ONAC KM Church desperately seeks an attorney ASAP

ONAC Kautantowit's Mecautea leaders call for legal counsel representation claiming "Urgent need", stating a list of retaliatory victimization that has been not only crippling the function of the church, but too, leaving members in fear of their own personal safety for being members when it comes to encountering law enforcement officials throughout the Pacific Northwest.
According to leaders, within literal Hours of having filed on their behalf what they believed to be a "Shield of Protection" for all Oklevueha members that would ultimately prove to be a form of protection from both the state of Oregon's officials as well as all Federal government officials "at el", members very quickly began learning the harsh reality that in fact, it was far from the case. Attached here from that time, is a video link To an official press conference that was held addressing the initial retaliation felt upon ONAC members.:
Additionally we have obtained accessibility and permission to include additional informational documentation since prepared describing victimization Since that time that are intended to be in a brief yet accurate summary of the reasoning of grounds for an Urgent need of a TRO, which are are as follows:
"The church and members have since fallen victim to multiple retaliatory acts by the state of Oregon at el, including Profile targeting, harassment, stalking, intimidation, menacing, slander, illegal detainment and arrests, illegal search and seizures, property seizure, property damage, criminal assault, sexual abuse, defamation, unlawful persecution and attempted prosecution, pain, suffering and duress on Multiple members, and has even contributed to the literal physical death of one member, not to mention hindered and deprived many others of spiritual and medical care support and resource options the church otherwise safely provide to the members due to illegal profile targeting resulting in our members fearing their intimidation and causing the whole of our members and their loved ones Extreme spiritual discernment."

Historically speaking, our ancestor Native American Churches have always been passive, easily forgiving and humble... but too, they were given at least a few Drops here and there of some honorable justice whereas ONAC KM feel and believe that they are receiving none, "especially within the boundary of the state of Oregon".
Church leaders state that "Additionally, due to multiple criminal trespassing incidences on the churches sanctuary lands which has resulted in all of the above as well as property damage and a threat of harm/death on an infant child (age 4), as well as apparently More trumped up charges in effort of severely crippling our ability to function as a church, more than they already have, if not completely Destroying it all-together by specifically targeting our primary spiritual leaders as intentionally intense as they are."
Sachem Graves desperately puts forth this plea on behalf of she and her members: "We as the members of Oklevueha Native American Church, as the whole as well as specifically Especially we of ONAC KM are Seriously in need of legal representative assistance from someone we can trust - dare I say Blindly Trust".
Graves states that though much of the victimization has been endurable overall, that too, other victimizations have been un-fixable, such as the literal death of our member, the attempted suicide of another, but some as the sexual abuse and racial/prejudicial misconduct are "Beyond reprehensible", as is the intentional reckless trauma they have instilled in several members including Multiple of our PTSD and otherwise disabled members to the 4 year old child they pointed a Gun at as if they were about to shoot and kill.
"We need to put a permanent stop to this unprofessional conduct on their part NOW, and we need Your help to do it. We need to re-enforce the division between Church and State with honor and respect for each side of the division".

Oklevueha Native American Church and specifically too, ONAC KM have been acknowledged and solidified as a church in multiple states including Oregon's courts, and too, by the Federal and UN governments, along with and by a multitude of organized religious faith entities as well. "We are not out of line, but instead Obligated to stand upright in this position because we are the Only one who can, it's our obligation so to prevent any other from such traumatic unjust sufferings of such nature on others, especially our members".
"I, on behalf of the whole of my church and members so humbly Thank You for your time, consideration and ANY help that you are willing and able to contribute toward the protection of our Civil as well as Constitutional, and most importantly of all, our Universal rights, liberties and freedoms, and for helping to re-enforce that intended permanent division between we the church and they the state, especially in such a crucial time where clarity of that fact is wanted and needed by both sides in the broader scope of our society, especially in these recent days".
Thank you again, Blessings to you and may you go in a good way~ I look Forward to hearing back from and hopefully working with you.