ONAC Warriors Respond to DAPL Pipeline Legislation
Oklevueha Native American Church - Kautantowit's Mecautea (ONAC KM), The Warrior Branch of ONAC is deeply concerned by recent reports of legislation furthering the DAPL & Keystone Pipeline. It has been reported that the leaders of several Native American tribes are preparing for scaling-up the protests, and that government as well as local police are in turn threatening violence against they who strive to stop the building of the pipeline.
Kautantowit's, which translates as "Great Creator", and Mecautea which translates as "Warrior Soldiers who fight off evil and the enemy" are outraged at the law enforcers threats of violence against the peaceful protectors attempting to preserve our sacred lands and vow that the leadership of the ONAC-KM is "Not going to stand silently by and allow it to go unnoticed by society or the main stream media," and that they Are preparing to protect the Creator's Creation including our fellow Native American tribes and their treaties. They further warn of impending violence and casualty should the pipeline continue. "Our responsibilities and expectations are clear just by the smiple blessing of our name given us by the tribe... Kautantowit's Mecautea - warrior soldiers of Great Creator against any and all who Dare dishonor or disrespect Creator's Creation."
ONAC-KM member Tyler Chillson, among others, have been onsite protesting the pipeline construction at Standing Rock in Cannonball, North Dakota for sometime now. He personally has been shot with rubber bullets, sprayed with pepper-spray and was hosed down with water during sub-freezing temperatures. The reports of violence against the Native tribal members during this protest continue, and grow with intensity each day meaning that a great many more native born Americans are continuing to be victimized in tyrannous ways by so called "Government officials."
Thus far several front line "Water Protectors" have been violently assaulted, ranging anywhere from tactics that Chillson has endured as well as far worse, ranging from being physically attacked by police and DAPL "employees" and even their attack dogs. One young woman who was there in support of the Standing Rock protest almost lost her entire arm due to having been shot with rubber bullets, while another young Child was viciously attacked in her face by a biting dog commanded to viciously attack her. Many others have been sexually violated by being stripped of all their clothing completely and thrown in jail cells without even a blanket or a sheet while being threatened with legal prosecution, some are even reported as having been literally beaten for no reason at all.
"The fact that such things are happening without legal reprimand or consequence proves that the government have gone rogue, and it is our goal to ensure they are punished for such illegal actions, period because we all Know that if it were the other way round people would be being punished legally for the same dishonorable actions." Just days ago, a missile appeared at Standing Rock pridefully by the so-called law enforcement officers among their other tactical equipment. "If this is not proof of tyranny then what Would be proof that our officials are out of control and in need of some serious and swift correction as far as what their job duties are and that ultimately they are to be by and for the people of this land... obviously we have much work to do to get things functioning right for the sake of not only our people but of other Earth as a whole!"
Members of the Standing Rock protest should be prepared for harassment and violence from the US Government in endless angles and without any form of honorable restriction, as our fellow human beings have already so grossly been victimized beyond belief, and based upon new president Donald Trump are being given a green light to intentionally set out to cause far more harm and victimisation to the protectors who nobly Refuse to simply walk away and allow such atrocities to continue against they and our earth. As the tribal leaders say it best "We will not allow the to steamroll over the treaties any longer."

Members are advised to remain peaceful in the face of force, until otherwise directed.