Why a division between Cannabis ONAC's?
Because of the growing intensity of division forming between sibling Okllevueha Native American Churches, we felt it important enough to find out why and what is to be had in such direct public opposition. For this, ONAC KM received volunteer members from within to set out on a mission of obtaining plausable reason and justification as to this deepening division, and this is what we've found thus far:

"Even though each ONAC is independent and individual in it's blessing as a church, we maintain a sibling connection by sharing the name Oklevueha Native american Church" explains KM President Timothy Timm in a telephonic interview about the subject as ONAC KM maintains positioned on the front lines in the defense of the public reflection on ONAC.
According to sources, ONAC had predominantly focused on protecting peyote sacrament, though never limited use of other earth-based sacred substances, especially those proven medicinal in value to be used by there members for ceremonial and or medicinal purposes. Spiritual leaders state that many have been utilizing cannabis sacrament within ONAC long before the mother church even began looking closely at it as being used. "Grandfather peyote" has and will always remain the focal medicine of the mother church.
The first official acknowledgement of cannabis as a sacrament in a federal court came from the medial attention obtained by Michael 'Raging Bear' Mooney, son of James Mooney blessed as "ONAC Hawaii" whom filed an injunction in federal court after a package of sacrament containing both peyote and cannabis was seized by Fed-Ex, though technically it was Roger and Share Christie's THC Ministry (The Hawai'i Cannabis Ministry) whose blessing as "ONAC Hilo" that would break the ribbon of ONAC defending cannabis in the courtroom on official record.
"By the time Raging Bear's case had come before the court, he had fallen in bad standing with the mother church and declared a disassociation between his renamed "NAC-HI" and ONAC according to his counsel in court who further confirmed that Raging Bear had no other such blessing entitlement, so ultimately "NAC-HI" lost their case because he had no legal standing as of that time as being a church" explains Graves, "Roger Christie had already served 5 years in federal prison and was released by the time "NAC-HI's" case was lost as per a plea deal and Share Christie currently remains sitting on a 5 year federal prison sentence for having accepted the same plea deal as Roger had and obviously remains a priority even still to this day in which ONAC strives to get in position to assist and free her from."
Sachem Joy Graves, Emissary and official spokesperson for Oklevueha had this to say about the topic at hand: "Right now, ONAC is painfully having to learn very important lessons as to how our church can be exploited,used, victimized and dishonored by blindly trusting and embracing anyone who happens along insisting how they wish to help the planet, people and communities - not everyone, as was the lesson forgotten from back in the 1490 era apparently, has honorable and sincere intention, and with a negative moral conscious, what you end up with is a genocide situation, and as still the Only officially declared, blessed and honored Warrior church of Oklevueha, it's ONAC KM's Obligation to rid our fields of wolves and Especially so those with coyote intentions and morals."
When asked "Why" a Public division between ONAC KM and ONA Sugarleaf specifically, she had this to say:
"Because Public is where ONA Sugarleaf is obviously striving to be and take this situation. ONAC began expanding the mother churches focus toward protecting cannabis in addition To peyote specifically in 2013, Dr. Courtney was blessed and entrusted as a spiritual leader of cannabis medicine practitioner as well he should in August as was I with ONAC KM in September of 2013 For That Purpose. coming into that, we already Had cases that needed urgent attention in courtrooms such as the now former ONAC Hawaii & NAC-HI and the still remaining of our top priorities, Share Christie being released from federal prison as soon as we can, but too, we had other cases down at the state level including ONAC spiritual leaders who were also sitting in jails and prisons for using cannabis sacramentally without having the mother church officially taking a position or putting a focus on it creating a question in the court systems."
Graves went on to say: "When the mother church began Realizing there was a serious issue at hand, they initiated steps to get it implimented into church proticol, which is Not an easy task to accomplish given the grandfathering they have to contend with to make it a success and ultimately ONAC continues to do all it can to catch up to where it needs to structurally be, every time the mother church believes they can begin to blindly trust, they're proven duped by dangerous wolves with coyote moral and intentions" We asked Graves to explain what she means as she repeats this phrase, and this is her description:
"When it comes to the masses of our society, cannabis is a brand new and scary concept for them to fathom as suddenly now being safe and socially acceptable, and as our society continues to exploit through unnecessary regulation and taxation and punishment and detrimental consequences for their own selfish and personal gain, those promoting that direction in my perspective are the wolves coming within the cannabis community, as they have been since the early 2000's. A wolf with Coyote intention and moral is among the worst kind of wolves we have to be constantly looking out for, in the cannabis community, in ONAC, in society, even in government."
When asked for more detail as to a wolf with coyote moral and intentions, Graves explained: "A wolf is already considered a threat when it happens upon a flock of livestock, and so the shephard's job is essentially to keep the flock safe, but among the pack of hungry and blood-thirsty of the wolves, it's the one with the coyote mindset, the ones who will cunningly attempt to manipulate and trick their way into positions where you can trust that only bad medicine is going to come upon the flock- they're the ones you've got to be mindful of most, get rid of them as quickly and damage-free as is possible and then close up the path so that they or others of their kind cannot return in and endanger the flock anymore."
