had a situation in Sonoma County California at an independent branch sanctuary which resulted in the destruction of a garden and the arrest of the branches President if I remember correctly, else it was their CEO, one of the two. At that point an attorney from the Long Beach area named Matthew Pappas jumped forward and offered to represent the branches case "Pro-Bono", and Immediately prepared and filed an injunction and lawsuit on behalf of the branch and mother church. This was in the fall of 2015, 2 weeks before their harvest!

Then in December, my Pacific Northwest branch ('Kautantowit's Mecautea' = ONAC KM) had a care package of ours to a patient member back east Illegally STOLEN from the Portland, Oregon US Postal Service. Mr. Pappas was in Germany at that time, but as soon as he heard about it, he agreed to and ultimately cut his trip short and returned to prepare our case "Pro Bono". He later said it was my branches first case that got his attention to Oklevueha's unique standability legally regarding sacrament substances. I was honored when he said that... now, I am rather Embarrassed by it, hence why ultimately I ended up willingly jumping into Fixing the messes within ONAC, seeing what he's done beings I aided in his attention to our church (if it's true and not just kiss-assing which he was known for being good at too mind you, lol, seriously though.

Mr. Pappas prepared and then filed an Interlocutory Injunction in the federal court in Portland, Oregon, along with a $20 Million dollar lawsuit. We had to retain a "local counsel" to represent it, then get it filed which it was during the day the city was celebrating MLK in January 2015 which included many protests of sorts, ranging from workers rights, to homeless needs, and specifically we were requested to include our situation into the formal days events throughout the city, from picketing to marching through the streets of town, protesting at pertinent places as the courthouses and such All together as well as privatized protests at the buildings on issue - ours being right in Front of the post office that stole our package. (this was not our first formal picketing of there since they took our package But was the biggest of'em, lol.

Anyway, I will put a link here so to summarize what resulted from That so not to carry on about it beings it's so personal to me, and too because my emails already drag on as it is because of my stroke, here it is :

After this press conference we learned that the very same post office had been ruled Against in state appeals court just 3 months Before their stealing Our package for having illegally stole a package same as they had ours..."removing the mail from the flow Of mail Without a WARRANT in hand", regardless of suspicion or otherwise. They were explained and Told by the court that they were Not Allowed to do that, - it was a private persons mail not a churches like ours so ultimately it gives us MAJOR Standing for a slam dunk WIN, thus Mr. Pappas upped his win percentile to "98%+".

Then Mr. Pappas went a step farther and offered to be the whole of Oklevueha's legal counsel, which of Course impressed and immediately won James' heart and Complete trust and blind loyalty. Oklevueha had a small growing handful of legal situations arising at this time, and apparently for Any attorney of such caliber to Prepare such a filing costs around $225,000.00 a pop, if not More!!!

The problem would ultimately come to be found in the lack of correct Handling of the filings or following through of the cases he initiated filings on. For example and too, to not speak outta terms on the others, here is where our obstacles now lye regarding our Portland FEDERAL case. ;

If you listened to the link of our Press Conference I attached above, you heard Mr. Pappas express that "our HOPE would be that the federal court (the 9th) would pick up and hear our case"... well, they DID, and still they express their Eagerness to HEAR it!

Unfortunately because of the ultimate Damage Mr. Pappas's dereliction regarding ALL the filed cases, the whole of Oklevueha has Yet to be able to get it re-filed as they and we want it to be. Right now as I understand it, we are lacking the $400.00 to officially get it re-filed! Sad but true indeed as the whole of Oklevueha so NEEDS it done and the win NOW, and the judge overseeing the case specifically said he will "expedite it in the court schedule" once it Is re-filed... can't get no more Encouraging from a Federal court judge than that!

First dereliction on the Portland case filing was that Mr. Pappas failed to state the term "Creed" into our victimization reason, which is Crucial to bring the win ratio to 100% period without second doubt. Oklevueha was established back in the 1800's "in attempt to preserve the cultural and spiritual practices of the American born peoples of the land... the Native Born Americans. Traditionally when someone arrives on another continent of land, they would adapt to the ways of the majority living there, including language and daily life patterns, however back in the late 1400's this proved to Not be the case here on the "American continents". Instead they were oppressed, force indoctrinated "Or else", and believe me, the "Or Else" was far from pretty Or Honorable! Hence the "official establishment of The Native American Church in the early 1800's.

