Smoke & Prayer request for ONAC KM President
Spiritual leaders are requesting smoke & prayers for ONAC KM President Timothy Tim who is presently being admitted in the hospital due to serious medical damage resulting from Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) sustained at the hand of Oregon state law enforcement officials grossly retaliating on him because he stands for All of our individual rights liberties and freedoms, freedoms Oregon government do Not want to honor.
Timm's primary physician noted severe medical symptoms believed to be life threatening during a routine clinic appointment that not only remain Five Years after the retaliation, and still are greatly taking an ill turn against his personal quality of life, damage that Oregon law enforcers are trying to use to literally Destroy him.
Tim, age 51 sustained an initial TBI at the age of just 3 1/2 years of age when he fell from a moving vehicle traveling paved roads at approximately 60 MPH, which included the breaking of his neck and surgery to remove small gravelly rocks from his head and skull. Thanks to lacking medical insurance at the time,very minimal treatment was given or effort made toward getting any follow-up care or treatment options needed. ultimately the broken neck went untreated which left Tim with a permanently inverted neck and a lifetime of pain and suffering.
As if such an injury wasn't bad enough, Tim received a second severe TBI at the hands of Oregon state law enforcers in the winter of 2012 which gifting officers stated was per a request they had received from a neighboring county sheriff's department "because you and your church advocate for marijuana." At the time, Tim was a member and Vice President of an independent branch of The United Cannabis Ministry that had recently established in Douglas County, Oregon under the blessing of Reverend Steven & Seeva Cherms of Oroville, California. Tim and the branches president Joy Graves knew at that moment that they needed to attain more protections for their position and congregation members.
Graves and Tim had been front-line advocates for the global cannabis movement for more than 15 years under the personal wing of legendary cannabis activist Jack Herer at that point and were well known and hated by law enforcement officials for their activism. Herer was considered the "Founding Father of the Global Hemp & Cannabis movement" and considered the pair as closer to him than his own biological children. Here is world renowned author of what's called "The Cannabis Bible" titled "The Emperor Wears No Clothes", best seller in many countries including Germany.

A civil lawsuit was promptly filed on Tim's behalf against the county who illegally beat Tim, but ultimately due to personal issues, his Civil rights attorney Steven McCarthy ultimately "dropped the ball". Meanwhile as Tim received physician referral calling for further testing and imaging of his brain, the victimizing county who caused the injury ultimately blocked Tim from receiving the much needed follow-up attention and treatment as they "controlled dictation over his state given medical insurance (medicaid).
As his symptoms worsened and frustration arose by both he and his clergy, ultimately an announcement was published stating that Tim would then be forced to leaving the state of Oregon in attempt to get the medical care he was urgently needing. This is when Douglas County DA jumped into action, trumping up charges against Tim alleging a petty theft, which proved just enough to bound him within the state of Oregon, ultimately depriving him the ability to receive medical attention. This effort was drug out by the court until ultimately just after the statutes of limitations expired on the Civil Suit, all the while he was refused coverage for medical care.
Finally, in the spring of 2015, Tim was given his day in court on 4/20, intentionally as an antagonistic effort on the counties part who glorified the fact that they knew that date was significant within the cannabis community. Tim ultimately told the court that despite the fact he was completely innocent of the charge, that he ultimately would enter in a "No Contest" plea and accept a jail sentence "Just to get it resolved so I can leave state." Although Tim insinuated to the court his plan was to head North to "Alaska" for employment reasons, when speaking with Tim as to his plan, Tim made it clear that he Feared them knowing that medical attention was his ultimate goal to entering the plea, and too, that he didn't feel safe with them knowing his real direction of destination.
In July, Tim was clear of the court and states jurisdiction and he immediately went to California to obtain medical evaluation. It was then that Dr. William Courtney confirmed that he had sustained a severe TBI and noted that by this point his symptoms were in need of urgent medical attention and treatment. As Dr. Courtney prepared an urgent hospital admittance, again it was publicly addressed by Graves now as their independent branch of Oklevueha Native American Church.