We asked Graves why she felt that this was proving to be the case and concern for Oklevueha and she had this to say: "Now that cannabis exploitation is creating a boom of sudden competition that the wolves didn't forsee, desperately they are scanning around trying to find out how they can get and stay on top of the canna-business empire, and as our Emperor for-told, we are now at the phase tow of this in that they have already Thrown the patients to the wolves and are now in the process of cannibalizing one another until they've ultimately Destroyed our standing as individual people Including non-government approved canna-business and so as they strive for a way to secure their place in the piles of limitless profit to be had in our beloved mother medicine cannabis, some are looking at ONAC as being a back-door elevator up that will by-pass them of the bulk of their competition under the guise of religion."
When Graves was asked if she saw any hope in protecting Oklevueha from such victimization and exploitation, a look of child-like innocent sincerity washed over her face and she said "I believe we can, and that we Have too because too many people will unnecessarily suffer and die if we don't, but it's going to take time and serious effort from sincere honorable members of ONAC to bring it to it's rightful fruition, and back-up as we push the wolves out and seal the hole so they can't ever threaten or cause harm upon us again, not like this or to this degree anyway."
So where does this leave ONAC as a whole right now is the ultimate question, and why? "The reason ONAC KM along with multiple other sibling churches mind you, not we alone, our place is just on the front lines holding the shield of protection as Mecautea (Warrior soldiers who fight off evil and the enemy), it leaves a division, it has to, there is no other choice but for it too."
"There is a clear and distinct difference between our church (ONAC KM) and ONA Sugarleaf that is clearly transparent" says Timm "And that is that ONAC KM operates, functions and is structured as the church that we are, a not for profit group of spiritually geared and like-minded people who truly want to help HEAL the world and all life in it opposed to how much money we can get out of doing it. Look at ONA Sugarleaf's filings with the state of California here, 5 out of 6 churches they've made are domestic stock and one is acknowledging being set up as for dispensary purpose only, all the hundreds of other ONAC churches aren't set up like either, just Sugarleaf's reflect as being designed as for profit and it makes the rest of us honorably functioning churches look bad if not worse to say the least."
"Right now, ONAC KM has a disabled elder church member whose literally borrowing a car from one person whose not a member, and gas money from another non-member, so that he can drive from one border of the state clear to the Other border at the opposite end of the state and back to pick up medicine that was donated by a member for FREE to be made for another members mother and get it to another member, a physically disabled military veteran elder member who is donating not only his time but too, the solvent and other materials needed to produce and present the patient with the medicine urgently and desperately needed, all absolutely free of charge because it's 100% from their Hearts that they do this to save this woman's life- that is what ONAC KM has is and will Always be about- Life over profit and not ever the Other way around as ONA Sugarleaf is and continues to publicly present themselves as being, it's fine if that's what they want to strive for as Sugarleaf, but when they go out of there way to insist they stand as a reflection of the whole of ONAC as they do, those of us whose churches aren't about that have no choice but to publicly assure there's a division between us and them, it's nothing personal, it's just the fact."
As you have found in previous coverage regarding this situation, and likely will continue to see more of, there remains great question and concern regarding ONA Sugarleaf's declaration as being an honorably functioning church especially in representation of the whole of the reputation that is ONAC publicly, and cannabis alone is not the only depth of the division that stands between ONAC KM and ONA Sugarleaf which is gaining the attention and upset of "Indian Country" as well.
"I as the representative voice of what I Believed to be the whole of ONAC not but a year back ago stood as the primary voice of reassurance to concerns from Indian Country in regards to ONAC's reflection upon their tribal culture and communities that ONAC did Not promote or in any way endorce or condone members to in any way disrespect the creed of their people, especially in what they described as being "Pocahottie" and something like what would be thought of as like Halloween type costuming and such, and then here comes ONA Sugarleaf not only promoting it among their members but their declared "Queen" is not only partaking but then actually going public and making it part of her spectacle show in front of government officials - for crying out loud, what could Heidi Possibly be Thinking could be honorably had in that, putting them and other questionable and inappropriate photographs like that on her churches website and in it's photo album for heaven's sake- it's completely inappropriateness and disrespectful in it's nature and does Not reflect the morals of ONAC KM nor many other ONAC independent church's."
In another article on this, you can find some of the photographs in which Graves and other KM officials are referencing to as being grounds for upset and embarrassment and we will add too that there have been upset notations on this voiced publicly by members of Indian Country regarding Sugarleaf's photos, but they remain, as does the growing crack of division between ONA Sugarleaf and the ONAC as well as the cannabis community.
Please stay tuned for future updates regarding this and other ONAC news to which you may wish to be made known of, and we thank you kindly once again for your continued attention and support.