ONAC KM Flourishment

As an Independent Church of Oklevueha Native American Church, ONAC Kautantowit's Mecautea (ONAC KM) are Very Honored to announce the flourishment of the KM tree. Before we begin, it's important to express that Oklevueha Native American Church Kautantowit's Mecautea is an Independent "FREE CHURCH OF Oklevueha EarthWalks Native American Church" (OEWNAC).
Graves describes such as being "a pine cone" from the OEWNAC tree and says that Flaming Eagle testified to such in the Grant County Oregon case she and ONAC KM members had back in 2014 when their central east Oregon sanctuary was raided and their sacrament garden was illegally destroyed by local police.
Graves faced a total of 20 Years in prison for the garden, and two ONAC KM members also faced 16 Years in prison for the same case. "James told the court that as far as ONAC Kautantowit's Mecautea, that I as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of ONAC KM am Equal to he with Oklevueha Earthwalks Native American Church and also testified that ONAC KM stands separate from Earth Walks, meaning on our own as a free and independent church of Oklevueha." Graves notes that Mooney further testified that ONAC KM "on it's own Does in fact meet all of the 14 points of the IRS standard" which is set in federal law in effort of validating that ONAC KM is in fact operating and operational As an independent church standing on it's own. "It's important that people truly understand that as it is the most Important fact to understand when talking of Oklevueha Native American Church."
"Not all Oklevueha churches can take such a stand as not all can secure the 14 point standards all on their own like ONAC KM can, is, and will continue to do Honorably so long as the trees and grasses grow and the rivers flow as so blessed in our charter by James." Graves points out that too, not all ONAC churches "Can" stand independently as not all have a Chief Executive Officer blessed in charter allowing them to be an independently standing ONAC church.
The first official limb Graves says that ONACKM is "Extremely excited about presenting" is the Windigo of Kautantowit's Mecautea. The Windigo of Kautantowit's Mecautea is blessed by Sachem Graves as long as the trees and grasses grow and the rivers flow. Kevin 'Catch the Hawk' Locke is blessed as the President of Windigo of ONAC Kautantowit's Mecautea as long as he walks Mother Earth in good standing with Kautantowit's Mecautea, and Tatanka Banks is blessed as the Vice President of Windigo of ONAC Kautantowit's Mecautea as long as he walks Mother Earth in good standing with Kautantowit's Mecautea.

Graves says that she and ONAC KM are blessed in their willingness to be part in representing Kautantowit's Mecautea's standing with "Indian Country" as they feel that by so doing they are "Bringing the blessing back full circle from whence it began,but that with it comes protection of their freedoms they seem to otherwise be lacking." According to Graves, by ONAC KM expanding it's branches out into "Indian Country" they feel Kautantowit's Mecautea are fulfilling the honorable duty expected of them by Great Creator. "If it wasn't for their blessing and instruction to Flaming Eagle to "Take the medicine Out To the White Man, the whole of Oklevueha would have no right of legal standing at all, and says that the "Least Kautantowit's Mecautea can do is to return the blessing to the people with the legal protections that Oklevueha as a whole has obtained because and thanks to them."
For those of you whom might not be aware, Kevin Locke came to Oklevueha in March of 2016 as an Elder Delegate for Oklevueha. Locke is a tribal member of the Leech Lake band of Ojibwe tribe in Minnesota. Locke has thus far spent more than a Year educating and providing counsel for Graves and ONAC KM and spent much of that time on the road doing various work for and beyond members of Oklevueha Native American Church and ONAC KM. Locke, a highly educated and recently elected tribal counsel member has also agreed to become Head Master of the ONAC Kautantowit's Mecautea School as well as to oversee the teachings of traditional and tribal culture, history and daily life creed of the tribal elders of generations passed.
Tatanka Banks, Vice President of Windigo of ONAC KM is also a federally registered tribal member of Leech Lake Ojibwe, better known as Prisoner of War (POW) Camp 407c, another issue Graves and ONAC KM plan on attacking fairly soon but will prove to be another notable news story of it's own, is also an educator of Tribal related culture and history for ONAC KM School and both men plan on advocating for ONAC KM's stand with "Indian Country." Their goal as the Windigigoo (meaning Backwards ones) of ONAC Kautantowit's Mecautea is to help ONAC KM complete the bridge in which prophecy states is to aid in the unification of "All the people of Turtle Island and to Join them at the feet of the elder wisdom keepers" so to be properly educated to the ways and wishes of Great Creator. For those of you unaware, Tatanka Banks is the Nephew of legendary tribal icon Dennis Banks, co-founder of the American Indian Movement (AIM) back in the early 1970's and who continues the tradition of "The Longest Walk" which started coast to coast since the late 1970's and continues annually.
A second limb of the ONAC KM tree has also sprouted down into Central America to the Yucatan peoples through KM Member Daveed Nenanin whom is honored as a medicine person of the Shamaan. Nenanin has been blessed into the position of President of the Aboriginal Dance Wisdom of ONAC Kautantowit's Mecautea, a second limb of ONAC KM so blessed and established so long as the trees and grasses flow ad the rivers flow. Nenanin has been blessed so long as he walks in good standing with their tree which is the ONAC KM church, and has also graciously agreed to be an educator of ONAC Kautantowit's Mecautea School as well along with Locke and Banks in regards to tribal history and educational studies encompassing the indigenous peoples of Turtle Island (the continents of "The America's"). Nenanin has additionally been named an Emissary of ONAC KM which oversees International Tribal related issues and unification.

Though there are additional branches of ONAC KM that have officially sprouted into establishment by the formal and official blessing of Graves as well as a handful of Confederations, within as well as beyond ONAC, ONAC KM feel that these two in themselves will flourish into the liberation of today's Native American "Indian" peoples above the rest. "Without the tribes maintaining the sacred knowledge of Creator that we all Need to learn, suffering as they have for over 500 years of intentional oppression which still dictates as well as is used as grounds to oppress, intimidate and even punish tribal members who choose to hold dear their culture and creed, none of us would have Any of the legal protections ONAC have attained and secured within federal and state law, it is our Honor as well as privilege as Kautantowit's Mecautea to give back to our indigenous brothers and sisters... not to stand For but to stand With them united as we attempt to educate the worlds inhabitants to the Right and Honorable way to live respectfully with Mother Earth and within All of Creator's creation in a good medicine way."