Un-just victimization for ONAC KM President
For those of you not familiar with the incident, ONAC KM church president Timothy Timm was encountered by police on a rural area of back road outside the city of Eugene on a wet foggy night. Timm and another were in route from Salem to the church sanctuary when the vehicle they were in lost control and went off the roadway landing in a ditch. Passers by called 911 to the scene, but when police arrived, only the vehicle was located.
When a tow-truck was called to the scene to tow the vehicle, Timm as owner of the vehicle emerged insisting that the car need not be hauled away. At this point, the vehicle was being loaded onto the back of a flat bed tow truck. An officer of Lane county Oregon rushed to the scene and began interrogating Timm as to why the vehicle was found off the roadway and in the ditch.
Upon confirming that Timm was passenger and not the driver of the vehicle, the officer elected to let Timm go, but insisted the vehicle be towed by "Ray's Towing". Over an hour later, after Timm as well as the tow company had left the scene with the vehicle the deputy again set out to encounter Timm who by this time had literally walked more than a mile away from the scene without incident.
According to Timm, the officer came upon him from behind in his patrol vehicle and followed behind him very slowly and antagonistically stalking him. Timm states that he had an "uneasy feeling" that something was about to happen and that he was in danger, but feeling trapped without any means of communication., Timm had no choice but to continue on his walk towards town in the hopes of finding a phone to call for help. "The officer rolled down his window and began mocking me while I was walking down the road in the pitch dark, making joke like comments that were not funny and too, eery."
Timm says that he then saw a house with lights on and began walking toward the house hoping to gain permission to use their phone to call for assistance, but that as soon as his new coarse was realized, the officer made it clear to him that he wasn't going to be getting any outside assistance. "Where are you going" said the officer to Timm, who responded that he was get help.
"Why" said the officer with a chuckle, to which 'Timm responded "Because your presence is scaring me, I don't want any problem so I'm going to that house to call for a ride." According to Timm, the officer quickly and with a concerned voice said "No, I can't have you do that, come here I need to talk to you again." Timm replied to the officer "No, you don't have any reason to want to talk to me again, you said I was free to leave over an hour ago and I haven't done anything wrong" and kept his course.
As Timm picked up his pace even faster, he recalls the officer laughing as Timm was still about 100 feet away from the house with the light on at the time.. Timm says he again told the the officer "Please just leave me alone, your scaring me.".
At that moment according to Timm, the officer accelerated his vehicle up closer to Timm, who was by this time starting to speed walk toward the house, and that the next thing he recalls was hearing the patrol vehicle being slammed into park and the car door opening. "I didn't look back" says Timm, "I didn't have to, the bad feeling in my stomach already confirmed that I was in trouble and danger... I just wanted to get to the door of the house and get help, and a witness to what was about to go on, I knew it was going to be a bad situation and that likely I was in physical danger."
As Timm continues toward the house, he says he heard foot steps running toward him from behind. Not looking back but contemplating running to the houses front door, before he could, Timm says he was grabbed around the waist area and intentionally "Driven to the ground like as if we were in an NFL game." According to Timm, he was then slammed to the ground face first onto the gravel driveway of the house. "As I was being slammed to the ground, the officer put one of his hands behind my head as I began falling to the ground and he intentionally drove my head extra hard into the ground, so hard that I literally was knocked out for several minutes."
According to Timm, when he came too, for another 5+ minutes the only thing he could see was "solid white light", but that once his vision began to return, he quickly deduced that there were then 3 police officers over the top of him.where he only remembers the one being on either scene. "I was crying because I was in such extreme pain" says Timm tearfully about it still to date. "I asked them why they did this ti me, and as they laughed, one said that it was because "Douglas County Sheriff" had some say in it, and that Douglas County Sheriff's were looking for me". Spiritual leaders of the church insist that their was no reason for Douglas County sheriff's office to be looking for Timm at or during this time, and that ultimately to them, it proves that Douglas County Sheriff's department were continuing to escalate problems between they and the church, saying that "Timm was and remains their easiest target to victimize the church."
