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Oregon Brutally Victimizes Another ONAC Member

It has come to our attention that another Oklevueha Native American Church member has been victimized by Oregon officials. According to sources, 23 year old Ryan Weinman was adopted into ONAC KM of the Pacific Northwest in late March of 2016. By May, Weinman found himself victimized in a way no young man should be, especially under the guise of state employees paid to protect and serve society.

On the evening of Saturday, April 30th 2016, a mere month after having joined the church and too, having just been released from Harborview Psychiatric hospital in Washington due to severe disabling symptoms of Bi-Polar Schizophrenia. Driving himself, young Weinman headed South. As his medication continued wearing off, Ryan believed he was going to die and began to go into a panic episode increasing his overall disorientation.

According to police accounts published by the local newspaper in Albany, Oregon, an Oregon State Police trooper was stationary on the freeway median on Interstate 5 southbound near Albany city limits, when Weinman's Toyota Camry sped past. The trooper claimed Weinman was traveling at 118 mph though we have yet to see any form of proof verifying that added to the official record.

The trooper claims that Weinman's speed increased to 124 mph as the trooper tried to "overtake the vehicle", but again we emphasize that we have yet to actually See any form of proof confirming this as being an actual factual account of the speed Weinman was actually traveling.

The newspaper states that "During the pursuit, the Toyota hit another vehicle, causing minor damage, and the driver continued to attempt to recklessly elude until it was “spiked” near the Coburg Road interchange." At 11:46 p.m, Weinman was confronted by police and according to the same reporter via their police sources, "The driver refused to obey commands and was Tasered."

Ultimately Weinman was arrested on charges of felony attempt to elude (by vehicle), driving under the influence of intoxicants, reckless driving, reckless endangering and failure to perform the duties of a driver (property damage). His initial bail was set at $21,000. According to family, this is when Weinman's victimization would truly begin at the hands of state employed officials.

During the encounter, it was verified that Weinman was in fact a valid licensed driver who did have insurance on his car. Inside the vehicle, police found paperwork showing Weinman had in fact just been released from the mental hospital just over an hour before, along with prescriptions for his mental medications that had yet been filled. Police also found a small amount of cannabis "marijuana" inside Weinman's vehicle. When asked about the cannabis, Weinman quickly identified himself as an Oklevueha Native American Church member and stated to police that the cannabis was in fact his sacrament medicine.

This omission alone was all it took for police to charge Weinman, Not for being in possession of the small amount of cannabis as it is completely Legal for anyone over the age of 21 within the state of Oregon to have, but instead Weinman was charged for "Driving under the influence of intoxicants" - a completely unsubstantiated claim and conclusive action for officers to take. Nowhere in Oregon or any other state's law has their been any protocol to determine whether or not a vehicle operator is factually "Under the influence" of cannabis.

Truth be told, there is no test yet approved to be administered to confirm or deny "Intoxication" from cannabis. But in the spirit of speaking Truthful, this is Not the First Time such a bogus unproven allegation has been charged against drivers, especially in this particular area of the state, nor is it the first time it has been added to their reason for arresting and victimising Oklevueha church members either!

In January of the very same year, the same charge was trumped up against Sachem Joy Graves, spiritual leader of the very church in which Weinman was adopted into - Oklevueha Native American Church Kautantowit's Mecautea (ONAC KM), along with a reckless driving charge such as is seen here, though in her case the trooper admits that Graves was actually traveling "Under the speed limit and hugging the right shoulder of the highway."

While housed in the Linn county Oregon jail for about a month without the ability to contact his mother or anyone else, Ryan Weinman was tormented and antagonized by jail house officials all while not receiving his mental medications. He was constantly called racially hateful slurs due to his skin color being that of African American coloration as well as for being a member of the "Indian Pot Church", a crime many other human beings would be arrested and criminally charged for under most circumstances, but apparently acceptable in the Public Safety profession in the state of Oregon.

During the month of his detainment, as his mental capacity increasingly diminished due to lack of access to his medications, disrespecting Weinman became a pastime sport among the jailers, which is totally morally reprehensible, or so one would Think.

But as heartbreaking as this is to have to report in itself, his victimization didn't stop there... Ryan Weinman was also brutally Raped by the guards entrusted to run the Linn county Jail facility, something No One should Ever have to fear happening, much-less endure. As a result, Weinman went into complete "Shell shock" and family members confirm that for him, the entire situation began becoming a complete blur to him.

Graves was also sexually abused during her encounter and arrest, but unlike Weinman, her victimization was less mentally damaging to her than was Weinman's, and too, her sexual abuse was at the hand of the Oregon State Trooper assigned to this particular area of Interstate 5 opposed to the jailers at the Linn County jail where both she and Weinman were ultimately detained.

