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Ding dong, the queen of Sugarleaf's rep is about dead, least in California

Well, better late than never we suppose, but it's sad to have had to sit and Watch all the havoc and aftermath that had to come of it before people would understand, and in our opinion Bette Braden says it best: "A rat is a rat is a rat is a rat" and we've definitely caught at least Two by their tails right here publicly presenting themselves as Spiritual Leaders. For those of you who don't know, we are referring to Sugarleaf King Edward "Eddy" Lepp and Queen Heidi Carol Nelson-Grossman-Lepp.

A dear friend of ONAC KM, Ms. Cher Ford-Mccullough posted this amusing little sketch upon the social media page of queen Heidi in the comment section of the post included immediately below it here for your convenience, we thought you too might appreciate the artwork:

David Allen, a former defender of Sugarleaf had this to post just 14 hours ago:

"Heidi grossman aka Heidi lepp is dead to me! Any fuckin person who even threatens to snitch out her husband to police is a threat to everyone around her. I do court support but not for any cases Heidi is actively involved in. If Heidi is your friend go ahead and block me! It is quite possible Heidi gave police garden locations to raid. That is just an educated guess no real proof. Fuck you heidi!"

Michelle Nix made the post: "That was my first warning to all about her. Lots of ppl unfriended me and that's OK. The woman volunteers to be a special expert witness for the prosecution in Cannabis criminal trials, her lawsuit was nothing but an attempted snitch this is not at all surprising. No doubt she's going to keep trying to get him locked back up...because she's Queen Heidi so with his head!"

So apparently the cannabis community is Finally starting to realize who the wolves truly are exploiting our plant and endangering it's liberation as well as our people, it's just too bad it comes at such a high cost. We still wonder if any will put pressure onto High Times about revoking the award wrongfully given to King Lepp earlier this year, now that the truth is becoming more known, you'd think they Should!

Jessica Solano sums up most peoples position best: "I have never met either of them, but have followed Eddy's case for a while now. Many things have made me say WTF are they doing ,in the past few months, but this takes the cake."

Elly Bee posted: "Dr. Allen does not say things lightly. There are people posting on this stream who Know, and Agree with Dr. Allen, people who grew up around Lepp and know Hedi, posting that these people are narcs. Bashing a basher who threatened to turn her husband in is not bashing, it is warning people. Thank you Dr. Allen. We love you."

Michelle Nix stated: "She's listed as a prosecution special expert witness for the prosecution in Cannabis criminal trials. Fact. Her lawsuit is a federal snitch fest on other activists. Read it. Fact. Now she contacts her husband's po officer to try and get him thrown back in prison so she can keep all gains to herself and once again play the victim. Fact. Those aren't speculations but provable facts.She's listed as a special expect witness for the prosecution on criminal trials, calls the cops on anyone disagreeing with her, has tried to have ONAC official arrested BEFORE they kicked her out, her lawsuit is a snitch fest now this with Eddy Lepp. She's a snitch from way way back and people were blinded by Eddys love for her."

All is suddenly and surprisingly quiet for the last few days, but we anticipate it to be short lived as alcoholics and addicts to the extent as her tend to have a hard time stifling themselves, especially when it's for their own good.

So, on that note, we will end this article here knowing more will come. Thank you all for your continued interest and support in all things of interest and concern to ONAC, please stay tuned for future updates about this and other news that may be of interest to you.


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