How far will the ONAC fake church scam go... inquiring minds of members Are searching!
Before we begin this article and to address the importance of it, we would like to take this opportunity to state that This Page is in fact under the sole authority and control of Oklevueha Native American Church Kautantowit's Mecautea... Not Oklevueha EarthWalks Native American Church, aka "The Mother Churches" position of dictation at ALL and for those of you whom think that it is should really stop and ask somebody what's the truth and fact of the matter.

We would Also like it known at this time, that despite the fact that ONAC KM is an Independent Branch OF Oklevueha Native American Church, it IS legally allowed to operate on it's OWN accord under the jurisdiction of it's own CEO and President "As long as the trees grow, rivers flow" and too as long as those named people in authority "Walk Mother Earth" -period, there is no room for question or distorted Opinion when it comes to those basic two realities.
Now, having said that, let us now point out this - ONAC Kautantowit's Mecautea is an Honorable Branch attempting to represent that whici is true and just when it comes to the Native born American's rights liberties and freedoms PEROD. Ever what may be found among Other independant branches or even within the Mother Churches trunk of the tree, Kautantowit's Mecautea will ALWAYS strive to remain True and Honorable to the causes at hand as far as the cultural preservation and education now desperately sought and Needed by all living forces upon mother globe at this time.
This is said because it is important that you understand, Kautantowit's Mecautea is not just a name, it's an Obligation put upon us by the Narragansett tribe who blessed us with the name - Great Creator's Warrior Soldiers kinda says it all when looking at the meaning of our name, and it's objective becomes pretty plain and direct... at least one would think if not Hope. To be a Warrior of Great Creator... we need to be and remain HONORABLE, upright and Just in ALL that we do, and in turn cannot be Scared Back by anyone... including even higher up's who may fear because of any lacking within in regards to the ability to live up to That Standard.
Because the indirect threats state that Publicly Exposing the churches Private Business apparntly Violates the ethical code of the church, this article will ONLY address that information regarding this situation of fake churches that is Publicly accessible information, such as has been being sought after and accumulated by a small handful of Honorable Warrior members interested in trying to preserve this church and the core values Claimed to be the foundation thereof. And since it's come to this level, the information you are about to have shared with you, from PUBLIC sources mind you, perhaps too should be considered as to whether or not IT too Violates any church Code of Moral or Ethical standards of expectation.
So, without ANY further adue, HERE is a text summary in which we have just received in regards to the ONAC Fake Church Scandal for YOUR review and consideration... word for word as WE have received it from one of the greatly growing MANY Concerned members of Oklevueha Native American Church - YOU DO WITH IT WHAT YOU WILL, just know, that we Likely will be blamed and Punished for being honorable nough to Share it with you!:
"Dear Sachem Graves, I compiled this list of ONAC Church/Corporations that are currently Registered with the State of California.
4 of them list Matthew Pappas as the Registered Agent.:
1.HUERTA CHURCH OF ONAC INC. - Filed on 5/2/16 Entity # C3902973
2.MANZANITA CHURCH OF ONAC INC. - Filed on 5/2/16 Entity # C3902974
3.MESA GRANDE CHURCH OF ONAC INC. - Filed on 5/2/16 Entity # C3902972
4.PINES CHURCH OF ONAC INC. - Filed on 5/2/16 Entity # C390297
1 of them list Charnel James as the Registered Agent.
1. DAM VIEW CHURCH OF ONAC INC. - Filed on 5/13/16 Entity # C3907541
15 of them list Patrick McNeal as the Registered Agent.:
1.ARBOR VERDE ONAC INC. - Filed on 1/28/16 Entity # C3869485
2.ARBOR VITAE ONAC INC. - Filed on 1/25/16 Entity # C3868335
3.CELTIC ONAC MINISTRIES INC. - Filed on 1/25/16 Entity # C3868508
4.CIRCLE OF LIFE ONAC INC. - Filed on 1/28/16 Entity # C3869483
5.GARDEN OF LIFE ONAC INC. - Filed on 2/17/16 Entity # C3876474
6.LIFE CHURCHES OF ONAC INC. - Filed on 2/25/16 Entity # C3879516
7.LIFESPRING ONAC MINISTRIES INC. - Filed on 1/22/16 Entity # C3867715
8.ONAC OF ARROYO SECO INC. - Filed on 2/16/16 Entity # C3876452
9.ONAC OF SAN GABRIEL INC. - Filed on 2/16/16 Entity # C3876023
10.ONAC OF SAN PASCUAL INC. - Filed on 2/16/16 Entity # C3876025
11.RIVER OF LIFE ONAC INC. - Filed on 1/25/16 Entity # C3868510
12.SEA OF LIFE ONAC INC. - Filed on 1/28/16 Entity # C3869484
13.TREE OF LIFE ONAC INC. - Filed on 1/25/16 Entity # C3868336
14.TRINITY ONAC INC. - Filed on 2/16/16 Entity # C3876453
15.ZHI SHU ONAC INC. - Filed on 1/25/16 Entity # C3868337
I'm guessing they Registered most of these to have Branches preregistered, I hope they don't actually represent Branches that may have been victimized. Let me know if you want any more information."
Now, because of the seriousness of this situation, as well as the depths it seems so easily going, we Have asked for our members to continue to actively search for additional information and insight to this, and that you SHARE what you learn with us so that we can ensure an accurate log as to all the facets of this mess... and too, since it's ONAC KM's butt in the fire due to there being Dishonorable business in ONAC deservingly being known, we ask you to please consider sharing your findings with us no Matter who might say or even threaten what if you do.
ONAC KM believes that so long as you remain standing in the Honorable position demanding proper Justice, one should have Nothing to hide and in turn No ROOM for the opportunity of being Threatened... especially in, from and encompassing a CHURCH, muchless fellow church members and too, the higher up's therein.
As of right Now, it is Believed that our Mother Church is completely innocent and Victims of this situation same as those who had their money taken in exchange for the false promise of being legally protected as a Church, but as one can pretty easily conclude based on this combined with all already known... this is far from being a concluded investigative situation - by a Long Shot... and the fact that threats of repercussion now today begin to fly around from the stump itself, kinda leads most to believe that the situation is getting sticky as well as perhaps dirty to hands unwanting this fraudulant Bullshit exposed to the publics attention and or knowledge.