The second dereliction is found and even admitted to during the press conference, Mr. Pappas failed to list "The state of Oregon at el", which his own words in the press conference cost our church major retaliation victimization by State officials... damage that is Still threatening our entire function... we are crippled Beyond

since that filing already, but and as of Now the state is preparing to completely dismantle us all together by locking both myself and our president away in cells... All stemming from retaliation for our stand in protecting our right to our Mother Medicine sacrament!

Third, the filings "certificate of service" according to the federal court Judge was improperly filled out and served".

Most of the rest of the Oklevueha cases Mr. Pappas initiated, he out-right derelict/ abandoned them little by little, including court appearances. He didn't take his name off any of them, just up and pretty-much walked away from them.

This is when things began coming to light as to what damage he had really done to Oklevueha. Church branches were illegally established to "friends of Mr. Pappas" by him via an electronic signature, and branches off of Them were then being Sold to the tune of $100,000.00 +. Payment plans were optioned (with interest) "Dispensary churches" were closer to $140,000.00 a pop (with interest & a percentage of "sacrament tithe per Month" - all without the mother churches Knowledge. Thus far we have found more than 20 illegitimate churches recorded in the state of California alone and continue to find others victimized as well still out there.

Much of that is also publicly noted online in print as well as on the churches internet radio show "Prophecy Keepers" if you want to know more about it, and too, we have thus far been able to thwart even More serious damage that was in the works that would have devastated if not out-right Destroyed the whole of our church. Here nor there, it did Oklevueha no good as far as our reputation as a church, to say the least as well as put many people at risk of prosecution and imprisonment Thinking they're actually legitimately functioning Oklevueha churches!

So, our pants were down about the ankles at that point as Oklevueha, more-so for those of us taking the front line fires (court cases pending). Desperately we began seeking replacement legal counsel, for the cases and too, for the church.

Our plan Before Mr. Pappas was to assemble a "Legal Circle Counsel" - many attorneys, like at least 2 per state in every state , more in bigger places like so-cal and shit obviously. When Pappas came aboard Oklevueha he was told of our goals and agreed to help us assemble such If he could be declared "Head lead counsel", as you can see in the portland cases filing and the other non-california filings, in California cases he was the Only counsel of record. He insisted that he wanted our church to be his pro-bono charity work, and had assembled all those high dollar filings for us, so of coarse James agreed to that, but, that was ALL the owed expectations known and agreed upon, Everything else was Not, and especially as more and more he was being found to be derelecting the cases.

As this came out, and he began to "melt down" as it's so described by all affected, including former "staff" of Pappas and close "friends", we had a tribal elder and a tribal youth from back east literally thrown and Banned out of one of their dispensary branches While Praying!

So ultimately in trying to keep this short, I shut down the main fake church established as their "money branch church trunk", and have been trying to run damage control to all of it Plus now we had to try and attain Some sort legal counsel ASAP... right...

A second attorney agreed to step in and represent the church and to become the head legal counsel of our circle legal counsel that we have Yet to assemble as of right now, though we're continuing to try. Instantly of course Mr. Pappas began retaliating publicly against Oklevueha and James and I Specifically and SMEARING us. I was then named as an emissary of the whole of Oklevueha and since James has declared me the official spokesperson as well.

At this time, I began being targeted by what they call "Indian Country" challenging Oklevueha's standing in regards to "non-indians" let's just say- Publicly, among other things such as our use of feathers and especially so, of cannabis sacrament, which as you get to know me and my way you will Know that it didn't go as Well as James woulda wanted per say far as my being me and who I personally am... I maintain a realist position across the board and talk to all as they are the same, which we all are, but too, I am known to come off "abrasive".

So, while this continued, I became aware there was room to be Concerned with our "New legal counsel", and being who and how I am I Publicly addressed it on the radio show. Ultimately the mother church concurred a short-while later, and so as of Right now, Oklevueha has absolutely NO "Legal" legal counsel representing the whole of the church or members at the moment but we again Are working on it.

