The Circle of Cannabis Churches?
ONAC KM News thought it would be a good medicine thing to look a little bit closer into the newly formed "Circle of Cannabis Churches" formed outside Oklevueha by Oklevueha members as of July 14th 2017, but seeing how long their believed mission statement is, we knew adding their text in a condensed or edited version would only essentially leave room for question, so we decided to go ahead and turn it into an article all of it's own, kind of as a curteosy to our members and supporters so that all will have an inclination as to what's going on:

"The Circle of Cannabis Churches, a New Way Forward
The Circle of Cannabis Churches (3C) is a coalition of member Churches that facilitates and fosters the cooperation, integration and unity of Sacramental Cannabis Churches. Any Church whose Ceremonies, Rights, Rituals, Disciplines or Practices of Faith depend on Sacramental Cannabis is eligible to join the confederation of 3C. Sacramental Cannabis includes but is not limited to: The fresh vegetative leaves, chewed or juiced. The fresh flowers, also eaten or juiced. Dried flowers, preserved for Sacramental smoking/vaporizing. Concentrations, Infusions and Suffusions of Cannabis are Sacramental, as they are used in Holy anointing oil, cooking and are smoked or vaporized. Sprouted seed and other forms of seed are also Sacramental. All other forms and uses, known and unknown, may also be Sacramental. The integration and cooperation of member Churches enhances all of our collective security and legal validation, improves all our practices, procedures, and standards, and augments true levels of service to members. By working together, Churches can take advantage of economies of scale, comprehensive legal strategies and representation and improved potentials for growth and service . In addition to securing improved access to the tools, knowledge and awareness required to produce Sacramental Cannabis, member Churches can cultivate relationships with each other and cooperate to serve their membership. The progressive harmonization of 3C increases each Church’s ability to foster and serve its membership and people in medical need of Sacramental Cannabis. Membership allows Churches and their members to access Sacrament at all 3C Sacrament Ministry Centers (SMC) and through a collective online SMC at By cultivating cooperation we augment our capacity to grow in scope of influence, relevance and service. By marshaling and coordinating the creative gifts, resources, and inspiration of individual members and Churches, we can face the legal, moral, ethical and spiritual challenges to come empowered by our unity. By integrating Churches we gain myriad advantages of synchronicity that escape us in isolation. Unification gains all Churches the credibility and influence that we cannot obtain to individually. Failure to unite leaves us divided and conquered. It is the will of the Creator that all His children in flesh unite as one family, it is therefor particularly fitting that we as Sacramental Cannabis Churches commence the global healing of the human family and ourselves by healing the Cannabis Community, that truly is at the center of such potent philosophical, religious, artistic, musical and practical creativity, inspiration, innovation, energy and initiative. Churches benefit through comprehensive shared legal strategies, cases being coordinated by a team of lawyers for maximum utility. We improve our ability to combat the unlawful discrimination we suffer at the hands of city, county, state and federal governments, their agents and representatives. We must collectively uphold the legal rights guaranteed to us under the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA), the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), The Constitution of the United States, State Constitutions and all other laws and procedural rules that protect our freedom to practice Sacramental Cannabis Rites, Rituals and Ceremonies. Failure to do so will relegate our Sacrament to the control and dominion of the governmental shills of the Harmacuetical Companies and Agribusiness giants. By having collective legal council we can take advantage of many protected practices that we could not defend individually in isolation. Competent cohesive cogent and comprehensive legal representation and strategy is the most important facet of preserving, maintaining and expanding our rights. This type of legal representation could easily bankrupt an individual Church, which is why the rights of Cannabis Churches are so frequently trampled by a legal system prejudiced against our Faith by 90 years of widely published and circulated false propaganda about Cannabis. The 3C Legal Team led by stalwart and creative advocate Matt Pappas and his team of stalwarts protect Member Churches with unequaled legal representation by experts and specialists. Unless your Church has a vast endowment of Cash and legal expertise you could never achieve the levels of representation delivered by Pappas and his indomitable associates.
The Circle will cooperatively operate SMC nationally, administered when possible by member Churches, nationally in metropolitan areas. At theses SMCs, any “member” of a Circle Church, or any “Member Church” can obtain Sacramental Cannabis. Individually it could take forever to accomplish this goal, however, by marshaling our collective strength we can realize the goal of national availability of Sacramental Cannabis. The Circle will additionally operate an online member hub, featuring National Sacrament Ministry to members not able reach SMCs or their Church. It will advance an educational outreach and positive regaling of the myriad blessings conferred on people by Sacramental Cannabis and natural medicine. Utilizing the World renown Dr. William and Kristen Courtney and Bud Greene’s Bud Babes, we will proclaim the truth that heals all sickness and is the “Healing of the Nations”. CannaBless will give 3C an online platform where members and member Churches can access Cannabis Sacrament, vital knowledge, member inspired arts and gear, as well as branded Sacramental Cannabis accouterments. Additionally members will have an avenue to express their creative inspirations to benefit the member Churches of 3C and their members. Cultivation supplies, Sacramental Cannabis Certification standards and practices, education opportunities will also be available to member Churches and members. The extensive and detailed Plan of Service Operations for 3C will be made available to Churches prior to their embrace by the Circle. The coordination and cooperation the Circle fosters will give member Churches the advantages of economies of scale on the equipment tools. Churches will have access to advanced and conscious techniques of cultivation processing and distribution, that isolated lone Churches could not attain. The progressive unification of Churches requires levels of coordination and integration best achieved by a group of committed and dedicated individuals who serve to steer the ongoing process of unification and collaboration. 3C will have a “Board of Servants," rather than a traditional one of Directors. Membership on the Board will be drawn from selected from Member Church Leadership. Service to 3C, membership, and people in need will be factors in determining which Member Churches will have a representative on the Board. The voices of all Churches will at all times factor into all decisions and actions taken by the Board of Servants. The ideas intuitions and inspiration of members to enhance cooperation, improve coordination, and strengthen unity will always be given the full attention of the Servants of the Circle. Their duty will be to continually act to improve the Circles ability to serve the needs of Churches, members and people in need through the integrating our Services. The Board of Servants is a microcosm of The Circle, which is a microcosm of all Cannabis Churches and all people who partake of Sacramental Cannabis as part of their spiritual discipline and path to consciousness. The unification and fellowship created amongst the members of the Board of Servants will germinate in member Churches and circle by circle we achieve the progressive unification that is our goal. Groups of People wishing to form a new Church and join the Circle will be offered a variety of methods through 3C. They can form their own new Church and become 3C members, or they may align themselves with an existing member Church as a Branch. The 3C legal team has prepared packages with easy guidelines to accomplish these and other options and they are available to assist new Churches or Branches of existing Churches comply with State and Federal standards. Wether You want to join 3C as an existing Cannabis Church, form a New Church That joins 3C or join an existing 3C Church as a branch you will surely find us well prepared to assist you at every step of the way. 3C can employ Leaders from experienced member Churches to consult and train leaders of New Churches. This Spirit of Cooperation is a hallmark of the 3C amalgamation of Sacramental Cannabis Churches. We aim is to assist our brothers and sisters in the creation and empowerment of viable Sacramental Cannabis Churches to build a National Organization that can protect our God Given, Natural and Human Rights to utilize, cultivate, administer and employ Sacramental Cannabis Rights, Rituals, Ceremonies and practices."
Please stay tuned for future updates about this and other ONAC related news and current events. We thank you for your continued support.