ONAC KM under even More retaliatory fire from Douglas County Oregon
As those of you who have been keeping track of the illegal retaliatory victimization sustained from the Oregon state government on ONAC KM specifically, it will be no surprise that it Is continuing and that we are continuing to suffer from it. Ultimately, their goal is to Completely Destroy our church and it proves clear that they have absolutely NO Intention of stopping until We Make Them once and for all. There is only one way To stop them, and time Is proving to be of the essence!
As of early this morning, we have received confirmation that the District Attorney of Douglas County Oregon has obtained yet another indictment on our churches president Mr. Timothy Timm as of January 6th 2017 claiming that he "Attempted to Flee" from officers, which is a Felony, and too that during this "attempted flee", that Mr. Timm was also "Recklessly Driving" And was "Driving While Suspended", which are charged as misdemeanors included in the indictment!
The counties allegations against Mr. Timm stem from an incident July 4th of Last Year that ONAC KM news promptly reported and exposed to you our readers as being illegal retaliation on the counties part. Of course you are encouraged to review that press release for yourselves via here on our news website, but in short, the incident involves an illegal trespass onto our sanctuary land by police which resulted in a deputy pulling a gin on a 4 year old child.
Police claimed there was nothing more than a "courtesy" on their part to the church because they believed that a member had been driving the churches vehicle unaware that their drivers license had been suspended just a few days before the encounter. Church members at the sanctuary immediately confirmed to the deputy that the member they suspected Of driving the church vehicle was in fact NOT driving the vehicle, in fact that he was not even Present on the sanctuary land at all at that time, at which time the deputy then turned to other members present asking who was and if it were them who were driving.
Oklevueha's legal counsel representatives Immediately filed a total of 2 complaints against the county, first for illegally trespassing on the sanctuary land, and a second for having pulled their gun on the young child. The impression was that that would be the end of dealing with that encounter. However now we clearly see that it is not.
Leaders of Oklevueha emphasize that this type of illegal victimization clearly proves the retaliation on the church is and will continue until an injunction and restraining order is put in place and are diligently working to get those things attained as soon as is possible for them to do. Once accomplished, such incidents like this will have to stop, not just against the church sanctuary itself but against All Oklevueha members both in and beyond the borders of the state of Oregon. "The injunction and restraining order will be filed on the federal level in the 9th, whom are aware of the situation and are eagerly awaiting the filing" states Sachem Joy Graves, leader of ONAC KM. "It will include the federal government at el as well as the state of Oregon at el specifically, meaning that ONAC members will be protected from All federal law enforcers wherever they may be within the United States, but also too, any and all Oklevueha members who find themselves withing the state of Oregon, even if just passing through from state law enforcement officials as well."
This will prove to be the first of it's kind action taken from Any church, and if violated, which is likely to happen given the track record thus far, will be a Permanent protection measure for ALL Oklevueha members "Forever". ONAC KM leaders want it known that they intend on accomplishing this as soon as is possible for them to do so, and that they are going to accomplish it for the sake of All Oklevueha members no matter what it takes or how much more victimization they endure until it is. They do however insist that it's important that people are made aware of what is happening and ask for your smoke and prayers as well as your continued attention to their situation.
If you are motivated to aid in their efforts, you are encouraged to contact them via email at: onac.km.oregon@gmail.com and or to contact Sachem directly either by email at: joy.m.graves@gmail.com or by phone at (503) 910-6612. ONAC KM also encourages all reading this to please share this article, to make "smoke and prayers" for the church, members and the success of accomplishing it as speedily as is possible to be done. They also ask that if Any of their members, or members of Oklevueha whom are also experiencing such victimization to "Reach out" and let it be known as well, and that ultimately you do all you can to help them protect and preserve the rights liberties and freedoms not only of Oklevueha members, but of all human beings residing in the united States as well as the whole planet.
We are all one, and it's high time we the people, the human beings demand as well as settle for nothing less than accountability! We thank you so very much for your time, attention and support, send well wishes and blessings to all, and that you go in a good way and continue making positive medicine for the whole of life on Mother Earth. We thank you All for your time and attention, and of coarse for any and all effort you are willing to put forth to help us protect All. Please stay tuned for future news and pertinent information, and again that you Share in Oklevueha's efforts and journeys as we proceed forward for the greater good of the whole of life upon our globe...Thank you! Be well everyone.