In the photograph police took of him several hours after the beating, it becomes apparent that Timm was excessively abused. What may not appear so obvious is that Timm sustained a severe Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) as a result of their beating. Timm was found in a jail cell in Eugene, Oregon by his clergy and a dear friend who was their attorney. When the duo arrived at the jail, staff told them they were unable to see Timm until "After he sees the judge" which was scheduled to take place within the next half hour-45 minutes. Thankfully for Timm, their answer was unaccepted and as the attorney proceeded back to the holding area, supervisors of the jail staff quickly decided that they were instead going to release Timm and drop all their trumped up charges against him, before the attorney even reached Timm's location.
Because a picture as they say is worth 1,000 words, we offer forth the polices photograph for your review and opinion here... it Should speak volumes for itself.
According to the attorney, such police abuse was a "multiple time per day incident" that was commonplace in the Lane County jail, and too, that it had been "going on for Years" without any inquisition by the state government. A Civil rights lawsuit was filed against Lane County short after confirmation that without thorough examination or any form of image testing, that Timm had in fact suffered a "concussion" by a local hospital. With no treatment offered and his condition worsening, church leader Joy Graves then called for transportation to take Timm to a hospital outside the grasp of Lane and Douglas County about a week and a half after the incident.
In Silverton, Oregon physicians quickly upgraded the diagnosis from concussion to "Severe Concussion" and was instructed to follow up with one of their physicians in nearby Woodburn Oregon. The follow-up physician saw Timm about another week later who confirmed that Timm in fact was still suffering from the severe concussion, explaining to he and church leader Graves that Timm had "swelling on his brain". The physician in turn referred Timm to a Neurology specialist in Portland, Oregon along with his request of further image tests such as specifically a CT scan and likely an MRI.
As Timm and the church began trying to get that appointment and tests concluded, they hit road block after road block from the state government of Oregon, first by the simple blocking of authorization to see the specialist Or to have the images tests done. Lane and Douglas County both began shuffling Timm's case back and forth between them, stating that he was "Out of the coverage area" and denied time and again authorization needed to obtain his care. Graves instructed that they then work with the doctor to get the referral transferred into Timm's coverage area, but ultimately that would not happen. Out of frustration, Graves let it publicly be known that they would take Timm out of the boundaries of the state of Oregon if need be to get him the medical attention and care he was growing more urgent of needing to obtain.
What would quickly result, is a trumped up criminal case against Timm alleging that he had trespassed on someone's land and committed theft of $40.00 of aluminum cans. As "small potatoes" as that might seem, it was just enough to bound Timm to the state of Oregon, threatening him with incarceration if he attempted to leave state, ultimately ensuring he would Not be getting the medical care. Despite having absolutely NO witnesses nor "other evidence", other than the cousin of a deputy whom Timm and the church had filed Multiple complaints of harassment against previously, including with the FBI, and the fact that more than a half dozen witnesses confirmed to court employed investigators that Timm had in fact been more than 100 miles away from the alleged theft scene for a Week encompassing the date they claim Timm had committed the crime now being used to deprive his medical care, still he was denied authorization and access to medical treatment. Coincidentally they would have it seem, the case was drug out for 2 years, until just a few months after the statutes of limitation had run out on Timm's ability to get the Civil Suit against Lane County heard in court due to the lacking of the medical evidence they would desperately need in order to solidify his case.
Ultimately in court, Timm plead "No Contest" though emphasized to the court as he entered in the plea that he had in fact Not committed the crime, and that the only reason he was going to plead guilty was "to get it out from over my head so I am able to leave state." As confirmed, the state had offered Timm the option of reattaining his freedom from their court system if he entered in a guilty plea to the charge. It was promised to him that he would serve only 1 week in jail and that he would have to pay restitution for the value of the aluminum can's which according to officials, Timm had not been aware of having been returned to the "victim" on the same date the "crime" was reported to them. According to the restitution debt being sought by the state of Oregon on behalf of the case, Timm owes just over $1,000.00 for the restitution of the $40.00 can case.
"We called them on that total Before the plea was entered, and they admitted it was incorrect and assured that they would have it corrected by the time they came to collect it, but according to the state collections, they are demanding to be paid more than $1,000.00 and threaten to garnish" to get it out of Timm if they have to.
