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It's a Bird... It's a Plane... It's NJ Weedman, Wrongfully jailed again!

Since the 1990's, there has been a notable front-line freedom fighting cannabis activist very outspoken from coast to coast in favor of cannabis liberation and whom also is accredited for having greatly helped get medicinal cannabis protected under New Jersey law in 2009. Edward Forchion, a true cannabis super-hero known best as the "NJ Weedman" co-founded the "United Cannabis Ministries" in October of 2005. For more information on that foundation, you're welcomed to follow the link provided here for your convenience:

From that, Eddie established his own independent branch of UCM that he named "Liberty Bell Temple" which was located in Hollywood, California. Additionally, Eddie owned a prominent medical marijuana dispensary in Hollywood as well, but apparently it was shut down after a federal raid in 2012. In 2014 Eddie additionally became an honorary member of Oklevueha Native American Church Kautantowit's Mecautea and blessed as one of the churches Supreme High Counsel Emissaries.

Forchion had already long set his focus upon the state of New Jersey and on it's position regarding cannabis "Marijuana" and ultimately fairly quickly got in trouble back in 2002, which led to a feud with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. While on provisional release from jail on possession charges, the NJ Weedman continued his activism by advocating for marijuana legalization despite being warned not to by state officials. Thanks to his dedication to the cause, medicinal marijuana use was legalized in New Jersey in 2009, however, recreational use is still illegal because according to Forchion, the Trenton city counsel are "Cowards."

(To hear more about his battle of 2002 from him direct here:)

In short, Forchion filed a complaint with then-U.S. Attorney Christie defending his free speech rights and state officials responded by arresting Forchion and putting him back in jail for encouraging criminal behavior noting that they were specifically upset about a series of TV commercials Forchion filmed calling for legalization. After a total of five months in jail and a hunger strike, a federal judge ruled that state of New Jersey was wrong because Eddie’s activism had been within his free speech rights and he was in turn ordered to be released.

After getting out of jail, Forchion filed another complaint with U.S. Attorney Christie and began picketing his office repeatedly, even at times as a one-man army. Though Christie publicly jokes about it, police found no humor in the Weedman's presence and chose to detain and ticket him every time. Forchion went back to federal court, where his right to free speech was upheld and the case was dismissed.

In 2012 the Weedman found himself again in the New Jersey courts but this time facing prison for being in possession of his medication, you see, among the drive towards cannabis liberation, Forchion is also praised for being a powerful advocate for medicinal cannabis.What many people tend to overlook, is that Eddie the NJ Weedman suffers from bone cancer, and For this, he has been a legally recognized medicinal cannabis consumer by the state of California but because of the different standing then of the two states laws, Forchion would have to travel back and forth between New Jersey and California monthly to obtain the medicine that helps him best, at least until 2009 when New Jersey would honor medicinal cannabis in their law too.

Forchion was caught in possession of 1 Pound of cannabis, and never once did he deny it to the judge nor the jury. What he instead emphasized before the court, was the juries right to exercise "Jury Nullification". To even his surprise, All 12 jurors did and deemed him "Not Guilty".

Fast-forwarding thru his front-line activism coast to coast to his terrible 2016, and proving to be starting off an even worse 2017. So you are aware, Edward Forchion is currently on his 42nd day in the New Jersey jail, without no option of bail, and coincidentally, a court date set for August 21st, the day After Forchion is annually scheduled to speak at the worlds Biggest "Pot Festival" throughout the three day event... clear across the country from where the Weedman remains caged in the state of New Jersey.

How this all takes root, is in Forchion's official establishment of "The Liberty Bell Temple III" which he intentionally and strategically opened right across the street from City Hall and just down the block caddie-corner from the Federal courthouse in Trenton. Liberty Bell Temple III is an appreciated sanctuary for young musicians and artists to escape the violence of Trenton that all ages, faiths and walks of life praise as being a blessing to their local community. The Liberty Bell Temple III is also the only place where adults can go on the east coast and publicly use cannabis in a socially peaceable environment. Eddie was not shy when he placed his cannabis temple right across the street from Trenton City Hall and parked his "Weed Mobile" out front for advertisement, in fact, he believed it the best place for him to be.

