Update on ill patient of ONAC KM

It is with great Pleasure that we have the honor of reporting to you that the mother of a member who recently indirectly was included into the current concerns of ONAC KM to which an example was made as to the difference of focused intentions between KM and ONA Sugarleaf church has arisen much concern as to how the patient is doing and so happily we report to you concerned that within mere Moments of having gotten the medicine made and to her that she in fact was feeling positive medical as well as psychological benefits to be had in cannabis treatment for her urgent and otherwise medically un-treatable condition.
Multiple of the woman's family members who were skeptical to say the least, have since expressed amazement at how quickly and effectively Rick Simpson oil positively affected the patient, including two who have devoted their lives in the belief solely in Western Medicine... until now. According to them, the patient was diagnosed "suddenly" with "A golf ball and a softball size" cancer tumor in her liver without any warning or medical explination. The family says they were told that the cancer was "very aggressively spreading" and had already believed to have gotten into the woman's lungs and throat.
The woman's doctors concluded there was nothing Western Medicine could do or offer to be beneficial including chemotherapy and radiation treatments and ultimately gave the woman "up to 3 months" to live. Physicians offered nothing more than "Comfort Care" and at that point, beings the woman couldn't eat or drink anything without excruciating pain, talked she and her family into having a feeding tube surgically inserted into her stomach "So that she didn't have to eat anymore" which family had agreed with until the arrival of her son, who happens to be ONAC KM's Mecautea Emissary himself, Michael 'Wolf Brother" Minter.
Minter, who quickly assessed his mother's situation asked his mother a very simple question: "Do you want to live or are you ready to die?" His mother, with a rather shocked look upon her face made eye contact with her son and declared that she wanted to Live! That's all that needed to be said to snap Minter into gear where he reached out and was able to obtain some high CBD infused caramel's, which a patient of any age would enjoy taking as their medication, and within 2 days his mother went from more than 12 Oxycontin several times a day to two pills total a day and reporting she was no longer in the pain she was when she decided to finally take any medication. "My mother never smoked, drank, took any kind of medication including over the counter anything including aspirin, and it terrified me to hear she was in so much pain and all they had offered her as an option were hard core narcotic medications."
By day 3 the patient was reported to have stopped taking the pills completely and too was up out of bed, walking all around the house and most important of all, eating and drinking without pain or distress! As family flew in expecting to see her sickly and say there good-bye's, they found the grandmother they'd hoped to see as they remembered, a cheerful and hopeful woman in good spirits and functioning at a normal capacity. Not only had she gone from being bedridden, sleeping and literally starving, to taking her grandchildren to the beach and spending the day building sandcastles and enjoying the kite celebration festivities.
But it would only be time before the candy would run out, which it did on the 17th of July, just 2 weeks after being diagnosed and written off as a casualty of cancer. This is when Wolf Brother called upon Sachem Graves for help with his mother. Graves quickly sprung into action and put out the public call for assistance and medication donations, and it wouldn't be long before ONAC KM members too sprung into action and proved to be Mecautea angels and what Graves calls "Underground Railroaded" the medicine to the maker and then to the patient.
Having gone without any cannabis medication for 4 days, the patient relapsed back into the same condition as when we first found her, meaning she was relying upon multiple strong narcotic prescriptions to ease her pain, which ultimately kept her unconscious as well as killed her appetite and too her spirit reports Graves "But within moments of receiving quality RSO, the patient was reported by disbelieving family to have "done a complete 360*" which they include as "Waking up and staying awake, in a good opposed to a depressed mood, and physically walking around the house", but most impressive and sealing of the deal for the non-believers is when "Mom walked into the kitchen and said she was hungry, and she actually ate a full meal!"
Minter, who himself was admitting to being terrified himself as to whether or not cannabis might work to help his mother now appears both proud and confident that his mother has now received the best proven hope at beating her battle with cancer and has vowed that once she has that he and his family will become front line advocates for cannabis liberation and too that he has already committed to learning first-hand how to make the oil for future members who find themselves in similar need as is his mother. "I've never personally seen first-hand cannabis actually have such a positive medical effect on a person before, and I was scared that if I'd tried it and it didn't work, and we lost her, that it would be the proof the rest of the family was counting on to continue to discount it as being a beneficial option, but seeing first hand for myself, and too watching all of their reactions including most of all my mothers, now I know that she is going to beat it and live out the rest of her life not only cancer free, but pain free as well."
When asked the following day what the patient herself had to say about having just had the one dose thus far of the medication, the first thing she said was that she was "Mesmerized" as to how medically effective it had almost instantly proven to be. Her grandson, who currently works in a skilled care facility himself too said he was absolutely Amazed at how his grandmother went from lethargic to energetic within 20-30 minutes upon ingesting it and too was most impressed at her eating an entire meal without struggle and too, keeping it down which is a key struggle with patients who suffer from cancer in the gut region. Most heartfelt of all was when the entire family expressed gratitude for all the church had freely gotten and given to save her. "It's hard to believe in today's society, especially seeing how cannabis is being financially exploited to know that they're are still people out there who genuinely want to Care about there fellow human being rather than get themselves rich, I am So thankful for that and for my uncle's church for proving to be among those guardian angels for my grandmother, I don't know what we'd do without her."
Thanks to the free-giving of members along with a local pro-grow operation who gifted the majority of the medicinal cannabis material to the church for this patient, thus far they have produced 2 months worth of the 3 month regiment in which should completely eliminate the patient's cancer completely from her system, and the maker estimates that by the time the donated material is processed that it should prove to be about a years worth of medicine factoring in the gram per week maintenance dose once the 60 gram 3 month regiment is concluded to keep the cancer away.
ONAC KM is proud to be able to bring you our members and supporters this story and will keep you updated as to the patients progress toward success in the battle of cannabis against cancer! Furthermore, ONAC KM is also honored to announce the official Adoption to the couple who runs the pro-grow who so graciously offered the free donation of literally Pounds of needed medication FREE of charge. "They said when they gave it, that this is why they got into cannabis cultivation, to help sick patients who were in need of it, and then they offered to give more for her and other member patients in need as they have to give it - THAT is the typpe of peope ONAC KM are proud to claim as being our members, the ones who value life above personal profiteering!"
Thank you again for your concern and well wishes for the patient, please keep your prayers rolling in for she and her relations, thank you for your support for our cause, and please do stay tuned for future updates about this and all other ONAC related news. Blessings in abundance to you and yours.