Sugarleaf Queen Tossed from Sac Federal Courthouse

Well, just when most would hope the saga would end, evidence put forth by the "Queen of Sugarleaf" reveals the saga MUST Continue, and so here we go ladies and gentlemen, get ready to again have your minds Blown!
On July 25th 2017, Heidi Lepp posted a video to her facebook page at 1:57Pm claiming to be "Live" showing herself at the Sacramento Federal Courthouse for more than an hour and a half. Although the first 50+ minutes it remains unclear as to why it is she is there, it finally is revealed that she is there demanding to be allowed to file an "Emergency Restraining Order" against ONAC member Shelby Lucero, and too, demaning that the federal court order personnel of "Homeland Security" to "Protect" she, her husband, their cross-dressing dog, and their church from "cyber harassment", as well as - Get This... for Putting them in "Fear" for they having to have had Stalked Lucero at what she claims was the local police departments instruction!
ONAC KM News covered the incident of the Lepp's stalking Lucero's house while she wasn't home just the other day in the article titled "Sugarleaf goes Terroristic", we Highly encourage you to review if your interested in more specific detail by clicking HERE. Long story short of it, which most,aside from Mrs. Lepp apparently would quickly deduce, is that first, Federal Courthouses are NOT where one is to File for a temporary restraining order, that would be a county/ superior courthouse; second, Usually, it's the Victimized person, which in this case would be Ms. Lucero as having been the one physically Stalked against the person(s), which in This case would be the Lepp's, not the stalker seeking a TRO on their victim; 3. and as you will see should you choose to watch her live video for yourself, which if you do and by All Means please feel encouraged to do so If you do, as you will hear the courthouse police explain time and again, in regards to the "cyber bullying" Mrs. Lepp persists to claim for needing the restraining order, there is a whole Other department in the criminal division that handles that which she has Yet to try and guide her complaint to.
Ultimately, as she was being "removed" from the courthouse by federal police, Lepp made an announcement that

We Feel MAY just shed a little bit of insight as to why it is that her circus act SHE continues to make continues exploding insanely on "You know I have my own reality tv show, The Heddy Show." Though not amused, the officers remained as collected and respectful as was possible, though Lepp continued to be rude, unprepared and disrespectful. Lepp even at one point began demanding that a clerk of the court and even the judge who she is scheduled to have hear her injunction in December "Be arrested immediately for not doing their job", which She felt was to give her her way and accept paperwork the court is Not legally structured to receive.
Here is a link to that video:
Although ultimately they allowed Lepp and her Dog and an associate she called "Pedro" who was filming it all for her to walk away, they walked away with their papers in their own hand, and too, Without the personal protection of any Homeland Security agents. ONAC leaders remain uneasy as to her reckless dishonorable conduct publicly and are eager to hear from the Mother Church directly in regards to this issue, which we are assured is coming very soon. Until then we encourage you to please stay tuned for further updates on this and other pertinent ONAC news and information, and again, we Thank you for your continued support and interest.