For the most part, it seemed as though he would have no legal issues with local authorities, but it wouldn't be long before he'd start becoming victim of illegal ones against he and his members and patrons. Police attention began to intensify toward Forchion when on Monday, June 15, 2015 the Weedman officially opened his restaurant named "The Joint" which opened right next to the Liberty Bell Temple III and again, right directly in front of the Trenton City Hall and across the way from the federal courthouse.

According to a public post on facebook: "From Dec. 2015-Present the Trenton Police Department have been harassing Edward Forchion for his outspokenness." Forchion had been complaining publicly on his Facebook page to all his friends, family and supporters about the on-going harassment from the Trenton County police and that ultimately it was causing fear in his patrons.

In retaliation, on March 5th, 2017 the police once again attempted to silence and punish him by arresting him for speaking out about his profile targeting in regards to their entrapment case mentioned in more detail below that Is still currently pending against him in their court of so-called "law" in Trenton.

The Weedman's troubles then began to flourished as early in the year when police Illegally began enforcing an "11

p.m. curfew" on his restaurant, literally coming in and telling everyone to leave, even though the restaurant is located in a business district and the curfew rules did not legally apply to The Joint's zoning, and on More than One occasion mind you! "No Chicken Wings after 11pm in Trenton NJ" became the joke of the cannabis community as word spread about Trenton PD's pathetic efforts to scare Forchion off.

"Our temple is an alternative religious organization that keeps night hours - we cater to a late night congregation. We are not a business, but a temple. We are open 24 hours."

But their harassment and intimidation tactics wouldn't stop there in the dark of night. During the day, the police would routinely park their patrol cars out front with their flashing lights on and this put a major chill on the restaurant’s business. According to reports, many of the clientele enjoying the Joint were government employees, and they became afraid of being seen in the restaurant. One woman patron who actually worked for the state who wished to remain anonymous said that she was threatened to be fired if she didn't stop eating lunch at The Joint during the work week.

On March 9 2016, a Federal Harassment Lawsuit by the NJ Weedman asking for an injunction against the agency, as well of coarse for a Jury Trial and $1 Million dollars in damages on the grounds that the police were interfering with the lawful right to assemble and freedom of religion."As far as his claim into the location being a church or a sanctuary, we are currently investigating those claims," said police spokesman Lt. Stephen Varn.

Forchion and his lawyers filed the petition, called a "Certiorari" hoping that the country's supreme court will hear his case and overturn his 2010 marijuana possession conviction in Burlington County as well as to stop their harassment on he, his businesses and his patrons once and for all in Trenton.

"It's official the City action of the Police has forced me to file a statute 1983 lawsuit against the City."

On March 10, 2016, no surprise to Eddie's supporters, police retaliated by launching a "Criminal Investigation" against him seeking to either drive or put the Weedman out of their hair in any way they could, which apparently has included using illegal entrapment methods and a drug addicted multiple felon to do it, one they police themselves have openly admitted and publicly published as being a known drug dealer within their community. The confidential felonious addict apparently claims to have then bought weed from the Weedman but Weedman Insists it never happened. "I may share but I don't sell" and why would he with law enforcement eyes already so dead-set on him! Weedman took it a step farther and publicly Boasted about having had video Proof as to what did and did Not happen inside the "Joint" on the date(s) in question, and almost immediately thereafter, on April 27,2016, the Police initiated what weedman supporters call "A cover up" in the form of officially executing a "Raid" against The Joint confiscating a sophisticated audiovisual setup including 28 cameras as well as computers and most disturbing to Forchion of all, hard drives that he says "Would clearly show illegal and Unconstitutional actions" on police officers part.