Criminal action is in process for Graves victimization by the trooper and is also being explored on behalf of Weinman's victimization by the churches legal team. "With Mr. Weinman's victimization we are not as fortunate to have been provided evidence admitted by state officials involved as we were in Graves victimization, and it's highly unlikely the state will willingly provide such evidence that only they would have proving their guilt as they so readily have in Graves case."

Because of his complete mental shut-down, Weinman was deemed "Unable to stand trial" for the charges still pending against him, but Weinman remembers being told that "Being raped in Linn County jail was standard for all little black boys", a phrase he likely will never forget out of all that was said during this time period in his life.

Ultimately the county officials then decided to have Weinman transported to the Oregon State Hospital where he was housed until they felt would substantiate him mentally able to represent himself in court. During this time Weinman was still not allowed to have any contact with his mother or any other concerned friend, associate or family member.

Approximately 2 months after having been kept in the state mental hospital, Weinman was finally given his medication in July and then brought before the court and ultimately prosecuted for all the crimes he had been charged with at the time of his encounter. As part of his probation, Weinman was ordered to maintain his residence with his mother in King County Washington, and his probation was then transferred up there. Weinman was told that if he did not reside with his mother at her apartment, he ultimately would be in violation of his probation sentence and could find himself returned to the hands of Linn County Oregon jailers.

The next traumatic issue to result from all this for Weinman and his family, was when his mother's landlord informed his mother that her son could Not be added to her lease as per the probation instruction Because of his felony conviction, but not only that, the landlord also informed Ms. Weinman that her son was not allowed on the property period, and that if caught there, he would be prosecuted for Criminal Trespassing and too, that she herself could and would likely end up evicted!

Ryan Weinman made an Honorable decision as far as his mother was concerned, and chose to instead live in his car in the downtown Seattle area which likely wasn't the best decision for himself personally, but ultimately he believed it would be better if only he were homeless opposed to both he and his mother Both having nowhere to live.

As winter quickly approached, Ryan believed that the best way he could protect himself was to leave the Pacific Northwest all together. In October he caught a plane for Hawaii and found his way on the island of Maui. All was seemingly well for him until one day he was catching a local bus to go across town. At the bus stop Weinman encountered a woman who was being sexually harassed by a man also at the bus stop at that time. As the man continued harassing the woman it became clear to him that the guys attention was unwanted and borderline scary to the woman of his focus.

Weinman told the guy to leave the woman alone but was cursed out and told to mind his own business. At this point the man began accosting the woman, grabbing and groping her which terrified the helpless woman at the bus stop. Weinman got upset and ultimately punched his fist through the glass at the bus stop hoping to scare the man back and away from the woman, which ultimately it did, but, a passer-by who saw Weinman punch the glass and chase the man away decided to get involved and come at Weinman seeming intentful at harming him, so, out of instinct, Weinman grabbed a piece of glass in case he needed to protect himself from physical harm. As the man went to grab hold of Weinman, Weinman according to police "Cut" the man with the glass on his face."

Ultimately once again Weinman found himself in the hands of police who promptly arrested him for the assault and transported him to the Maui Correctional facility. Weinman remains in the custody at the facility where he is being processed for trial. At least here thank heavens he is being given his mental medication.

Family members who have been allowed to speak with Weinman state that he is "Completely oblivious" as to why he is again in police custody. At times he seems unaware not only as to why and what he is being charged as a criminal for, but too, where he even is. As if This is not sad enough of a situation for both he and his loved ones, word has just come out that Linn County Oregon is requesting that Weinman be transferred back to the Linn County Oregon jail on the grounds of having violated his probation. Because Linn County has filed for the Hold on him, ultimately unfortunately he is being denied bail options, and too, is facing extradition back to Oregon once the Hawaii legal issues are dealt with.

Now, both Weinman and his family are extremely fearful as to the future of young Ryan, and are Desperately seeking Any sort of legal help they can attain. In addition to the church doing all they can to help deal with this situation, they are asking for ANYONE who is able to, to please provide assistance to this young member as well as support for his family.

Ryan Weinman is scheduled to appear in the Maui court January 26th, but the time and purpose for the hearing has yet to be revealed to he or his family members. Ryan has been appointed a court attorney to represent him, but according to he and his family, no one even seemed to know who the attorney even is as no contact information has been provided to any of them.

Again we ask of You our viewers to aid the Weinman family in Any possible way that you can that would be of help and support for them during this traumatic time. We Thank you for all your effort and too, for your attention to this and all Oklevueha victimization situations. Please stay tuned for future updates.


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