The seriousness of a title
Thank you for coming together with us today as we are going to look at the importance of titling and how when embellished, brings only dishonor upon those falsely proclaiming them, specifically by Heidi Grossman Lepp. Let's first look at Lepp's personal social media claims of titling just via her facebook page for a moment, these are what she claims on her "Heidi Lepp" page, which is open for public view by the way for any interested:
(The ones in Red are the ones with the most question in our minds of as of the present time)

Executive Director at Oklevueha Native American Church ,
Founder/CEO/Owner at ONA Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church
Secretary at The Human Solution International
Alumni at Oaksterdam University
ONA Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church: Founder/CEO/Owner · 2015 to present · Sacramento, California
The Human Solution International Secretary · 2010 to present · Scottsdale, Arizona
Oaksterdam University Alumni · 2009 to present · Oakland, California
Oklevueha Native American Church Executive Director · Spanish Fork, Utah where Lepp lists herself as the "International Director for Sugarleaf Rastafarian Branches."
Oklevueha Native American Church where Lapp lists herself as being "International Director for Sugarleaf Rastafarian Branches · Sacramento, California"
Yolo NORML Lepp declares herself "Executive Director · Yolo, California". We are still awaiting confirmation from them as to the validity of this title.
Mrs. Lepp goes on to declare herself as having the "PROFESSIONAL SKILLS" as an:
Artist · Consultant · and an expert in "Paralegal studies
Mrs. Lepp lists her "EDUCATION" as including:
Oaksterdam University, Class of 2009 · Oakland, California
Moorpark College Class of 2007 · Associates in Liberal Arts and Science · Paralegal Studies/Law ·
Miguel Leonis Continuation Class of 1988 · Woodland Hills, California
420 college.Medical Cannabis · Fresno, California
Now, reflecting back on this list for just a moment, it becomes fairly clear that "titling" is significant to Mrs. Lepp, that she presents herself as being proud of the credentials and titles she feels she has attained. Our question comes in figuring out how Honorably she has aquired and or attained them, IF she attained them at all.
We already know and have addressed the question regarding Lepp's title reflecting upon the whole of Oklevueha Native American Church and specifically so as an honorable voice of the Mother church itself and have found that as of the present time Mrs. Lepp not only holds NO official position over the whole of ONAC but too, that she NEVER was advanced in title to any sort of International status. So now we look here today at one other title in which she claims to be "Secretary of The Human solutions International." Let it be known we are still presently awaiting a formal in-depth response from Oakstradam University as they too have publicly expressed concern and upset at their logo being included into the paperwork in which Lepp is apparently selling branches of her church specifically to cannabis community members, so again, here today we're going to focus some attention to her THSI claim and position.
According to Joe Grumbine, founder of THSI, Lepp, who was known as Grossman at the time had in fact "asked" for the title of "Secretary" for THSI more than a year ago to which their board of executives did agree and granted her. It is said that Grossman turned Lepp also requested to be entrusted into a position of "Chapter Leader" for THSI in California but it remains unclear as of this time whether or not she attained it as there remains no effort in it from her part.
According to others who were key players in THSI at that time all confirm that Heidi in fact set out in the name of THSI and "Prison Outreach" hitting all the cannabis event coordinators for a "Free booth space" so that she could then proceed to collect thousands of dollars per day per event throughout the summer of 2015 in the name of THSI claiming the money would then go toward cannabis POW's "books" who were under the support of the non-profit organization. According to Grumbine: ".She never did anything in our name or if she did we never saw any of it" while sources close to Heidi at that time all confirm that in fact thousands "if not tens of thousands of dollars were collected in THSI's name and yet we never saw a single cent of any of it."
Another now former key player of THSI back during this time period added that "Heidi also presented and initiated a piolet project in the name and under the 501c3 status THSI has as non-profit before the attorney's could review it which was against instruction when she presented it for consideration, and ultimately upon their review, they quickly deemed it illegal under the 501c3 and demanded Heidi immediately stop her project- that's when she up and walked away from THSI and never looked back, next thing we know, she's now involved with ONAC and note surprised they're starting to have legal problems."
According to Grumbine, because of the damage left for THSI to have to sort through, and "So many hypocrites in the prison out reach side of things we've pulled away from a lot of it" and says "Were just growing again slowly and carefully not in a hurry to get big again." Other members of THSI who wish to remain anynamous tend to concur with the statement of one which is this "I have been watching their shenanigans from afar.... I was wondering what your take was in it." ONAC KM wants it known that they remain an honorable and active supporter of THSI and are bothered to be learning about their sufferings at the hands of a proving common wolf preying on the cannabis community.
In addition to the questionable titles Lepp publicly declares herself, when looking at her declarations as well as her court filings you will see her declaring herself "Queen" among other rather ridiculous things that most adult professionals wouldn't entertain as commanding respect from, and too, you will even see posts where she encourages the cannabis community to vote her the "Mother Theresa" of Marijuana. It remains unclear as to how serious Lepp is about her titles or public reputation but one thing that remains clear is that there remains a growing number of ONAC churches who don't want any part of her public specticle reflecting on they or there churches, and we feel it is with good and valid reason they do, and this is why we continue actively keeping an eye on Lepp and her church as well as an investigation as to her questionable sincerity and honor.
As we stated, we are still awaiting word from our volunteer Mecautea as to the official position of Okastradamn whom are also roped into this mess, and we will let you know as soon as we hear from them what they have to say about it and Lepp. Until then, we thank you for your continued attention and concern of this and other ONAC related news and information and we Highly encourage you to stay tuned for future updates about this and other pertinent news that may be of interest to you.