According to police, they also claimed to find "$19,000 worth of marijuana"which Forchion insists is preposterous. He also notes that the restaurant and temple Both have a “bring your own weed” policy and he insists that absolutely No dealing Ever took place on the property by any, that people brought their own and shared when spiritually motivated to do so with one another, but that all knew and respected the golden rule of no dealing, especially given that the eye of the law was closely focused upon them. He did note that he suspected there to have been a few transactions between the addicted informant and a few others but states that because it was off his property and away, he can't be certain but KNOWS that he Never dealt anything there nor with him, Ever.

Another heartbreaking Illegal victimization they bestowed onto Forchion during the illegal raid, was Illegally seizing his "WEEDMOBILE" from Private Property without a warrant to do so and then boast about having crushed it when he demanded it be promptly returned. THE Weed Mobile was (may she rest in peace) a 1986 Ford E-150 that featured a colorful, yet to society "controversial" decor including cannabis leaves and a portrait of Weedman blowing smoke into Uncle Sam’s face. Trenton police called Forchion’s weed mobile an “irritant”, and confirms that it was in fact reduced to a hunk of metal per the order of Trenton Police Captain Gonzales whom had had hours of arguement with Forchion regarding their operation procedures against him.

In somber tone, NJ Weedman had this to say in regards to the illegal destruction of his ride: "I just can't let the (TRENTON POLICE DEPARTMENT) get away with destroying my WEEDMOBILE - I'm sure in the long run after a couple years long lawsuit I will be compensated. But I want to create another WEEDMOBILE - asap - in 2017."

In Eddie's post he asked an important question in regards to the illegal attack he endured: "...But who do you complain to about illegal police action? The Police ?...The FBI....The Federal Judge."

Forchion was arrested during the raid and faces various multiple charges encompassing possession of marijuana including intent to distribute as well as parapharnalia charges and the most offensive and slanderous of all, "Maintaining a drug facility." All in all thus far Forchion was indicted on 11 drug-related charges stemming from an April raid of his downtown restaurant, smoke shop and cannabis church, charges he says he is sure his jury will Nullify. The Weedman was allowed to post bail to the tune of $5,000.00 but is still required to appear before the court upon their command to answer to the charges.Upon his release he had this to say: "The police are creating the problem, I am not creating the problem."

Forchion's statement would prove to ring true within a month of his release, when Forchion would additionally accumulated a separate charge of fourth-degree cyber-harassment against a Trenton police officer thanks to one of his accumulating antagonistic and harassing visits from police at the Joint, this one taking place on May 10th, 2016. Forchion had gotten into a heated argument with an officer named none other than "Herb Flowers" (seriously) after the officer attempted to infringe on Eddie's right to Free speech.

As the engagement heated between the two men, it wasn't long before Eddie began calling out Flowers on allegations of having had sexual relations with an under-aged girl while a police officer for Trenton PD. A witness at the scene recorded and then publicized the battle between the Weedman and Flowers on youtube showing Forchion continuously calling officer Flowers a "pedophile!"

As a result, Forchion was ultimately charged for the video being publicly published and quickly going viral. Yes you read that right, officer Flowers because of the video being posted online by someone other than Forchion filed a formal complaint against Forchion charging him with cyber bullying Because the video was published online and was going viral! Officially regarding this, Flowers says that because the allegation was made public, it was affecting relationships between he and his wife and other family members. Forchion's position remains simple - it was NOT His video Nor did He post it! Civil liberties advocates say that the police using that law against Forchion regarding this incident is unconstitutional. Forchion also feels it is unjust to be charged for publicizing a video he had no control over, he stands by his statements and is confident that these, as will the other pending charges against him will in time and likely by decision of a jury, will ultimately be dismissed.

