Oregon court so eager to railroad church, they're disregarding pertinent facts and evidence in e
Church officials feel that it is extremely important to reveal such facts to the public record confirming that ONAC KM President Timothy Timm is and continues to suffer from severe medical disability in which diminishes his ability to competently be brought before the court for trial, but say that they believe such proof and fact will be disregarded, as one of Mr. Timm's court appointed counsel states that he has Yet to receive any sort of documentation proving such damage exists despite it having been provided to his co-worker who was provided the medical documentation months ago as she was among his court appointed counsel.

Mr. Timm's court appointed counsel, Ms. Lisa Janoski was in fact provided pertinent medical record information months ago by church officials from his attending physician to show that Timm was, and is still suffering severe medical damage which does affect his capacity, but according to a second court appointed counsel, such information has Not been provided even to him, much less entered into the courts official records as of the present time. Ms. Janoski was scheduled to appear before the court for a "Pre-Trial conference" yesterday, but according to sources, Ms. Janoski is believed to have Failed to Appear for the pre-trial conference before the court.
Ms. Janoski was employed by the "Umpqua Valley Public Defenders Inc" at the time she was court appointed to represent Timm on a pending case before the Douglas County Oregon Circuit Court stemming from what church leaders call "trumped up charges against Mr. Timm which magically seemed to have popped up 2 years After the alleged "Crime" was committed.
Timm was arraigned on this case in 2016 which the prosecution alleged to a secret Grand Jury that the incident in which they now sought a green light to prosecute him for had actually occurred in 2014, less than one year after the church Mr. Timm is President of absorbed into an independent branch of Oklevueha Native American Church, and to importantly once again note, was 2 years After they claim the incident leading them to charge Timm actually occurred. Please also note, that Mr. Timm went completely through the entirety of the case in 2014 with Ms. Apel's without any indication that this case was ever even in existence!
"Off record of coarse, the law officials commented sarcastically on several instances to multiple of our members that all of their reasoning behind profiling and targeting Timm and other church members was because they were members of a church which honors cannabis as a spiritual and religious healing sacrament substance."
Church leaders state that well before this appointment of Janoski, another now former employee of the company, a Miss Emily Apels, mentioned above whom was appointed to represent Timm's defense in 2014, had in fact on the record called Mr. Timm's capacity into question several times, even going so far as to request he be evaluated by the Oregon State Hospital.
Back in 2014, that case was used by the state of Oregon to aid in the prevention of Timm attaining the much needed medical attention due to the police beating back in the winter of 2012 that was then obviously still needed, a case to which in fact a Civil Rights lawsuit had been filed on Tim's behalf. "If he so obviously even then was in need of medical help in order to have capacity Enough to contain himself before the courts, in front of the same judge and by the same company employees, how and why now are they attempting to hide it without official addressment or acknowledgement?"
They further point out that as with Janoski, Ms. Apel's too was "Relocated" to another public defender company contracted with the state of Oregon short after a complaint with the state BAR was filed by Timm for dereliction of her duties as court appointed defense counsel. Janoski suffered the same fate recently after a complaint for basically the same reasoning was filed by Timm against her. "It is interesting as well as frustrating to us that this company seems willing to hold accountability toward their employees dereliction of duties, but too, we wonder why the state seems to not do so, including the Oregon State BAR Association whose Job is specifically To do so."
As of this time, Mr. Timm as well as interested persons remain in the dark as to the outcome of yesterday's scheduled court appearance but say that likely no disciplinary action was given Ms. Janoski for having failed to appear before the court as she was commanded to do on Timm's behalf. Mr. Timm has been granted a "Waiver", meaning that he personally does Not have to appear before the court for anything Other than an actual "Trial" should one come into play against him.
"Had Mr. Timm been ordered to appear before the court and failed to appear, the court likely would have found him in contempt of the court and ended up landing him in jail due to a warrant being issued against him." Church officials state that they "Doubt" any such action was taken against Ms. Janoski for having "contempted the court by Not appearing before the judge as commanded" and feel that this too is proof of the county as well as of the state of Oregon's on-going illegal profiling and targeting of church members.
Church officials further state that it is their hope that at the very Least that the case was then "re-set" in the court schedule, but again state that they tend to "Not hold our breath that Douglas County will do anything Honorable as society would Hope them to do, especially at tax payers expense."
Church officials want it known that in fact, an official complaint was filed with the Oregon State BAR against Ms. Janoski for not performing her expected duties to Timm and his case, a complaint in which Ms. Janoski is believed to have been under the impression that it somehow Excused her from the case, but according To the court's official record as of January 23rd 2017, she in fact Remains the "Attorney of record" on Timm's case.
Interestingly enough, church officials note that in a formal response from Ms. Janoski to the BAR regarding the complaint, that again Ms. Janoski "intentionally overlooked" the remaining fact that the medical damage sustained by Timm is fact needing acknowledgement by the state's court. Instead, Ms. Janoski made an Extremely Slanderous statement to the BAR stating that when Mr. Timm had physically appeared before the court, that he "Was Intoxicated".
Multiple church members who were with Mr. Timm the entire day of the hearing ranging from youth to elders, some of which actually Accompanied Tim into the court confirm that they know and are willing to come before the court to confirm that he in fact was NOT "Intoxicated" at all, and had they acknowledged the medical records provided them from one of Mr. Timm's primary physicians, they would have hopefully comprehended that such conduct by Mr. Timm concluded raising concern as him having appeared "Intoxicated" would have instead been recognized as being among the great many symptoms the illegal beating has left him to endure Beyond his personal control.
Another of Mr. Timm's primary medical physicians quickly commented in regards to this situation by stating "Well of coarse they may presume Mr. Timm as being "Intoxicated" due to the severe medical and mental Damage he sustained from the 2012 assault, especially considering it has gone untreated medically thus far, but it doesn't make it true or fact by any means once-so-ever" and further noted to church leaders of ONAC KM that it would prove more-so in legal situations due to the "Extremely Severe PTSD" Timm sustained from the beating by law enforcement officials under the guise of being honorable, especially in front of a courtroom full of officials who were obviously well aware of his damage being a legitimate factor, the presiding Judge Also being among they now trying to overlook it.
Because such pertinent information provided has yet to be acknowledged by the court nor shared with All the counsel appointed to represent and defend Mr. Timm for the record in Douglas County Oregon, church leaders feel that it is intentional on their part and re-enforce it is among their tactics as they continue to show absolutely NO Effort being made as far as defending him, which ultimately is what a court Appointed counsel is Supposed to try and do. Another of his court appointed counsel has since asked for "Proof" that such a condition is a factor hindering his clients capacity, and church officials state that That Is their primary goal, to ensure that medical records are provided to he and the courts as promptly and accurately as become possible.
"Oklevueha Native American Church has allowed this county and state government to victimize Mr. Timm way too far and for way too long already, our attention remains focused on doing what is absolutely best for he and his own personal well-being above all else from this moment further... medically as well as legally."
All interested and concerned persons Are encouraged to stay tuned for further updates to this and all other pertinent news regarding the church and it's victimization at the hand of Oregon government fueled by their hate and destestment of the church's rights, liberties and civil freedoms as they so Obviously will continue to inflict until duly noted by society as a whole, and thank you for your continued attention to this matter, blessings to you all.