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Another Mirage from Sugarleaf's Queen Lepp

Well, though it may come as a surprise to some, it's really no surprise to the many who have been paying attention to the Sugarleaf saga to find out that Heidi Lepp is continuing to misrepresent facts pertaining to the legal disposition of her church within the state of California.
We will start by including here a photo posted by Lepp on social media including the quote as posted with it attempting to make it seem as if she has "Won" something, specifically $1.3 Trillion Dollars, check it out for yourself:

Sugarleaf Rasta Church

I ain't playin #sugarleafchurch #winning #yubacounty #overgorw Eddy Lepp#standupforyourrights #inproselitigant #drugwarvictim #entryofdefaultThanks Chris 1.3 Billion #3trillionwasted #endingthedrugwar one Warmonger at a time.

What you will find when you take a little bit of time to research the true facts of reality, is that Mrs. Lepp never had the county served at all!
Immediately below, you will find a link to the courts website speaking of this issue, and too, you will also find the text of the case from the courts system also attached for your convenience:

(PS) Lepp et al v. Yuba County et al

California Eastern District Court

Judge:Garland E Burrell, Jr

Referred:Edmund F Brennan

Case #:2:17-cv-01317

Nature of Suit440 Civil Rights - Other Civil Rights

Cause42:1983 Civil Rights Act

Case Filed:Jun 27, 2017

  • Docket

  • Parties (5)

Docket last updated: 10 hours ago

Wednesday, August 09, 2017

21 motion Set Aside Wed 2:20 PM MOTION to SET ASIDE Default by Chris Monaco. Attorney Whitefleet, John Robert added. Motion Hearing set for 9/20/2017 at 10:00 AM in Courtroom 8 (EFB) before Magistrate Judge Edmund F. Brennan.(Whitefleet, John)

Att: 1 Memorandum of Points and Authorities in Support,

Att: 2 Declaration of John R. Whitefleet in Support

20order Clerk's Decline of Entry of Default Wed 11:41 AM REQUEST FOR ENTRY OF DEFAULT DECLINED as to Heidi Lepp. The clerk hereby declines to enter19 Request for Entry of Default filed by Heidi Lepp due to "Jeremy Strang" is not a listed party in this action. The1 Complaint,7 First Amended Complaint and4 Summons Returned executed all name "Jeremy Strange" a party. The names do not match. (TEXT ONLY) (Benson, A.)

18 order Order Wed 8:18 AM ORDER signed by Magistrate Judge Edmund F. Brennan on 4/8/17 ORDERING that plaintiff's request for an order directing the marshal to complete service of process (ECF No.14 ) is DENIED. (Kastilahn, A)

service Service by Mail Wed 8:18 AM SERVICE BY MAIL:18 Order served on Heidi Lepp. (Kastilahn, A)

service Service by Mail Wed 11:41 AM SERVICE BY MAIL: 20 Clerk's Decline of Entry of Default served on Heidi Lepp. (Benson, A.)

Tuesday, August 08, 2017

19 misc Request for Entry of Default Wed 11:35 AM REQUEST FOR ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to Jeremy Strang by Heidi Lepp. (Benson, A.)

17 order Clerks Entry of Default Tue 11:53 AM CLERK'S ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to *Chris Monaco* (Benson, A.)

16order Clerk's Decline of Entry of Default Tue 11:52 AM REQUEST FOR ENTRY OF DEFAULT DECLINED as to Yuba County. The clerk hereby declines to enter15 Request for Entry of Default filed by Yubud Church, Heidi Lepp, due to5Summons Returned Executed was service on Yuba County Sheriff, a separately named party in this action. There is no Summons returned executed on Yuba County as of this date. (TEXT ONLY) (Benson, A.)

service Service by Mail Tue 11:54 AM SERVICE BY MAIL: 16 Clerk's Decline of Entry of Default, and17 Clerk's Entry of Default served on Heidi Lepp. (Benson, A.)

Friday, August 04, 2017

15 misc Request for Entry of Default Tue 11:39 AM REQUEST FOR ENTRY OF DEFAULT as to Chris Monaco, Yuba County by Yubud Church, Heidi Lepp. (Benson, A.)

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

14 misc Declaration Wed 4:47 PM DECLARATION of Statement of Facts of Heidi Lepp. (Washington, S)

13order Minute Order Tue 11:11 AM MINUTE ORDER: Plaintiff Heidi Lepp filed two documents styled as motions for declaratory and emergency injunctive relief,11 ,12 , which the court construes as motions for preliminary injunctions. Plaintiff failed to properly notice her motions for hearing as required by Local Rule 230(b). Plaintiff is directed to contact the Courtroom Deputy for Magistrate Judge Edmund F. Brennan to obtain available law and motion hearing dates. Ordered by Magistrate Judge Edmund F. Brennan on 7/25/2017. (Text only entry)(Cannarozzi, N)

service Service by Mail Tue 11:11 AM SERVICE BY MAIL: 13 Minute Order served on Heidi Lepp. (Cannarozzi, N)

service Service by Mail Tue 12:10 PM SERVICE IN PERSON:8 ,9 ,10 Summons re-served on Heidi Lepp. (Michel, G.)

