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Seattle Hempfest Awards the Deserving

Well ladies and gentlemen, it is so Nice to be able to come to you with a bit of good and relieving news as I know it will be so many, and on this, the day that we free to the heavens our most recent Oklevueha Native American Church fallen Mecautea (warrior soldier) Kurtlund James Mooney to shine such light down upon we and our honorable paths to Creator, and to reassure our good medicine path traveled toward the liberation of our beloved mother medicine plant Cannabis and clearing that path of all the wolves lingering and ready to pounce upon her as we tread this rocky and dangerous coarse now threatening the success of our mission.

We know that because of the post made by Sugarleaf Churches "Queen" on social media, that Seattle Hempfest, which was declared as being "The Heart" of our North American Cannabis Community by the founding father of the Founding Father of the global Cannabis movement and family Mr. Jack Herer personally himself, was scheduled to receive "Cannabis Activist of the Year" award at this month's festival, many front line defenders and liberators were Concerned to hear of such a thing being publicly announced to our community.

The reason that this was a concern, was because many of the "OG's" of this community and movement, especially those personally familiar with Lepp KNEW that there was reason to have Question as to his deservingness of such a prestegious award, just from having had known him Before he was convicted and sent to prison in 2009. That concern began to grow each time his new bride Heidi Lepp was seen in public postings and situations that called for mature conduct and behaviors and wasn't there to be found.

ONAC KM News has many articles publicizing many of the reasons of concern for any and all who were in association with the Lepp's or their new and highly questionable "Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church" spreading throughout and even beyond the bounds of the state of California, and so, we will not go into the bulk of that here now, but we will say that ultimately as a result, ONAC as the whole of our church completely severed, dissassociated and denounced they and their churches moral codes and ethical conduct, Instead, we're going to stay the coarse of our communities concern regarding the Lepp's standing within and appearing to be among the cannabis community as it's they who still had fear of not being freed of the Lepp wolves among our cannabis flock.

And so, we found that among the most important of concerns was had in whether or not there was still going to be such an award given by our cannabis community to Eddy Lepp, and we felt that since we had the ability to why not go ahead and as the figurehead who helps make it all magically happen directly himself, and this is what Mr. Vivian McPeak had to say when asked about the awards of the 2017 Seattle Hempfest:

"There are (Generally) two awards, the Regional is going to Seattle City Attorney Pete Holmes, the National, is going to Elvy Musikka, and (this year) a Lifetime Achievement Award is going to Dennis Peron."

Having received these comforting and relieving words for so many in as well as beyond our national and international cannabis community, we wanted to promptly share them with you, our beloved cannabis community. Thank you for your continued interest, please stay tuned for future updates and information regarding all things encompassing ONAC, and thank you for your support.


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