Here nor there, Timm was now free to leave the state or Oregon and seek the medical attention be himself knew he desperately needed., and that he did in Northern California. It was then that it was confirmed that Timm was suffering "serious damage" resulting from the TBI caused him by the police beating. According to medical reports,because Timm had sustained a previous TBI as a child and had notable and disabling damage from it, that the now second TBI he suffered was "worse than the initial TBI from his childhood." It was explained that though no TBI is a good thing to have occur, a second injury not only causes what damage it does on it's own, but too, that it re-damages the damage sustained from the first injury as well, making it medically More serious of a situation to have occur, and especially go un-treated.
It was concluded that indeed further image and evaluation was needed, and believed that Timm had the likelihood of "Multiple Blood clots in the front three lobes of his brain", but a bigger fear posed concern to Timm's greatly diminishing medical capacity due to the now 2 year neglected damage, a hemorrhage, meaning bleeding in his brain. As the physician began the process of referring Timm to the best Neurological facility Globally, the church let it publicly known as to Timm's disposition, and that lawsuit or not they intended to make it publicly well known about the illegal tactics used to prevent Timm from obtaining medical proof and care for the illegal beating they inflicted upon him.
By this time, the state of Oregon was again attacking the church, threatening 2 members with 16 years in prison and too, Joy Graves specifically with 20 years in prison in attempt to destroy their right to operate their bona-fide church. "They made it very clear, of coarse Off the record, that their bottom line goal of agenda was to eliminate the functioning of our church, because they disagreed with our rights of practice" said Graves, "But as far as I'm concerned, it's way too late of an option because they had gone way too far, and we were going to prove it."
Without legal justification, the physician's ability to practice as well as to make such a referral was "suspended" by the state government of California. As the physician desperately sought out to attain another physician to help Timm attain the referral, the physician and his family came under such threat from California, that they literally fled and sought refuge far from the entire United States.
Despite the physicians orders, which was for Timm to "Stay out of the reach of the state of Oregon until we get your tests and treatment", Timm ultimately found himself with no choice but to return to the state of Oregon for personal and family obligation reasons, and too, in defense of the church which was again attacked again, this time on a federal level. An Injunction was formally filed by Graves and the church in the 9th federal court in Portland, Oregon during the annual MLK celebration day, to which Graves and the church actively partook in protesting and the public announcement of their churches filing. That evening while in route back to the church sanctuary, Graves was target and retaliated upon by the state of Oregon by being sexually abused and ultimately arrested on what church attorney's say are "un-meritable allegations."
Ultimately Douglas County decided to then re-attack the church again as well, this time arresting and charging Timm with more trumped up charges within 2 weeks of the churches federal filing. However this time Douglas County officials specifically and rather Strategically including a "No Contact Order" between Timm and his clergy, church leader and Durable Power of Attorney, Ms. Joy Graves. "Immediately I called them out on it, expressing as clearly as I could being so enraged detesting and contesting their action, but the DA representative told me that they didn't care what I had to say about it, that they could and were doing it anyway."
By doing so, Douglas County again bound Timm to the state of Oregon "Until the case is resolved by the court." As a result, not only did Timm continue to suffer from his still worsening symptoms from the still un-treated TBI, but too, thee churches function began crippling, and the continuing police presence around the church, and illegally encountering members, rendered the church practically completely un-functional as church members began fearing the same fate at police hands as Timm had. But of coarse, the retaliation and victimization on both Timm and the church did Not stop there.
A month later, another near by county issued a warrant for Graves arrest for failing to appear on her victimization. And 2 months after that, Douglas County DA stepped forth with yet another trumped up case against Timm, this one including an immediate suspension of Timm's drivers license. Short after, Douglas County then added even more charges against Timm's recent "case". But the most aggressive attack would come upon the church a few months after that, on the birth of our "nation" - July 4th 2016, when a Douglas County Sheriff's deputy would illegally trespass and literally "Storm" the churches sanctuary, cause physical damage to multiple vehicles on the property, and ultimately pull a gun appearing as if he were about to Shoot a 4 year old little girl!