We are WORKING on it, best and as Fast as we can, Believe that, but obviously the mother church and James both are realizing the painful reality of our ability as a church to Blindly trust and put faith in Any... so many people look to our church and see $$$$$$$$ to be had without boundary of restriction and limitation... many Are making money, but obviously such as seen in our Portland case... not giving Back or else $400.00 wouldn't have stalled the re-filing of this case almost a Year Now!!! Any Honorable attorney who is willing to step forth and aid in shielding us is Highly Encouraged to contact and network with us in accomplishing this urgent need.

Meanwhile because the reality Is what it is, our case lays dormant when we NEED a Victory and respect from the courts NOW, especially from a Federal one! The Portland case is a 99%+ WIN, not Just for Oklevueha but for ALL cannabis sacrament using church AND TOO, a layer of protection from the postal service for all including Non-Oklevueha members... AND a Permanent RESTRAINING ORDER on the federal government AND the state of Oregon protecting Any and Every Oklevueha member to set Foot in Oregon ensuring they could Not be Encountered by a state law enforcer OR any Federal ones within the state of Oregon even if just passing through, but ultimately All Oklevueha members Would Be Protected from federal ones Wherever they were in the "United States of America" IF WE GET IT FILED ASAP... and yet $400.00 holds it all up and away from our reach... goes to show how the whole of Oklevueha really is contrary to what many seem to think.

The member who the package was for has now DIED. We got the medicine to her Finally, and it Was Working, until the officials found out it was her preference and then forced her into a DNR and refused to then feed or give her liquid! When her trache ruptured and the tests showed the sacrament medicine in her system, they Refused to stop the bleeding And sent her HOME where she drown in her own blood from it that night! THAT is Ir-repairable damage and the worst of it all so far, but, there Is More legal damage occurring.

If we can get it filed Before the 15th we're likely to get at least One Restraining Order Violation against them if not more, which in turn would give us a Permanent Injunction (protection shield) against them for the Whole of the church FOREVER. Sooner the better though, and more potential for their violating it...Else things will remain as they are here in the Pacific Northwest as far as people joining Oklevueha but too afraid of law enforcement retaliation to actively participate in church ceremony and functions... With good Reason though. On the 4th of July for example of another disgraceful retaliation, county sheriff deputies at our south valley sanctuary illegally trespassed on the sanctuary land and literally pulled a Gun on a 4 year old Child!

We have also since had a handful of our members targeted, one to the point we ultimately had to disenroll and then get a restraining order on him- truly a Sad day for Any church to have to do, while the rest have and are being drug through their court systems on anything they can figure to railroad them for. We've had 5 in jail, 2 sentenced To jail and 2 dismissals so far, my president is being threatened with 18+ years in prison, and I am being threatened with a year + in jail which medically I would Not survive, and they Know it.

But too, the Sonoma County case, our second biggest of the possible victories of the time, was ultimately lost... they were sold out in short by the second "head legal counsel" the church had. They not only were put off their sanctuary land into the literal Streets, but too ordered completely out of the county via a plea agreement decided for them by the attorney and other relevant parties such as the land owner. I don't know all the sufferings of all the branches and all their members suffering, just that there are and that it Will continue until they're Stopped once and for all Period... and thus far Portland Remains the only branch in position to do it... it's crushing to watch the days pass without hope.

Since that last "second so far" legal counsel Persisted to point to "the cannabis using branches" as the cash Cow of Oklevueha, and tried setting regulations and shit upon Just Us and so since this is proving to be a Pattern we Need to continue on toward self-governing as we are entitled to Do. We do Not need an attorney to regulate us, we need one to shield us in our right to govern ourselves as the mother church as well as the government and law say we can and are to do!

That about brings ya up to speed as far as Where we're at news-wise and the importance of our agenda. United we can and Will prevail, just gotta continue on the good Red Road as we do it, which is why we are reaching out to those We Know they attempted to regulate. I Thank you for hearing all of this and for being willing to jump in and take part... we have much to do and strive to accomplish... and it will take "us plus" to fathom it all much-less accomplish any of it.

Reverend Sachem Healer Joy Maxine 'Hawkeye' Graves

Oklevueha Native American Church of Kautantowit's Mecautea

(ONAC KM) of Oregon


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