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Sugarleaf "Queen" a bitter porn star?

It has come to our attention with request that we cover an aspect of a former member still proclaimed spiritual leader of Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church in Central California who has reeked Havoc throughout the golden state recently with her questionable churches.

So far this week, Heidi Lepp has found herself disassociated from and denounced from one church of which her church claimed protection from, has led to two county police deputies shot, one church member dead, an elderly woman's home destroyed, thousands of cannabis plants destroyed, 9 church members arrested, and herself along with her freshly paroled husband and so-called best friend officially served with a restraining order.

As if all of that weren't enough unnecessary drama and bloodshed wasn't enough, Lepp has additionally all but completely destroyed her personal reputation in her constant contradicting statements, double-sided illegal dealings and terroristic-like tactics and irradical mental behaviors, so much so that the eyes now upon her expand well beyond any one group within society. Many say she is finally now "Getting the attention she commanded."

Previous articles we along with multiple media sources have published, you will find many reasons to question the moral character of Heidi Lepp, which is sad to see in any gaining public attention, especially in such the bad ways as she, and apparently it doesn't stop at just the beginning of her involvement with cannabis just a few short years ago. According to ONAC members, Lepp has quite a long history of "Craziness" and "proof of mental instability"

According to media sources provided for this article, which will be included for your convenience, paint a very graphic trail involving sex, chemical drug abuse, severe alcoholism, and leaves a long line of victimization on many individuals. Friends and former associates of Lepp's include stories of drunk driving episodes resulting in not only crashes but too, some put emphasis upon the legal loss of her young children for having been caught crashing with them in the car highly intoxicated that "Should have been her wake-up" while others say that if she was able to learn then, it's no wonder she couldn't have when she was in the car with a boyfriend who ultimately died from drunk driving wreck they had because she still heavily drinks anyway nor has she made any strides toward regaining rights to her children.

The link immediately below this paragraph is where it's said to first have began spiraling out of control due to poor personal decision:

In this article reveals her personal choice to embrace her lowered esteem and lack of self confidence else she wouldn't have chosen to be a porn star in the first place. To excuse or justify it by having been molested is offensive to those great many sexually traumatized who have NOT chosen to go the route of paid prostitution.

It also reveals the pattern she seems accustomed to which is to attack and attempt to Sue people for later regretting Her personal choices, especially if she believes it will bring her money.

Heidi Nelson-Grossman and now Lepp according to this media source officially announced "A multi-count, multi-million dollar lawsuit" which they note as (Heidi Nelson-Grossman vs. Excalibur Entertainment, Inc., et al. which was filed on May 12,2004 in Van Nuys, California, known as porn capitol USA.

Apparently though, she doesn't accredit the porn industry for creating but instead as having "fed her drug and alcohol addiction and often used chemical and physical intimidation to further her continued participation" which in her case was 13 Years, after which she wrote a book and tried to get a screenplay made out of it!

Those who have watched Lepp hustle her way into the cannabis community and from there into a self declared Leader and "Queen" of her very own church, can quickly see the cycle of the very same pattern shining through the smoke of the lawsuits and raids as she insists on arrogantly proceeding forward in her goals and personal agenda. In the article, it makes note of how Lepp and her children ultimately legally lost because of her addictions along the way, were "ostracized in their community and church" might be among the reasons behind her attempting to establish her own church and confusing religious system combinations, but one things for sure, Sugarleaf is proving more and more to be un-welcomed in the golden state of California and will likely find the same else where, especially as more and more victims are sacrificed without any signs of guilt, remorse or this far, her promise of "Legal protection."

Please stay tuned for more informationabout this and other pertinent ONAC related news and information. Any information you wish to share, please do, the more proof the better!


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