NJ Weedman did resort to shaming Mercer County prosecutors after he was indicted for calling a Trenton Police officer Flowers out for being a “pedophile” in a tense encounter caught on tape earlier this year, saying:

“What if I called [Prosecutor} Stephanie Katz a slut?” marijuana activist Ed “NJ Weedman” Forchion said when he learned from a Trentonian reporter he was indicted for cyber-harassment. “If I called Stephanie Katz a slut, her husband would have every right to come beat me up. But they couldn’t indict me or arrest me for it, legally. But that’s what they just did with me calling Officer [Herbert] Flowers a pedophile. And I double down. Pedophile. P-E-D-O-P-H-I-L-E.” “Hey Flowers, why don’t you enforce child motherf----ing molestation charges. … A big boy f---- with little girls. How come you don’t enforce pedophiles? Because you are one.” “Did you use a rubber on that little girl? I’m not from this town and the whole town knows you’re a pedophile.”

Edward Heyburn, Forchion’s lawyer said he plans to prove what his client said about the bike cop is true. What is said thus far on the topic, is that while Flowers worked the beat of a public housing complex in Trenton, that he exchanged gifts for sex with an underage girl. The girl, now a woman, plans to come forward, Heyburn said. Heyburn predicted the resurfacing of the “troubled cop’s” alleged past will lead to his firing or forced resignation. “I think this is the beginning of the end of Flowers,” he said. “This is a case where they threw one punch to take 10.” After the pedophile allegations surfaced, Flowers allegedly contacted the woman and urged her to keep quiet about it, Heyburn said, but ultimately that the young woman Is planning on coming forward and confirming the allegations as being true regarding she and Flowers. This charge carries up to 18 months in prison for Forchion, who is already facing seven years in the slammer in his confidential addict turned illegal raid case.

"In May 2016 I was charged with Cyber-Bullying oFc Flowers for the below video (which I didn't upload or film) .... I was forced to pay $5000 bail. (Which I still pay $100 a week for ) “It appears the prosecutor’s office and the grand jury foreperson did not attend fourth-grade social studies class,” Forchion said. “If they had, they would have realized this is free speech I was exercising. The judge should immediately dismiss this garbage, this legal harassment.” An attorney from the American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey had previously said the offensive language charge in the state’s disorderly conduct statute was ruled unconstitutional by the appellate courts three decades ago. “It wasn’t ruled unconstitutional last week or last month; it was ruled unconstitutional in 1985,” staff attorney Alex Shalom said.

Though the Joint restaurant closed it's doors due to the raid, it is set to reopen its doors on April 20th 2017 under a new name: Weedbukx Cafe. Weedbukx Cafe's unique design will mimic a medical marijuana grow room with curtains, tablecloths and chairs inspired by the plant. Though no cannabis is included in the making of the food, Weedbukx will also feature a marijuana-themed menu with dishes like "Snoop's Dream," a fish and grits dish and the "Pothead Sandwich," which is fried fish with a shrimp crab relish and sriracha sauce, in addition to it's "Chris Christie" sandwich and other featured items enjoyed on the menu. "We are hoping to provide an upscale environment where people can celebrate the wonders of marijuana in a fun environment without partaking in the actual use of it." Co-owner Debi Madaio told reporters.

Meanwhile, while waiting for a decision from the court as to whether or not the NJ Weedman would be officially informed as to whom his "Accusor" was entangling him into the judicial system which resulted in the raid and too, his arrest, Ed decided to Perry Mason the case himself trying to figure out whom the state could possibly bring forth as a witness to attempt to validate the allegation that he was selling cannabis. A conclusion was reached in his mind that the only questionable person recently around his circle, was a local drug addict and user by the name of Zeb M. Lapidus.

Though initially unsure and yet eager to learn, the state's reaction to his suspicion quickly seemed to come with unofficial verification that he was on the right track in suspecting Lapidus as being involved on the cheese-eating end of the law. "I've been waiting for Judge Massi's ruling since 1/6/2017. The prosecution has been fighting to keep me from my right to face my accuser since August 2016." Last summer, Forchion started spreading the name of the man who he believed to be the confidential informant on social media sites, asking his followers to find information on the man.

