ONA Sugarleaf amwaying churches, promising Oklevueha Native American Church Protection
It's again with disheartening news that we must once more bring not so good attention on the newly establishing ONA Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church of central California as according to there own account, ONA Sugarleaf "Has made over 100 churches in Less than 3 months" by hosting what they call "Lunch and Learn" seminars twice weekly where church branches are then being sold and established- Rumor has it, to the tune of $35k+ a pop!

It has come to the attention of Oklevueha Native American Church that ONA Sugarleaf Rastifarian Church, whom had recently sought a blessing from ONAC in late February, has since been selling churches to the tune of $10,000 to $35,000.00+ a piece throughout California and possibly even beyond with the promise of ONAC protections!
Though the investigation has yet been concluded, as obviously much damage control must be done due to the magnitude of victims, thus far ONAC HAS received paper proof of the following facts:
1. ONA Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church is in fact offering the selling of a "Farmer's Branch" for $10,000.00
2. ONA Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church is in fact offering the selling "Spiritual Center" Blessings for $35,000.00
3. ONA Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church is in fact charging a minimum of a "Consultation Fee of $350.00 to initiate the above offerings.
Further investigation has revealed that ONA Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church has in fact assisted in the registering of at least 6 churches with the California Secretary of State's office, which can be confirmed through a simple search on the following website of their's and doing a name search of "ONAC" - from there 30 will pop up,
( look Closely at the 6 reflecting the name Joseph Tully, on page 2 of the search total), and that 4 of the 6 churches registered with the following names are in fact listed as being "Domestic Stock" Corporations:
1.#C3940416 "ONAC RUKA"
2. #C3984824 "ONAC OF LUCKY STAR"
5. #C3940365 "ONAC OF BROLE
*Please Note that church #4 has been dissolved as of June 2017"
The remaining one directly authorized by Grossman and ONA Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church are licensed as a spiritual and morally based church should be, "Domestic non-profit" but do note that they are established "To facilitate marijuana to church members", a licensing notation never been proclaimed by any ONAC affiliation until now.
The problem with this for ONAC, is in that ONA Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church, though deeming themselves "An Independent Church from ONAC" publicly, continues to insist that those who are joining in on her exploitation of churches whom are sincerely attempting to preserve our rights to cannabis sacrament such as ONAC easily fall prey to the wolves out to profit off our sincere efforts. "In every picture and post ONA Sugarleaf posts they almost Always have the ONAC logo behind or somewhere in it, more than any other religious symbol, and the same is found true in the church paperwork she is selling to people, it literally says "Protected by ONAC" when the truth be told, ONAC has absolutely NO knowledge or record of any member she is issuing cards to Or in regards to any Church she is selling people."
Because ONA Sugarleaf representative Heidi Grossman Lepp sought and attained membership in September of 2016, and then sought and attained entrustment with the blessing of spiritual leader of an independent branch, which was blessed Sugarleaf ONAC - NOT ONA Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church, it is unclear as to what if any liability there may be for ONAC as far as to what she has been doing in the selling of her churches, but ONAC officials wish it made publicly known and clear that we are NOT About the selling of Churches as it is degrading to the sincere medicine persons who honorably operate as a representation of Oklevueha Native American Church.
Please stay tuned for future updates about this and other ONAC related news and current events.