There is no honor to be had in a lie
It is with great sadness that we feel inclined to have to write such an article as this, but apparently not everyone understands that there is no honor to be had in a lie, and what's even more sad, is to find such a naive person entrusted with a leader position within a church.

The inspiration for this lesson is found within ONA Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church and the reason for the lesson is because they continue to reflect themselves as being among the standards of Oklevueha Native american Church which many spiritual leaders feel Sugarleaf has yet to learn or even begin to understand, and because they don't, they continue to reflect poorly upon the whole of ONAC which is something that cannot be tolerated by any.
We start with a few quick and apparent points we've touched on already in previous posts, just to catch our new readers up to speed. Among the most disturbing to members of ONAC was found in her declaring herself a member of Oklevueha before she actually officially was. The second point of concern expressed was in her attaining the blessing of reflection upon ONAC when obviously she had no concept of the importance of it. But the third in this sequence of concerns in regard to the Honor of Sugarleaf came when it's declared "Leader and Queen" again declared herself blessed as an ONAC before she officially was. Proof of that can be confirmed by simply comparing her blessing charter to her self created ONA Sugarleaf card.
Where is there any honor in lying about such things? Why would someone who was obviously capable of attaining her goals declare she had before she did so?
Another rather insignificant lie publicly released by Queen Lepp was in that she announced her husband as being officially released off of his parole when in all reality he has a Mandatory requirement of 2 years parole followed by 3 years of probation left to go. Again one cannot help but to wonder Why someone would intentionally publicly Lie about something like that, especially when no one had even asked or inquired about it?
The next series of lies caught coming from the mouth of Lepp encompasses her publicly declared "History" of ONA Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church, which we encourage Each of you to also research into for yourselves as we thus far have found more conflicting contradictions than straight answers, and every time she addresses it thus far, a new answer emerges confusing things all the more when your seeking truth and fact. Initially she declared herself as having established Sugarleaf Church in 2015 according to her church page, but in a deceleration she states that her new husband started the church back in 1999 which was before they even knew one another. In another public address, Lepp states that she founded the church in 2014. up until this, she insisted that the foundation for ONA Sugarleaf was by the blessing of ONAC which wasn't given to her until Feb, 27th of 2017, and as said before in another article, the card she made as "Queen" and that Sugarleaf was in fact "protected by ONAC" was dated before even then by about a good month. in among her most recent public posts, Lepp states now that neither she nor her new husband actually founded the church at all, but that they "Revived it" claiming that her husbands now deceased wife actually founded the church back in the 1990's.
According to the state of California, as of right now, ONA Sugarleaf remains un-registered as ever being an officially recognized church at any point and time throughout the state at all, and further state that they have no record of either Mr, Mrs. or even the former Mrs. Lepp as ever being officially registered as ministers in the state at any point as well, a Requirement for ANY Minister administering Ceremony within the boundaries of the golden state! According to the state there was never any church ever registered reflecting Eddy, Heidi nor even Eddy's former wife under any name at all, and that the only record of any sort of business Ever being registered to Heidi was Sugarleaf Productions which the state says Lapsed and was dissolved officially and legally as of last year.
We decided to side-step our focus here for a brief moment over to her new "other half", the "Reverend" Charles Edward (aka Eddy) Lepp, a freshly released convicted felon for illegal cannabis cultivation 8 years ago who was sentenced to a mandatory minimum of 10 years but whom obviously got himself out a little earlier than scheduled. While researching the transcripts from his case, it had come into question as to Mr. Lepps religious credentials during his trial as he desperately tried asserting a religious defense as a protection of over 36,000 cannabis plants he claimed was being grown for church members who were registered under Prop 215, California's medicinal cannabis law that had been passed in 1996.
What read as interesting was public statements made as well as posted by Lepp prior to appearing in court for trial versus how his statements changed and contradicted one another all through his trial, including the plants as well as his religious credentialing. Prior to court Lepp swore to the world that he was an ordained Rastafarian Minister. In fact, we spoke with an ONAC member who knew Lepp fairly well prior to his incarceration by a good decade if not longer, and this are some of the points He had to make:
"Back when a group of us came together with Jack Herer to form the United Cannabis Ministry in 2005, Eddy showed up and wanted to be part of the formation. When it came time for the signing of the proclamation, Eddy jumped up wanting to sign, but he was asked to first provide proof of his ministers credentials, which he said he didn't have with him but insisted that he had them from the Rastafarian faith. I guess he didn't realize that we had truly ordained Rastafarian ministers partaking in the formation and they quickly knew that Lepp was lying about having such credentials, so ultimately he was allowed to sign as a Witness To the formation of the United Cannabis Ministry but not as a founder of it, which is why as you can see on the document itself, he was not allowed to sign his name with the title Reverend on it as he otherwise always tended to do, at least back then, I don't know how he signs his name now, but I'd bet he includes the title Reverend when he presents himself publicly for the respect and attention it gets from people."