As a result, Forchion was arrested on two charges... one count of "Second-degree witness tampering" and another charge of "Third-degree witness tampering." after being indicted by a Mercer County grand jury and a warrant for his arrest issued that same day, the prosecutor's office said. Upon this arrest, Ms Katz Assistant Prosecutor made a "Special Request to the court." asking that Eddie be held until Trial ...that is why he has been detained without the option of bail. Forchion says "Mrs. Katz knows I will not be convicted by a jury and this is her way of imprisoning me without a jury. This is a political imprisonment. I’ve been an American dissident for decades, openly criticizing our governments racist war on drugs. I am a peaceful, proud, patriotic, pothead and now I’m a political prisoner of New Jersey’s politics of pot."

Superior Court Judge Anthony Massi finally ruled on last week on the matter regarding Forchion's right to know his accusers and ultimately decided that Forchion did not need to know the man's name in order to build a defense against the drug charges. This leads this reporter to question whether or not Forchion should

contemplate seeking a change of venue as well as pursuing judiciary disciplinary action against Judge Massi for going against the laws of the constitution. "I have a right to face my accuser and a right to investigate my accuser. The prosecution attempted to prevent me from doing both so I posted pictures of my RAT, asking the public to help me. The Bensalem police department did the same thing. (Google Counterfeit Eagles tickets Bensalem police)! The Bensalem police used their picture of him to help them identify their suspect and build a case. also used a picture to build my defense. Mrs. Katz misconstrued this to the Grand Jury and obtained an indictment. I never threatened Zev M. Lapidus. The case is bogus. Zev M Lapidus was used in attempt to entrap me."

Daniel Corvino, an observer in the courtroom on the day Forchion faced the judge seeking permission to be released, said "I sat in that courtroom and heard Ed Forchion (NJWeedman) tell Judge Warshaw that he is eager to have his day in court. I heard testimony given that Ed discouraged any violent action be taken against a person I won't name. And I heard the Judge give as one of his reason for keeping Ed in custody that if freed he will continue to smoke cannabis. Oh, the horrors!"

At any rate, under the state's new bail reform laws, which went info effect Jan. 1, though most defendants can expect to be released with no monetary bail, officials say certain conditions could warrant pre-trial detention, like danger to the community, flight risk or threat to a witness and because of that, they have no plans on letting the Weedman out of jail anytime soon. "He will do what suits him. He will do what he wants," judge Warshaw said adding, "the only way to protect the further intimidation of the witness is to detain the defendant." Forchion has just over a month to appeal Warshaw's ruling, and only If an appellate court sides with Forchion, will he then be released before going to trial.

Matheau Dorian Ringley, another courtroom witness and supporter of the NJ Weedman said "It's total bullshit, I was there, the judge's reason for not doing bail was because he would continue to use cannabis for his bone cancer." Additionally we have been told that Eddie has not had any of his prescribed medications including for treatment of his High Blood pressure since he was arrested more than 40 days ago. Supporters are deeply concerned for his health and safety and want it known that eyes are upon both forchion as well as the jail and the Trenton police department.

Please stay tuned for further updates regarding Ed "NJ Weedman" Forchion's intense situation, as well as other pertinent stories, and also please consider supporting Eddie by contacting media as well as complaining about the injustice he continues to unnecessarily endure.

So far he is doing ok, but asks for supporters to please buy some books for him to read via Amazon. Also too if you can, please consider donating to the Weedman's support fund via his paypal account at: as bills still accumulate and WeedBukx as well as Liberty Bell Temple III Must continue on.

Letters of support and encouragement are also Highly appreciated. Thank you for your attention, concern and support for this true blue HERO of ours! Anything you can do is greatly appreciated.


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