Thursday, July 20, 2017

12 motion Temporary Restraining Order Thu 1:44 PM COMPLAINT/MOTION for Declaratory Emergency Injunctive Relief, Cease and Desist and Restraining Order by Heidi Lepp.(Becknal, R)

Att: 1 TRO checklist

Monday, July 17, 2017

11 motion Miscellaneous Relief Mon 3:37 PM MOTION for EMERGENCY INJUCTIVE RELIEF and PROTECTION by Heidi Lepp, Yubud Church. (Nguyen, K)

Thursday, July 13, 2017

10 service Summons Thu 9:14 AM SUMMONS ISSUED as to *David Reed, David Rosenberg, Jeremy Strange, The State of California, Trident, Ravi Tumber, Michael Vroman, Yuba County, Yuba County Sheriff's Department* with answer to complaint due within *21* days. *Heidi Lepp* *2120 H Street, Apt #1* *Sacramento, CA 95816*. (Kastilahn, A)

9 service Summons Thu 9:11 AM SUMMONS ISSUED as to *Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris, Zack Helminiak, League of Cities, Shelby Lucero, Fiona Ma, Jacqueline McGowan, Chris Monaco, Barack Obama, Brandon Olivera, Marilyn Patel* with answer to complaint due within *21* days. *Heidi Lepp* *2120 H Street, Apt #1* *Sacramento, CA 95816*. (Kastilahn, A)

service Service by Mail Thu 9:14 AM SERVICE BY MAIL:8 Summons,9 Summons,10 Summons, served on Heidi Lepp. (Kastilahn, A)

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

8 service Summons Wed 3:54 PM SUMMONS ISSUED as to *Lori Ajax, Hezekiah Allen, William Allsup, Attorney General for the State of California, Xavier Becerra, Jerry Brown, California Cannabis Industry Association, California Growers Association* with answer to complaint due within *21* days. *Heidi Lepp* *2120 H Street, Apt #1* *Sacramento, CA 95816*. (Kastilahn, A)

Monday, July 10, 2017

7 cmp Amended Complaint Tue 12:25 PM FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT against All Defendants by Yubud Church.(Kastilahn, A)

Thursday, July 06, 2017

6 service Summons Returned Executed Fri 11:08 AM SUMMONS RETURNED EXECUTED: Chris Monaco served on 6/27/2017, answer due 7/18/2017. (Kastilahn, A)

5 service Summons Returned Executed Fri 11:06 AM SUMMONS RETURNED EXECUTED: Yuba County served on 6/27/2017, answer due 7/18/2017. (Kastilahn, A)

4 service Summons Returned Executed Fri 11:01 AM SUMMONS RETURNED EXECUTED: Jeremy Strange served on 7/3/2017, answer due 7/24/2017. (Kastilahn, A)

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

3 misc Civil New Case Documents for GEB Tue 1:11 PM CIVIL NEW CASE DOCUMENTS ISSUED; Initial Scheduling Conference set for 12/13/2017 at 10:00 AM in Courtroom 8 (EFB) before Magistrate Judge Edmund F. Brennan. (Benson, A)

Att: 1 Consent Form

2 service Summons Tue 1:09 PM SUMMONS ISSUED as to *Chris Monaco, Jeremy Strange, Yuba County* with answer to complaint due within *21* days. Attorney *Heidi Lepp* *2120 H Street* *Apt #1* *Sacramento, CA 95816*. (Benson, A)

1 cmp Complaint Tue 1:06 PM COMPLAINT against All Defendants by Heidi Lepp.(Benson, A)

Att: 1 Civil Cover Sheet

misc CAED Receipt Tue 1:07 PM RECEIPT number #CAE200082900 $400.00 fbo Heidi Lepp by Heidi Lepp on 6/27/2017. (Benson, A)

service Service by Mail Tue 1:12 PM SERVICE AT FRONT COUNTER:2 Summons,3 Civil New Case Documents for GEB served on Heidi Lepp. (Benson, A)

Thank you for your continued interest in regards to knowing the truth and justice regarding Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church, we appreciate your eagerness to know. Also, we Thank You for your continued interest and support in Oklevueha Native American Church, and we hope that you will stay tuned for future updates about this and other ONAC encompassing news and information that Might be of interest to you.


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