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GreenFaith speaks on Sugarleaf "Church

We are humbly excited to have the ability and opportunity to share with you the context of an interview which took place in regards to Sugarleaf "Church" with GreenFaith Ministries very own Reverend Brandon Baker: who shared this on social media August 2nd 2017 from Pierce, CO:

THE INTERVIEW THAT STARTED IT ALL:... #greenfaith (interview with ) MR MILLER: Jul 20th, 10:26am

MR.MILLER: Greetings... I'm looking for opinions/comments from Rastas/Rastafarian churches about the ONA Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church using the Rastafarian name and actively selling churches for 35k each

ME: well Eddy Lepp earned his roots with his 10k plants and trial that got him 10 years... as far as his new lady who appeared in dec when he was released no comment as not worth commenting... i support all cannabis related churches but only hold and preach our greenfaith, jah hates shiny rasta that Ini know

MR MILLER: Just for clarity is Green Faith a Cannabis church or Rasta church No comment on the selling of churches? Thanks for your input

ME: we are all denominational, i lead rasta and native services as im trained in both, we have other leaders for other paths, we preach cannabis missing in all religion, you cant sell a church, churches are given after training and such in real world we have 10 active faiths using cannabis sacrament prayers in their religious path, the religious defense does not ever consist in any paperwork or documents but only in bonafide and sincere actions by the practitioner... selling churches defeats this you get a church by training, apprenticeship then a church investing in you or making your own, first we were a branch of thc ministry then in 2009 we made our own church and path and joined forces with james and roger christie to help them in their legal battles

MR MILLER: I was thc ministry as well I hear share is getting moved to HI

ME: but i also dont condone the fake churches because they have to go through all them first to come at real church folks... 😉

MR MILLER: Are you worried this will effect you or your church in anyway?

ME: she is already there, these guys took rogers minister packet (which provided training and guidance for one to start their own church) and incorporated it into an illegal selling of churches instead of training folks no as i publicly denounce and preach against their BS, it gives us more credibility than anything

MR MILLER: Glad to hear she is closer to home! Thank you for your input

ME: just keep sincere and bonafide and jah will protect you, its worked for quite some time for me and greenfaith

MR MILLER: One more thing they are requiring all churches to give 10% of all contributions and sacrament as tithe to the mother church how do you feel about that practice? And finally am I free to use your comments in a blog? Thanks again If you don't want me to use your comments just let me know asap

ME: Jul 20th, 9:37pm sure, we believe in tithing, but tithings are on what folks can give not what we want or a set amount, for our branches license to preach greenfaith you have a year apprenticeship after you get your own church going, during that year you have to tithe us at the mother ship, give out the majority of what comes in and still be able to function happily after a year of selfless service to greenfaith and your community if you are selling paper churches with no training or apprenticeship and requiring tithing its a ponzi scheme like the Scientologists

We hope that you found this interview of interest and that we will be able to bring you more articles along these lines on future issues to come. Thank you so much for your interest and considered. Thank you again for your interest and support for all encompassing ONAC, please stay tuned for future updates on this and other issues that may prove to be of interest to you.


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