This is when Dr. Courtney acquired an illegal warrant out for his arrest by the state of California, preventing his referral from being processed and accepted. As Dr. Courtney tried establishing a physician for Tim to make the urgent referral, Douglas County Oregon DA too jumped into action now charging Tim with more crimes they alleged had taken place more than 2 years before, this time alleging that Joy Graves was his victim! It was strongly emphasized to Tim that he Not return to the grasp of Oregon, but ultimately as pressure built, Dr. Courtney ultimately was chased out of the entire country before getting a physician into place for Tim, Tim was left with no real choice but to return to Oregon to their sanctuary grounds in Douglas County.
On the evening before Valentine's Day, while in route to receive his prescription glasses, Graves and Timm were pulled over by sheriff's deputies who quickly bee-lined for and ultimately arrested Tim on the new criminal charges. "The deputy hit his overhead lights on us before we even got all four tires off the sanctuary grounds" recalls Graves tearfully, who promptly called church members into action and ultimately posted his bail. "They didn't disclose Who his victim was until his arraignment, which is when they were informed that the county had also initiated a "No Contact Order" between them.

Graves Immediately protested the charges and the no-contact order but ultimately it has proven to no avail. In addition to being Tim's clergy, it was well known that she was also his Durable Attorney. The DA refused to hear Graves other than to notify her that they "may subpoena" her as a hostile witness. Graves has Yet to be subpoenaed, but ultimately was faced with no alternative but to leave the sanctuary grounds so that Tim would have safe refuge. She spent several months living in the church car bouncing along the west coast while diligently trying to get Tim out of the line of legal fire.
Graves finally made contact with Tim's court appointed attorney 4 days before Tim's case was set for trial (unbenounced To the attorney at that time). The attorney confirmed to Graves that she was unaware of the trial date, or even that Graves was listed as her client's "Victim" via the state. Ultimately she seemed willing to work with Graves and promptly prepared a "Civil Compromise" to which she asked Graves to sign so it could be submitted to the court, but ultimately because of the verbiage being changed so as not to state that a crime had been occurred against her by Tim, the attorney refused to submit it to the court record. The trial was ultimately postponed at that time.
As Tim persisted in asking for a "Complete Copy" of the Discovery of evidence regarding the case, to no avail, a complaint was then filed with the Oregon State Bar, at which time he was informed that the attorney would no longer be representing his case as the attorney was "relocated" by her employer - The "Umpqua Public Defenders Inc." whom are contracted with the county as their Public Defender option. Eventually Tim received Most of the Discovery encompassing the case but as of still, has Yet to receive a "Complete Copy". In what was received, there were photographs taken by Douglas County sheriff deputies of Graves. Interestingly, Tim is charged with having "Stabbed" Graves "In the neck" but all photographs show absolutely no marks nor stab wounds To her neck and Graves neck still to date shows no marks indicating she was.
Video evidence put forth by the prosecutors show 911 Calling Graves on the phone, and it's clearly heard several times where Graves stated that not Only did she not want or need any official presence nor medical attention but more importantly that she did NOT want Douglas County sheriff's department Anywhere around the church sanctuary property. Douglas County dispatcher pressed Graves to allow medics to meet her at the scene to ensure she was in fact ok and promised that she would Not send the sheriff's office, but within minutes of their arrival, Douglas county deputies arrived on the scene.
"They took multiple pictures of my neck front, back and sides and saw for themselves that I had not been stabbed in my neck" Graves said "There wasn't even a mark indicating that a stab was attempted." Police at the scene asked Graves if she wanted any form of criminal charges pursued against Tim which she says she made clear that she did Not, however 2 Years after the event, Douglas County decided to pursuit the bogus trumped up charges against Tim anyway. Graves says she believes that Douglas county is intentionally doing so in effort of destroying the church and has vowed that she nor the church is going to take this without a firm stand and if need be, a legal fight. "This will not only be included in our injunction, but also will cost the county an additional personal lawsuit as well, because it's the only recourse we have to stop the from harassing our church and members once and for all."
Church legal counsel assures that formal filings will be accomplished against the state as well as the county in the very near future. We encourage you ALL to stay tuned for further updates.