When we asked this gentleman what he knew of any Religious credentials if any Mr. Lepp ever had, with a chuckle he replied: "Well, I know it was about the end of 2006 early 2007 that Eddy asked to be ordained in the United Cannabis Ministry, and ultimately he was allowed, I ordained him personally myself, but it wasn't too long after that, that we had multiple concerned members and other church supporters calling his conduct into question as a reflection of UCM, and so we called a Board meeting to which we reviewed the complaints being brought against him. After that, ultimately we decided to go ahead and start the proceeding to prepare for his excommunication out of UCM on the grounds of Conduct Unbecoming of a Minister. We told Eddy of the meeting and what it was for and instructed him to attend, but instead, Eddy begged us to not go through with the excommunication meeting and said he would honorably just bow out of and walk away from UCM as if he were never a part of it, and since that's all we really wanted at the time, we went ahead and let him walk away without any public attention."
The gentleman went on to explain "What was bothering to UCM leaders once Eddy pushed and antagonized the officials into busting him, was that when he wrote letters addressing the court on his case, he continued to use United Cannabis Ministry letterhead, we didn't want any of his reflection spilling over onto us as we were in this to help physically and spiritually heal people. So then anyway, fast-forwarding to his answers in court as to his religious credential, ultimately he couldn't produce any at all, at least that would declare him as being in good standing, we sure wouldn't, and so in a final attempt to assert a religious defense Eddy pointed to the Universal Life Church and said that he had been ordained through them as a minister online. From what I remember from back in the day about it, was that he tried, and even had a few other people try to help him do it online, but that ultimately for whatever reason it didn't go through, I don't know if they tried again another time and accomplished it or not, but last I knew when he'd walked away from UCM which was awhile after that, he hadn't aquired any other form of religious certification or ordainment from anyone besides UCM and he knows he remains to this day still in bad standing with us which is why he hasn't publicly mentioned us since he begged us to let him quietly walk away back in the day."
According to a few KM warrior investigators, word so far is that Universal Life Church state they have No record of ever having ordained either Mr Or Mrs. Charles Eddy Lepp nor anyone named Heidi Grossman as ministers in their church. Another ONAC spiritual leader who was also ordained through ULC states that ULC officials had made it very clear to him that they in No way endorse or attempt to protect or sanction their ordained ministers to involve themselves with cannabis or any other "drug sacrament", and yet another was assured that ULC in No Way considers their ordainment as being transferable into a Rastafarian credential nor a credential into a NAC or any other organized religion with their own history and protocol for attaining a titled status.
Coincidentally, Mrs Lepp who has publicly stated that she herself is also a Rastafarian minister and has declared herself as being "many faiths" including even pagan, that through ONA Sugarleaf ONAC has been united To the Rastafarian church which Elder council of the Mother church of ONAC say is completely un-true and embarrassing to both churches while other official voices went so far as to say that should ONAC ever seek such a unification that they would do so with an indisputably legitimate rasta priest opposed to one encompassed with doubt and question such as is found here in both the Lepp's as well as ONA Sugarleaf church. "Just because you Name a church as being Rastafarian doesn't make it rasta, you have to have an authentic rasta priest involved to actually Be a rasta based church, and Sugarleaf don't have that, though now they probably will try to come up with one pretty quick in attempt to save face."
So now let's jump back over to the most recent and relevant of lies to be had from all of this dramatic mess being brewed up by Sugarleaf, and that is from the reflection she spills over onto ONAC, the filing of an injunction to which she aims to literally Sue the mom & pop cannabis defenders whom are trying to stay afloat in the game of their passion... cannabis regulation, along with the golden state as they prepare for recreational cannabis sanction. Because the injunction is a story if not more all in itself, we will skip to immediately past it only including one of the personal victims she is naming as Sugarleaf's enemy... who happens to also be an ONAC member, Ms. Shelby Lucero.
Heidi Lepp has named Ms. Lucero into the injunction claiming Lucero had "Stolen Mail" from Lepp which in turn she was claimed by Lepp to be releasing publicly which ultimately Lepp claims "Is threatening her livelihood and her church." Lucero Insists that she knows Nothing of such allegations and insists that she has never had in her possession any "Mail" that was Heidi Lepp's.
