Soros after Cannabis and KM Member

It is with great upset and frustration that once again ONAC KM finds ourselves with the wolves thirsting to conquer our beloved mother medicine sacrament cannabis, but what's even more frustrating is that we turn and find another of our members being intentionally attacked as these wolves attempt to do it, but as always we say ""There's lessons to be learned in all, opposition included", and that is what we're searching for in messes like this as it's the Only way to handle and be aware of such threats as they present themselves in the future.
(Photo of KM member Paul Stanford & KM Elder Council John Trudell)
This situation involves the targeting of one of our members by the name of Paul Stanford, or at least that Was his name until George Soros got a Court Order preventing him from using it, but here nor there, we will simply remain to him as the common name "Paul" so that we don't risk him getting in any sort of trouble or anything by the courts who seem to be allowing such nonsense to clog up a court schedule and system all to stop a person from using their own Name for heaven's sake, but let's move on.
Here is a link to an article done that is extremely well written as to more detail as to the specifics of the situation going on, and those of you interested are highly encouraged to read it for yourself, the link is immediately below for your convenience should you choose to do so:
Long story short of it is that because of our elder military Combat veteran's determination to help the masses who need the resources and ability to gain the right of access without legal persecution or prosecution for freely choosing to do so, especially for medicinal reasons in which it's not just a feesable but a logically intelligent option worth considering, George Soros and others like and trying to get like him Are gunning for cornering and controlling the cash to be had by cannabis which ultimately proves them to be enemies of Creator's creation and therefore are an issue to Kautantowit's Mecautea, especially those who set out to Victimize the sick already suffering.
Here is another article well written and providing more detail for your convenience:
Please stay tuned for future updates about this and other ONAC related news and pertinent information you May find of interest, and we thank you again for your continued interest and support, Blessings in abundance be upon you!