The deputy told several church members who were present, that the reason he had come upon the church property was "as a courtesy to Mr. Timm" who was NOT physically present at the sanctuary location. The deputy stated that he had noticed the "church van" entering onto the church property from the road, and that it was his "Belief" that Mr. Timm had ben the one in fact driving the vehicle upon the church property. "I didn't know if Mr. Timm was aware of it or not, but the DMV had just suspended his right to drive a vehicle a few days ago per our counties request" the deputy stated to the members, "And knowing he is the one usually driving the church van, I figured I'd let him know just as a courtesy that his license was in fact suspended so he would know that he is not legally able to drive." The traumatized church members were lost to this concept of a justifiable excuse for what had gone on as they knew well that Timm was NOT on the property nor that he had been driving the church van as the incident transpired.
The deputy then called for a cover unit and insisted that all church members "Evacuate" the sanctuary, saying that they "Were in danger because of Mr. Timm's presence" and his "Unwillingness to come talk to me". Ultimately the scared women and children church members agreed to evacuate and were told by the deputy to "Wait down at the park until we come tell you it's safe for you to return here", notice that never came. As one of the churches "Mecautea High Counsel emissaries" emerged on the scene, Douglas County deputies then attempted to order him to "Evacuate" the property as well, at which point he quickly refused and instead turned the focus to their illegal presence upon the churches land instead. It was then that the deputy then stated that the police weren't going to leave the property until they spoke with Mr. Timm.
The emissary told police that Mr. Timm was in fact NOT on the property and then ordered them OFF the church sanctuary. This is when the deputy then quickly changed his position and stated "Well if Tim Timm is Not here, then I guess that means that You were driving the van onto the property then, right?" The emissay Laughed at the deputy, stating that he had not driven the van that day, to which the deputy then asked the emissary "Well then, who was driving it a little bit ago?" The emissaries patience for this "fishing expedition" and again ordered the deputy Off the church land, and this time Escorted the deputy down the driveway and to the street, securing their perimeters behind the deputy, at which point the one deputy escorted off drove away saying "Well let Tim Timm know his license is suspended when you see him", but too, just after the officer drove out of sight was about the time a second deputy arrived at the scene.
This deputy attempted to order the emissary off the property and to come over to where he was which was across the roadway. The emissary refused and said "I'm perfectly fine and safe right here on our churches land, if you want to talk to me you can come over here across the street", something the church as policy Highly Discourages their members to do.Here nor there, the deputy came across the street but did Not step onto the property according to the emissary. "This deputy asked me if Mr. Timm was on the property, and I told him he was not. Then he says "Well I can hear his voice", to which I laughed as we were more hundreds of feet away from the property, that had already been Evacuated by the other deputy! Then this deputy asked me if I was the one driving the church van that morning, and I told him I wasn't. When he started asking me who was I told him I didn't know - that's when he got upset and told me to "Go get Mr. Timm Now!" I told him that even If Mr. Timm were on the property, it wasn't like I could go grab him by his ear and Make him walk down to talk to the deputy. He didn't like my response but before he could respond, I told him that unless he had a warrant I felt that he and his department had caused enough traumatic damage already and that it was time for him to leave."
It has just been confirmed that Douglas County have again sought an indictment against Timm, this time for the July 4th incident at the church, at which he wasn't even present at during the time in question. The indictment charges Timm with "Felony attempt to elude an officer, reckless driving, and for driving while suspended." Church leaders and legal counsel are Enraged that such "Obvious unjustified retaliation" continues to be inflicted on Timm because of their "Hate for our church... it is illegal and federally criminal of them to be so freely doing without fear of consequence, and we will not allow them to get away with it without legal punishment, nor will we allow them the ability to deprive Mr. Timm of the desperately needed medical care he is entitled to and deserves."

Church leaders insist that they will "Maintain our course, which is obtaining the proof of what they have done to Mr. Timm and in assuring he attains whatever medical care and treatment he is in need of first and foremost."
Please stay tuned for further updates on this and other ONAC KM related news and information.