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Sugarleaf King speaks of crazy Queen Lepp

Please listen Very Very closely to the entirety of this video:

Now, let's look at some of the great many points to be had by the King of her dreams, shall we:

Apparently according to King Lepp, Heidi recently publicly claimed to have won an Olympic gold Medal, which her husband insists is Not true. He confirms she was not even part of the olympic team because an automobile accident cost her the ability. It is believed that the accident was alcohol related and if so would prove to be the first of many she would be involved in since becoming an alcoholic.

Heidi made 150 pornographic movies in 18 month period of time according to King Lepp, who confirms she was a "Superstar"in the industry, but, according to him, she was only involved in the porn industry those 18 months and that it was 10 years After she'd quit that she turned around and sued Excalibur, which Eddy indicates she won though we have yet to confirm an outcome on that case officially or publicly. Realistically, according to media reports and her own filing back then, she had actually worked for Excalibur for 13 years before she was worn out and then sued them but perhaps she wasn't as honest with him about it as he thought like the marriage knowing good and well she never annulled or ended the wedding in Vegas from the one-night stand so the marriage was never legally Valid between them anyway!

Eddy goes on in the video to next address that Heidi is in fact Bi-sexual, that she has had female as well as male relationships with many up until the day he was released. According to Eddy many have been inquiring with him as to what Heidi's true gender is and with a chuckle he Insists she is Not a "transgender" that she was born and remains a female.

Then rather blandly Eddy confirms that Heidi still has NOT created nor maintained a good Quality parent/child relationship with her children and says she "longs for the day she can have a healthy relationship with both her daughters, but that she doesn't thus far and says he wishes her well with that endeavor making it sound like a near impossible task which it likely is and will remain so long as she has her unhealthy and destructive habits that she does.

According to Lepp, many close with including one who actually was sleeping with her while he was still in prison, have been telling him that Heidi had "Long planned" to use Eddy's reputation in the cannabis community and movement to gain herself fame and trust which obviously she feels she has attained all there is to be had outta he and his reputation and so doesn't need him around or as He says "In her way", especially when it comes harvest time and all their projected tithing buds come rolling in.

But one of the most shocking of things that would come is when Heidi began claiming that Eddy "stole money" from Sugarleaf church. Many instinctively responded by explaining to her that married couples are each 1/2 of a whole and that all things accumulated during the coarse of a marriage is rightfully half of each parties, but most overlooked the points being that for A she has YET to determine a conclusive figure as to how much he "stole", for B that a church is NOT to have accumulated more than $5,000.00 Especially as a non-profit entity such As a church, and C that HE himself is admitting to the church having Accumulated such money to have been accused of being stolen!

According to Eddy, when Heidi severed connections with ONAC (which was the OPPOSITE of how and what happened BTW), that she joined with "my multi-denominational church of Rasta and Cannabis with Sugarleaf" - not involved with nor is the head of his church and says vise-versa with he and Sugarleaf. He assures people that Sugarleaf members are believed to be as protected by Sugarleaf whether with or without his involvement, but reiterates that he is and will remain accessible to members who wish to reach out to him.

Apparently Heidi filed a report with police claiming that Eddy has Stolen $17 thousand from her church, text messages saying he'd stole $50,000, then on social media she said he stole $40,000. Eddy says it's not true and that's why her figures keep changing. Says that she has been emailing his PO trying to get him revoked, and THEN it gets Interesting...

According to the king, 200 churches he had help his wife to set up through Sugarleaf. Eddy explains that because they are cannabis churches that there is "Voluntary tithing" expected to be given to the church come harvest.

eddy says he is convinced that she wants him out of the picture so she doesn't have to share any of the tithing offerings expected to be given for the blessing and that in addition to calling police on him, she has sent at Least 5 emails to his PO shooting for his re-incarceration. Eddy says he blames her "Greed and need to be center of attention" -and says that Heidi "MUST have drama in her life" and too, that she must "be the center of attention."

Eddy confirms publicly also that his bride is a bitter alcoholic. According to him Minimum of 3-4 bottles of wine a Day. "After the first 2 glasses she turns into one of the nastiest drunks I've ever met in my life" Very insulting, very intimidating, "her way or the highway constantly" Eddy says that though she tries hard to prevent it, it does come into her "daytime life" and says occasionally she drinks all day and all night and says she developed this pattern when she was about 14 years old. Eddy says she is also known to add a pint of Fireball to her regiment as well and stresses what a severe problem with booze she has.

Eddy then begins to cry as he recounts the dying of Linda Senti and compares the daily wasting of Senti with the "killing herself" with her drinking and asks for people who can to try and help her as he insists that he loves her and says he wishes things could work out between them, and then becomes so teary eyed that he stopped the video recording, but before he did, one thing he said that We found interesting was in him saying "The reason I'm leaving Heidi", and the reason it is interesting is that up until now he insisted that she was the one who chose to end their relationship not him, and one of her associates even went so far as to distastefully post boasting of Heidid having decided to kick ole Eddy "to the curb."

It hasn't been a surprise for quite some time now to find contradiction in their statements, in fact, for those watching and too who have known the pair, it's an expected commonplace more than it's not anymore. And knowing more articles Will be coming regarding this "Sugarleaf" rogue "Church" thing and thensome, we're gonna go ahead and close this one here. We Thank you for your continued interest in this and all things encompassing ONAC and we Highly Encourage you to please stay tuned for future updates on this and other news that may be of interest to you.


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