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ONAC Kautantowit's Mecautea Stands apart from new rising ONAC in California

It is with confusion to reporting members, that ONAC KM officials primary announcement address on this- the sacred day to honor their "Mother Medicine Sacrament" Cannabis that "ONAC KM stands apart from a new rising ONAC church in central California" whom also emphasize cannabis sacrament as well, and so we made it a point to speak with some of the church officials and members about it throughout the coarse of today in the hopes of finding some answers that will bring concerned persons some clarity as far as what's going on and why, and too, how members feel about it.

Mingling among the members of ONAC KM, it didn't take long before it was confirmed that there is a dissension from ONAC KM's perspective and that multiple eyes are watching the entirety of what's going on in ONAC land. What we quickly deduced is that the heart of the division has to do with there being an issue to do with "Sincerity" and the growing multitudes of dishonor instead replacing it within the new up-and-coming "church". Throughout the day, multiple members of ONAC KM confirmed that they as members are concerned with and too, becoming embarrassed by the representation and conduct of the new church is having on the whole of Oklevueha's reputation, and most we spoke with went so far as to state that they wanted to "make sure" that by being a member of ONAC KM didn't reflect or create any required association with the questionably practicing new church.

The name of this "New ONAC Church" is titled "ONA Sugarleaf Rastifarian Church", known and referred to mainly as :Sugarleaf" and the person in charge of it is a woman by the name of Heidi Grossman, a fairly new face within the California cannabis community. According to members, Grossman first emerged around ONAC on New Years Eve when she came to an ONAC KM supported cannabis event on the arm of a well known and highly respected member, who happened to be a musical performer in the global cannabis community for close to a decade at the time. She was presented as the members fiance and ultimately because of that, was openly accepted and welcomed among the celebrating members.

But as you will see in the photograph immediately below this paragraph, it wasn't until on the 24th of September 2016 that Oklevueha Native American Church in Utah admitted Ms. Heidi Grossman of California into the mother church as a church member unde the mother church directly in Utah. Members who knew Grossman say it was curious as to why Grossman never mentioned or shown any interest in ONAC, that she would wait until after she had already abruptly ended her relationship with the member and say too, her interest in ONAC came after having given many members justifiable grounds to question her intentions, agenda and conduct, especially those involved with the global cannabis community which was whee Grossman's focus was aimed duinng that time.

Members admit that they didn't bring their concerns of Grossman to KM leaders "Because she wasn't officially part of the church" but admit they were struggling to keep silent about there ill feelings growing rapidly against Grossman until her relationship ended with there brother member. Officials of ONAC KM insist that Grossman was "Never adopted to any degree into ONAC KM"

Leaders of ONAC KM say that they didn't have any knowledge at all that Grossman had any interest in ever becoming a member of Oklevueha Native American Church. "She never asked anything about it or joining" said one of the KM Elder High Counsel Emissaries, and he even went so far as to state that had she asked or petitioned, ultimately the counsel would have denied sponsoring her for membership "because of the question encompassing the honor of her intent and conduct being seen in representation and reflection of ONAC."

None-the-less as you can see, she was officially accepted as a member of the mother church in Utah as of September 24th, 2016.

This according to members would only be the beginning of a whirlwind of controversy and embarrassment to come as a result of Grossman's involvement in ONAC and left them reconsidering their membership.

It wouldn't be long before Grossman would make her move at attaining her own independent branch of ONAC, after first securing her new relationship with another known elderly man in the cannabis community who had freshly been paroled from federal prison about 3 months after she attained her membership card. By the end of February of 2017, not only would Grossman attain her blessing entrustment of an independent branch as a reflection of ONAC, but too, would claw her way into the title of "National Executive Director of Oklevueha Native American Church in Spanish Fork's Utah." By November, immediately below, you will find some of the pictures publicly presented of she and members of her church.

According to upset members, ONAC had just come through months of wrongful attack and scrutiny by tribal communities for "endorsing Pokahottie" and "Dishonoring the culture of there ancestors" publicly when ONAC KM lept forward as the example that ONAC did not function in such a way and was found honorable and diffusing to the concern. "And now This in the name and as a reflection on ONAC, it's discerning to say the least, and also reprehensible" say ONAC members.

But another reason of concern to arise came in the "New" membership card of Grossman's reflecting her as a leader of and within ONAC in a way that will not gain her any favor by any officials that see it in a legal capacity- take a look and decide for yourselves on this "official card" as posted publicly by Gossman on May 18th 2017, and when you do, ask yourself:

"if You were in court with your freedom on the line and depending on the creditability of my religious belief, if This would be a credential from your minister to be presented when your sincerity is in question?"

It was about this same time that Grossman publicly proclaimed herself as being "National Ambassador for ONAC Sacrament Branches out of Sacramento, California" in addition to her position as National Director in and for the mother church in Utah. It was also wave #2 of distraught that would whisk through Oklevueha. According to multiple independent branches and churches of ONAC, Grossman has began attempting to demand as well as collect tithings from all of they who use cannabis sacraments, and wheeling threats of ill consequence including the revoking of there blessing of existence if they didn't comply on her word and whim alone and immediately.

*Editor's note: Look at the dates closely on the Cards, especially the Official ONA Sugaleaf.*

"As ONAC Kautantowit's Mecautea we do not condone, support nor endorse such representation as being a reflection of our or many other honorably functioning independent branches and churches of ONAC, we follow the path of good medicine as Creator expects and instructed us, A'ho."

Please stay tuned for updates on this and other news encompassing and or impacting ONAC.


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