ONAC Permanently Severs ONA Sugarleaf Church Association
Well, those of you following along knew this was a long time coming, but the day of vindication has finally come for ONAC members and churches as the word has finally been received from the Mother church and the Elder Council of Oklevueha Earth Walks Native American Church in regards to the "Official" position and disposition regarding ONAC and ONA Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church as well as with both it's "King & Queen" personally.
So their is no room for Doubt, you will find that all THREE of the original founders have in fact signed this letter of notice making it indisputably OFFICIAL.:

An important thing to point out in regards to the Mother Churches mention of ONA Sugarleaf MEMBERS, we feel it's important to try to explain in clarity the situation that Sugarleaf has ultimately left ONAC to contend with so that everyone can attempt to respect one another's position in all of this.
The most important for you to understand, Especially if you had ANY dealings with Sugarleaf, is that ONAC NEVER gave a blessing to any "ONA Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church" period, so ANY membership of any kind that has ever been issued as reflecting as "ONA Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church" has nor will be honored as having ANYTHING to do with Oklevueha once-so-ever. If you have received a membership card, or any other credential that states you are a member of ONA Sugarleaf, you NEED to Understand that it was NEVER Authorized, Acknowledged, Honored nor Protected in ANY way shape or form associated or affiliated to ONAC, and if it says it was - you've been LIED TO by ONA Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church.
As of the present time, Oklevueha has NO RECORDS on ANY "ONA Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church" ANYTHING, not a single roll established For any such church nor a single Member being a member of such. Below we will show you a very Simple way to determine whether or not YOU have a valid membership card recorded with ONAC or not:

THIS is what an authentic ONAC membership card looks like.:
1. Please note the ONAC insignia on the top left-hand side of the card, directly above the members photograph (in this case now FORMER Member).
2. Please note the Golden Eagle head on the center of the card.
3. Please note on the Side of the card opposite the member's photograph area, the statement "Oklevueha Native american Church OFFICIAL MEMBERSHIP CARD."
4.. Please note the words Oklevueha (which should be on ALL cards above the members name Regardless of the ONAC church one is a member of.)
5. Please note the member Identification number. Whichever State the member joins an ONAC church, the first of the members Id number MUST reflect the STATE in which the church they are a member is located in. In This example, it reflects "UT" which stands for "Utah", and the number Immediately following the state code aspect of the membership number is to reflect which church "ROLL" was assigned to the church of which they are becoming a member of, this example shows that This member is on the 43'rd Roll, or the 43rd established church of ONAC in the state of Utah. She is/was member #1824 under That ONAC church according to it's roll when she attained her membership.
If those KEY things are not on YOUR CARD then you do NOT have a valid ONAC membership card!
Now, here is an example of an Unrecognized membership card to Oklevueha.

Clearly, especially now Knowing and seeing the difference for yourself first hand, you can see the distinct difference. The PROBLEM for ONAC is that people who have joined and received such cards as these, were led to believe that they too were "Protected by ONAC" when the truth be told they are not nor Cannot be as they are NOT membership cards into ONAC but Instead "official membership" cards into ONA Sugarleaf, ONAC has Never had any record of Any of them ever at all nor Ever had the ability to even TRY to protect them.
It is by no fault of the misled folks as far as Oklevueha can tell, and for any who have found themselves feeling Duped or otherwise taken advantage of by having been Misled into Thinking that by joining ONA Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church that you somehow Were "Protected" by ONAC, our heart-break and sympathies are and remain with you. We as Oklevueha ARE WILLING TO CONSIDER you for membership into ONAC and will do our absolute Best to work with you as well as assist and support you through the healing from this unfortunate mess because we remain here Honorably willing to be of service to you and our communities and societies.
ANYONE who has one of the following Banners openly displayed are asked to promptly REMOVE them as all they will do is make YOU a Legal Target as all law enforcement also now know that there remains NO ONAC protection on Anything "ONA Sugarleaf" and we do NOT want to see anymore Innocent victims suffer if we can help it.

Although this mess now reveals a long line of victims, ONAC would like it known that we are here and willing to do all that we Can in effort of trying to comfort as well as assist victims who were Sincerely Interested in being part of Oklevueha Native American Church. If you are interested in the REAL Oklevueha Native American Church, please know that you are welcomed to contact us either at the Mother church directly via their website: https://nativeamericanchurches.org and or through ONAC KM directly.
You're also welcomed to contact us by emailing us at: onac.km.oregon@gmail.com ESPECIALLY if you have fallen victim to ONA Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church while seeking ONAC, please contact Sachem Joy Graves of ONAC KM directly at: joy.m.graves@gmail.com
Again, our heart is with all the victims of this tragic situation, please know that in addition to this, ONAC are taking swift positive action toward ensuring that a situation like this NEVER happens again to the absolute best of our ability We thank you for your time, understanding, and continued patience and support during these trying times. Blessings to you all in abundance, may we now begin to heal and return to the path of good medicine~ Go in a Good Way!
And so Ladies & Gentlemen, this OFFICIALLY CONCLUDES ONAC's unwilling role in...

And Gooood Luck with them,
King, Queen, 4 legged individual, Reverend Spray Tan and all