Sugarleaf King dethroned and homeless
We know that many of you are watching the Sugarleaf saga as our elders used to watch those soap opera's back in the mid 1980's such has Days of our Lives, Guiding Light, and all whatever others RELIGIOUSLY like Clockwork, and grow concerned when you're not kept apprised to the day's latest events... it will be like this until the legal disbanding of Sugarleaf and the incarceration of the snake-oil salespeople behind the whole scheme, and so for your sake we Try to keep you up to date as things seemingly notable and worthy present.
For those of you who missed the news, we highly encourage you to review yesterday's article titled something of the Lepp's Lovefest crumbling toward an end so that you will be brought up to speed as to the fact the the king and queen of Sugarleaf are officially no longer together. Many were awaiting this day many moons, some more silently than others, but ultimately all saw it coming who saw with any form of clarity, especially any who personally knew either of the peas of the sugarleaf pod.

What hasn't been talked about was who would end up where and with what, including custody of their 4 legged individual. Those who knew Eddy prior to his incarceration were surprised to hear him claiming to be broke and destitute, especially those knowing of the millions he had squandered away from his illegal church scam back then along too with the cannabis community more direct as they too have seen and contribited to the Eddy Lepp fundraisers collecting him tens of thousands too including even after he was released from prison last December. "You could see them going spend happy while asking for donations during his transition, but surely it's not All gone" say elder members gathered around on break from private ceremony.
"Even if they did blow through all of that, what about the church sales" says one of the grandfathers while a pair of grandmothers begin shaking there heads in disgust, one saying "yeah over 100 of them they sold for 10 thousand dollars each" while the other grandmother adds "yeah and a hundred if not more they sold for $35,000 each, shameful!" Another good point that was made is into the claim that the now former king Lepp is in need of a place to stay in Sacramento?
Here, we ask that you take the few moments to see for yourself to his post asking for the communities help:
"Hello boys and girls I find my self needing a little help due to actions taken by my ex I am now homeless. I need a place in the sacto area to stay for probably no more than 45 to 60 days untiI can get things together and get a place of my own or something comes along please pm me if you can help love respect thank you eddy"
How with all the churches they together have established in and around the Sacramento area could Eddy Possibly need to seek out someone else's Couch to ride for a month or two - can he not stay at One of their church buildings or on one of the farms? This again is why we encourage you to reflect Back to that article about their Lovefest hitting the dhitter so that your mind too will begin to ponder what's truth from fiction when dealing with these perfect pair of shady characters. It wasn't a month ago their "assistant" of sorts was posting that they had spent 10 Thousand dollars on printing just in that month, and too, it wasn't all that long ago they were staying in $500 a night rooms for days on end while snubbing there noses at the quality of room they'd Expected verses what they got, all while leaving poor Dennis Peron without 10 bucks gas to get to the doctor!
Sugarleaf posted: "FREE ADVICE: When you steal over 40k in church funds and ITS property you will have to answer for your actions. NAMASTE #PRAYFORJUSTICE#TRUTHWILLBETOLD" then Heidi Grossman directy posted the following: "Yes his name is Eddy Lepp and he is who is in possession of stolen church property #facts".
Yes, with all the spending on the elaborate buildings and furnishings for the buildings, and all the jewelry for they and their dog, not to mention the financing of the $20k Mercedes benz they HAD to have so to stalk in attempt to intimidate ONAC members in Style, how it is that suddenly she's a Grossman, he's single and looking for a couch to surf, there has been NO SIGNS of the 4 legged dead president suing individual Anywhere, the saga is sure to continue so rest assured ladies and gentlemen!
Kingston Gilmore said it best: "Anything that's yours is half his isn't it....aren't you married? Isn't everything you both own community property....didnt you use his name to propel yourself?is that not of value? You leave him homeless? Till death do you part? People really honor their vows nowadays smh welcome to 2017 where the sacrament of marriage means nothing and your spouse will drop you on the curb giving no fucks"
According to Eddy: "I'm saying Heidi said she no longer wished to be my wife so I left her honoring her wishs and respecting her right to do as she pleasesIi"
John Collingsworth we think said it best in his response to Lepp's plea for help: "Not only that it was predictable, but inevitable. The whole Rasta church thing is bullshit. Gypsies trying to cash in on the end of a pretty great time. No offense to the gypsies"
On that note, we are going to go ahead and close here, but before we do we would like to Thank you ever so kindly for your continued interest and support in all things encompassing ONAC and we highly encourage you to stay tuned for future updates on this and other news that may be of interest to you. Blessings!