Heidi Lepp continues to lie about Sugarleaf church helping victims
Heidi Lepp, leader of the proclaimed Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church recently emerging across the state of California shared her husband Eddy Lepp's photo on August 7 at 2:57pm with a very untrue and misleading public statement. Above the picture, it says:
I just love these #rastamen #yubatreeschurch #sugarleafchurch #jamaica#holyherb #ganja
Eddy Lepp at Downtown/Midtown Sacramento CA USA. Please note that the picture states the men are in Sacramento, California, while the damage they are about to claim happened in Oregon House, which is at least a half hour drive from the capitol city. We ask you to Look at the picture, and then read what Mrs. Lepp posted as her statement with it if you would please.

Again please note that this picture was posted publicly August 6 at 12:38pm · from Sacramento. Immediately Under the above picture, wrote the following statement: "#sugarleafchurch #united #heddylepp with the mwmbers of #yubatreeschurch they have cleaned up the mess and will continually help Bernice as they always have. We ask if u can help donate please do. Thank you and the thruth will be told."
Thom Herb, a member in Good Standing of Oklevueha Native American Church posted the following question to the Lepp's of Sugarleaf: " So ....I'm confused this post says you cleaned up the mess ....does that mean you cleaned & repaired the victims home that got shot to hell because of your worker ?...."
Kevai Floyd, Mrs. Lepp's "best friend" and leader of a church off Sugarleaf Church stated on August 4th the following statement as representative of Sugarleaf Church: "Church members have been to the house over the last few days cleaning, bought her a tv and groceries. They are trying to help."
Here is a video posted by the proclaimed "King of Sugarleaf Church" Charles Edward "Eddy" Lepp on August 8th 2017 discussing he and Heidi's visit to the church farm and talking about their ATTEMPTED assistance of their neighbor whose house his Wife and members Insists their church members have been "cleaning up":
Thom Herb replied · just 48 minutes ago to the public posts the Lepp's have contradicting themselves as usual:
"No they didnt...says that the owners called the police and refused help. But a few days ago there is a picture posted that said they helped...then when i talked to mr lepp he addmitted that no one went to help..."
Truth be told it is all over social media where Heidi Lepp insists over and over to people that her church HAS been stepping up and owning their responsibility for the destruction of their 74 year old neighbors home due to the lack of properly operating an illegal grow declared "Church Farm" by Sugarleaf which popped up right next door to the woman without most any neighbors realizing it.
Here is a public response from Heidi Lepp just 3 days and 10 hrs ago since Sugarleaf began insisting they Were helping their victim and cleaning up her destroyed home, which is right near the time her husband Eddy admits publicly that the opposite is true:
"The Rastamen did go up and help before Bernice was even home, they were paying her electricity bills, giving cash to her daughter, took out her trash, made sure she had help and was taken care of. That is what Rastamen do. There inherent nature is to help there brothers and sisters. Why would anyone hate on that? They had no obligation to anyone but to their creator and they did the right thing. If you could meet these men you would never say a bad word about them. They are amazing #rastamen. I can understand someone wanting time to grieve and take time to be alone. I find it totally disrespectful of people to not respect that for all involved especially those who were permanently harmed. The truth will be told through our own independent investigations. You can not trust law enforcement to be transparent. There are a lot of things happening that do not make sense at this point. That is why time and patience is key to get to the entire truth. Please stop hating on people who are grieving and trying to heal. And to all those hating on my complaint and POS's (my team is doing a great job), why don't you attack the complaint itself? You would be the first one. It is not my fault that there is lack of staff, competence and truth at the Federal Court House.
So, when will accountability come for the community, victims and their loved ones continuing to suffer as the Lepp's and their church leaders and members continue dumping Salt into their wounds, and when will Heidi Lepp quit LYING to the community. It speaks VOLUMES about the honor and meritability of Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church? Do they not Realize that being caught in such lies is really making their position worse with the community? Have they no SHAME in that they would lead the public to believe they were doing right by this woman and her family? Does Sugarleaf not Comprehend how INSULTING it is to the family to Be Lying about this?
Only time will tell and many say that the lies from the Lepp's are likely to continue until their criminal sentencing, though thus far even 8 1/2 years after that, Mr. Lepp continues to lie to the public about his being a "Hero" to cannabis and the cannabis community, as he continues such embarrassment and proving as with all they say - it's the opposite that always rings true in the end.
We don't BLAME them for Not wanting Sugarleaf people anywhere NEAR their land or family, they've done More than enough, from the destruction of their home to the attack on their character by insinuating that the elderly woman was operating a meth lab (which Would have been noted by Police when it became a crime scene leaving 2 deputies shot in the woman's home, don't you Think)!
This woman does need help, but not by people like This who only seem truly motivated by money or a pat on the back as if they're honorable and deserving people, which clearly they're not, they're lying and shady as hell as shown even here in this one bit of public posts.
Even Lepp supporters are sending words of advice for Eddy: Bonnie Metcalf posted: "Eddy...my only advice since i know you is stay off media...things aren't what they used to be...your only gonna hurt yourself...bless brother" - perhaps some of the best advice he could possibly take. It remains confusing for many why it is he speaks of Sugarleaf at all as he continues to state time and again it is NOT his church, that it's his wife Heidi's. Many suspect that he is trying to distance himself from the aftermath and destruction as Sugarleaf continues to crumble away into rubble where most say it belongs, and likely to spill at least one of them into court if not prison.
Please stay tuned for future updates about this and other ONAC encompassing news, and we thank you for your continued interest in support, Thank You!