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ONA Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church going Terroristic

Yesterday afternoon, while working on another article in regards to ONA Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church, all hell began breaking out in an otherwise mild Sacramento neighborhood when carloads of strangers appeared and began sitting for a noticeably extended period of time. Neighbors took note of that the vehicles appeaared to be together and also at the fact that one of the vehicles had a dog inside


Seeing that the cars occupants focus appeared dead set on one particular residence, neighbors called the resident who was not at home at the time to report the suspicious people stalking if not casing the home. The resident, Ms. Shelby Lucero, CEO at Greenway Commerce, CEO at BudTracker Inc, President and former Executive Director of at Sacramento NORML Womens AllianceWorks and a known and respected Activist for cannabis Liberation throughout the state of California. .

As you can see from the picture here, Shelby Lucero is a beautiful young woman whose golden heart and honorable spirit shine through warm and compassionately even in her photographs. However, the flip side of that coin is that that she's single and therefore ultimately lives alone, which can prove to be scary at times in the golden state of California. Yesterday for her proved to be one of those days.

Shelby,received a number of telephone calls on her cell phone yesterday while out and about, informing her that there appeared to be a few cars outside and focused on her home. Unsure but concerned, herself along with a few others she had notified with alarm drove by in the hopes of possibly identifying the occupants. Some of the persons were quickly identifiable to both the resident as well as Lucero while others with them were not identified. Concerned friends scoping the vehicles and took photographs as best as they could while Lucero, growing in fear contacted the non-emergency police hotline.

In one vehicle sat Kevai Floyd, whose becoming known to many as "Reverend Spray-tan". It was unclear as to how many others were inside the vehicle with her as a clear view wasn't had, but in the second vehicle was more clear to the majority of eye witnesses, and immediately identified sat Charles Edward "Eddy" Lepp, his wife Heidi Grossman Lepp, their "four legged individual" Lucky Lepp, and at Least one what witnesses describe as being "A very Large scary looking man."

Though it remains unconfirmed why exactly it was that the whole posse was there, intimidation is clearly not something that should be quickly ruled out, and with it- Stalking quickly jumps to mind. The occupants of the vehicles remained there a fairly long time staring at the Lucero's house, and given the rumors that encompass Mr. Lepp's shady past and the new Mrs. Lepp's questionable one. each second they were they begot fear in Lucero and neighbors as well as concerned friends.

It is not hard to conclude that Lucero absolutely has valid reason to now be literally fearing for her life, they know where she lives! As she expressedher fear to officials throughout ONAC and ONAC KM as this horrifying situation went on for what seemed an eternity. One eye witness described looking into the face of Eddy Lepp as they drove by was "Pure evil", and described it as "Now knowing what the color black feels like" from the look on his face, especially his eyes as nothing but pure hate rolled off him. As it went on, ONAC KM officials held an emergent council meeting which included Mecautea Emissaries in addition to church leaders hearing first hand accounts from multiple on-site witnesses. The KM Council, who also included leaders of the mother church and their legal council representative coordinators whom ultimately advised the victim to contact police.

When police were contacted by Lucero, she was told that the Lepp's were claiming that they had already received a call and had requested that police be dispatched to Lucero's home. When asked what this was all about, police stated that the Lepp's claimed she had property of there's and asked if Lucero would be willing to go home to meet with them in an attempt to resolve the situation. ONAC leaders strongly advised Against Lucero doing either as she was clearly too Extremely upset and frightened to be subjected to such duress as of that time.

"I don't know what to do, I don't have anything of their's" assures Lucero, "I can't run, and won't hide because I've done nothing wrong, but I'm afraid they are going to come back and try to kill me, this is all too crazy."

Instead, after Lucero was collected, she did meet and speak with other officers in person about the situation who said when looking into it, that they found it to be noted as being a call of a "Nuisance Complaint" the Lepp's were trying to initiate against Lucero, and expressed upset as they felt the Lepp's were abusing law enforcement personnel by involving their department into her personal retaliatory actions that if are anything, a civil issue, especially given the fact that the "suspect" (Ms. Lucero) wasn't even home or relocatable at the time of the call to dispatch from the Lepp's.

What many of our readers may not know, nor should it have had to be revealed publicly at all as it did this day, is that Ms. Lucero is and remains an adopted member of ONAC KM, that she has and continues to prove herself an honorable member in good standing. That alone should STOP such behaviors toward her from other members, especially church spiritual leaders whom present themselves to the world as being a representation Of ONAC.

It's believed that the reason she and others have been suddenly targeted by the Lepp's is because it wasn't just but a few days before the Lepp's began publicly targeting, threatening and attempting to intimidate Lucero and others in association with ONAC KM that they became aware they were being scrutinized by they and other ONAC leaders who felt there was proving to be a growing concern encompassing ONA Sugarleaf's Integrity as a reflection of the name ONAC.

It is also suspected that the reason behind the sudden focus on KM members this day is in that the Lepp's discovered that there were published articles that called their conduct As a reflection of ONAC into valid question, and that there was an active internal investigation going on within ONAC as to questions of the Lepp's church sincerity being in compatibility with the blessing from ONAC they had just sought and obtained for Sugarleaf ONAC just a few short months ago. It's believed that the Lepp's suspected that Lucero and others may have been assisting in the investigation is ultimately why they have been targeting her every since in the hopes she wouldn't cooperate or aid in the investigation on ONA Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church.

KM officials report that this is "Not the only act of intimidation to come from The behalf of the Lepp's at ONAC KM members received this day as during the coarse of the already madness breaking out, word came in from another member noting a threat made against him should he consider aiding in the internal ONAC investigation on the Lepp's and likely ONA Sugarleaf as well, likely fueled by the same suspicion behind Lucero's targeting based on the verbiage:"

Not ONAC nor "ONAC ONAC KM condone the acts of Intentional intimidation upon fellow members by fellow members and have little tolerance of it from members toward non-members if any at all Especially in reflection as being ONAC, and ONAC KM feel that if your standing honorably in the work your doing, especially as a spiritual leader of a Church, then you have no reason to be unless your battling with oppressor and my members are NOT oppressor."

Officials of ONAC KM report that the only reason they revealed Lucero's standing with the church was in effort of stopping the immediate actions which were being taken as hostile and threatening/intimidating in nature to our member by these other ONAC members. Whatever the goal here, the investigation into the Lepp's and ONA Sugarleaf will be continued, and we encourage you to please step forward with ANY information or additional incidents of nature to ONAC & ONAC KM officials and ask that you stay tuned for further updates about this and other ONAC related news and information. Blessings in abundance to all whom remain making good medicine for the whole of our great sacred hoop and the web of life within it.


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