An Update on Sachim Graves
Because many members have expressed concern regarding the current health issues of Sachim Joy Graves, spiritual leader of ONAC Kautantowit's Mecautea we thought we would go ahead and provide you with a brief update.
In regards to her lung function, she has balanced out at 50% for her baseline. She has been put on a second inhaler which is a strong steroid based medication, but Graves reports not using it as she says it only rises her lung function to 55% and only for a few short moments before it reduces back to 50%. Overall she is doing fine breathing wise, but too, she is having to take at easy as overall she feels "Weak and easily drained, even just by standing up and taking a few short steps."
During our conversation with her today, Graves reports that it's "another issue" that has she and those closest to her concerned in regards to her health and well-being, and according to those aiding in her care, there is good reason.

What most of you are likely unaware of, Graves has had multiple "lumps" emerging throughout her body for the last couple of years. Fearing the worst and yet hoping for the best, Graves put little attention toward the lumps convincing herself and those closest to her that they were likely cysts, but doctors have increased concern in two area of her body where there seems room for alarm.
According to the Mecautea member caring for Graves, physicians are looking at Graves breast and under her arm at what he says have "multiple lumps", one of which he says was undiscovered by Graves herself until an attending physician noted it extremely near to her lymph gland, and a large lump in her groin area. The Mecautea says that the physician told Graves that he believes that "At least this one is likely Not a cyst", stating that "It presents as a cancer tumor" and too, that it appeared to the doctor as "Growing." The physician explained to Graves and those present with her that if his belief is correct, that the biggest fear is at how close it Is to the lymph gland, saying that "It could spread almost anywhere throughout the body, including in her brain and emphasized that ultimately it "Could kill" her.
According to the surgeon Graves saw, surgery Is highly recommended and ultimately unavoidable, but Graves convinced them to allow her time Before an operation as she is determined to get her church and members protected legally BEFORE she risks something happening to her such as complications from an operation. The Mecautea with her state that she is for the most part stable, but is lacking any form of medication as of the present time. She is also fighting off a bronchitis and still battling symptoms of the sepsis infection as well, but otherwise hanging in there and determined to get things done.
What is asked for, is smoke and prayers for her, and too, help finding an attorney who can represent her members protection in a federal court. If you're willing to help beyond that, please contact the church directly at:
Thank you for your concern and support, we will keep you posted!