Regardless, where this gets ridiculously interesting is in that though publicly "Team Lepp" let it be known that they were gunning for Lucero out of the blue one morning, and ultimately even have admitted publicly in both print as well as on video that it was They who chose to Sit in front of Lucero's house for more than 2 solid hours, resulting in neighbors trying to shew them off by according to Lepp herself "spraying Kevai's car with a hose" in addition to calling cops for suspicious persons loitering in their neighborhood, how it is that Lepp expected to in turn be taken seriously by law enforcement personnel as she continues to insist that it's she who has reason to be in fear of Lucero and how "Traumatic" it was for her being ordered by police to sit outside a stalker She feels so threatened by that she says has gone so far that she has "No Choice" but prepare and file an emergency Restraining Order against Lucero, and on the grounds of stalking no less inside the federal court!
Ultimately Mrs. Lepp continues to publicly rage as she continues to not get her way or commanded respect from the California judicial system. According to her own public account of being disregarded by police and court officials, Lepp was literally removed from the federal courthouse in Sacramento while insisting everyone including the judge who hasn't even heard her case yet is breaking the law and that it's she and her church whose the victim. Many believe she is carelessly seeking fame above all else and are go=rowing concerned at each passing day as to what she and her church will attempt to publicly stir up next.
It's also worthy of notation that as Team Lepp proceeded to stalk Lucero's home, that witnesses say they did so from the comfort of a brand new looking Mercedes Benz, which Lepp later boasted about just having leased at a good deal... interesting not only to us but also likely too to government officials whom are looking to bust the Lepp's for selling fake churches throughout as well now as beyond the state of California. "Why she is so determined to prove herself committing RICO is beyond us" say ONAC officials, "But since she is and refuses to stop, we want it clear that we have absolutely no part in her doing it and that because she is doing so under the guise of ONAC, we have an obligation to do all we can to ensure they stop it before more unsuspecting people fall victim."
Lepp was ultimately told by Sacramento dispatch and officers that it was she who was actually stalking and harassing Ms. Lucero and consequently encouraged Her to seek an immediate temporary restraining order against the Lepps and Ms Floyd both along with any others involved in the stalking of she and her house. Fortunately for Lucero she wasn't home at the time but instead was meeting with clients as she unlike Lepp actually has a legitimate Job within society, but receiving multiple calls from both concerned neighbors as well as law enforcement officers throughout the coarse of all this ordeal has let Lucero literally in fear for her life and ONAC is working with local counsel to ensure a TRO is promptly prepared and filed on Lucero's behalf in attempt to further shield her from the Sugarleaf rage building against she and multiple others.
Another quick upsetting point made by many beyond the realms of ONAC that notes being shared, is that while riding their magical carpet sugarleaf to instant fame and blind support, is how the Lepp's continue to insist how they are picking their fights in effort of protecting their "people", which clearly by their deeds is predominantly the cannabis community above all others, how they were so quick to show they had the support of legendary cannabis activist Dennis Peron, creator of the nations first ever medicinal cannabis sanction into law, but yet when Peron announced that he needed just a few bucks for gas to get himself across the bay to the doctors for treatment, that not a penny was sent to him by Any including the Lepp's who at the Same time as seeing the public cry for help, boasted about having had spent $500.00 a night on a multi-night stay in a Las Vegas hotel, now granted it was declared to be their Honeymoon, but given the amount of blind trust and support the Lepp's have thus far attained by emphasizing the passionate hug by Peron for Lepp upon his prison release, that they could have taken a few moments to send at least $10 bucks to Peron so he could get to the doctor and help keep himself alive just a little bit longer. .. wouldn't ya Think?
"The same with Jack Herer, almost every time Eddy Lepp is seen speaking about there church, he makes sure he has a poster of Jack somewhere right behind him, yet those close to Herer KNOW that Jack wanted Lepp GONE from the global cannabis community since just before Lepp was sent to prison and Jack was killed, the proof is there Waiting to be revealed, but until their true colors fade through to the point that no one can dispute'em, we all remain being hunted by the wolves and it's the responsibility of those who know to keep close eye on them and do what they can to protect our plant and people."
Though there is much more that could easily be included into this article, we're going to go ahead and end it here and sat Thank you for your interest and continued support for Oklevueha, and encourage those of you interested and or affected by this to please stay tuned for future updates and information on this and other news that may be enlightening and or beneficial to you to know and be made aware of. If you have any information you'd like to share, please know that you're welcomed to contact us, and know that we Do confirm all sources BEFORE we make any official statements, especially encompassing something as serious as this situation we've got here! Blessings to all, and thanks again for standing with us!