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King Lepp attempts to slither off parole

Just after midnight, the following post was made public by "Eddy" Lepp and we thought many of you might appreciate knowing and the heads up:

"getting better with each passing day. Seeing old friends this week. Going to be a great week. Court tomorrow to see about lifting probation or modification praying for the best come on down could use the support 450 Golden Gate federal court house San Francisco Ca. 230 pm judge Alsup. See you there thanks"

This ladies and gentlemen is proving to be yet another of Lepp's smoke and mirror lies as he was actually in court TODAY at 2 o'clock, not scheduled to be in court TOMORROW at 2 nor 2:30!

(Photo at Nor-Cal High times Cannabis Cup 2017)

(While on FEDERAL Parole/Probation for cannabis)

It is bothersome that Lepp is attempting to get himself off the legal hot seat for a cannabis cultivation conviction while having knowingly set up literally Hundreds of people to suffer the exact same fate of federal prison for illegally cultivating cannabis and with the exact same intention - Selfish GREED, nothing more and Damned sure nothing to help protect the plant and people nor attaining cannabis liberation!

It's even more bothersome that there are still people within the cannabis community who think that supporting he nor his queen are a positive or feesable option - make no mistake, BOTH Charles Edward "Eddy" Lepp and Ms. Heidi Carol Nelson-Grossman-Miranda-Lepp are BOTH WOLVES out to prey on cannabis and the blood sweat and tears of our community. Both of them TOGETHER established this "Sugarleaf Rasta Church" scheme and BOTH of them set out TOGETHER to manipulate, financially rip off, and endanger our community members as well as our plant medicine by presenting them with the False promise of legal protection NEITHER of them has Ever been able to attain and in turn offer to others.

Judge William Haskell Alsup will hopefully prove himself to be wise enough to see through the smoke and mirrors Lepp is sure to try to cloud into the courtroom seeking his freedom, as the judge received a Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics from Mississippi State University in 1967, a Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School in 1971, and an Master of Public Policy from Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government in 1971.

Any with information they're willing to put forth to the judge regarding Lepp, you are Highly encouraged to put it forth to him NOW, Before he calls the case and begins rendering a decision. Judge Alsup's email address is not yet known nor is the outcome of today's hearing, but we are working on obtaining both and will provide it to you just as Soon as it's receoved, In the mean time, we can and happily provide you with the case number from today which is # 04-317WHA.

Eddy has actually 2 separate parole/probation officers, the main one We highly encourage you to contact is Mr. Robert Tenney, his email address is: as this is the one who represents all Lepp's hearings and such in court in San Francisco where Lepp's cases are heard. You can also reach Mr. Tenny at (415) 436-7540. Eddy's local supervisor while he is living in Sacramento is a probation officer is Sara Gnewikow - her phone number is (916) 930-4312 and her email address is: and should you need additional assistance, you can contact Sara's assistant: Sherry at (916) 930-4365

Judge Alsup according to his track record was a law clerk to Justice William O. Douglas of the Supreme Court of the United States from 1971 to 1972. Judge Alsup was in private practice in San Francisco, California from 1972 to 1978, and was then an Assistant to the United States Solicitor General in the United States Department of Justice from 1978 to 1980. He returned to his private practice in San Francisco from 1980 to 1998 with Morrison & Foerster, when he briefly served as a special counsel in the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice in 1998. He was again in private practice in San Francisco from 1998 to 1999.

We HOPE that he will prove to maintain the merit and dignity of Justice in California's government system and that he will NOT let Lepp slither out of the hot seat he is so eager to fry himself and so many others in. As the last federal court noted before sentencing Lepp "Never in all my years as a judge have I seen a man work so hard to PUT himself in prison as you have Mr. Lepp" and since Lepp's release he has done everything he can to prove he is still GREEDY enough, just this time he is Unwilling to sit himself on the bullseye of the targets he's helped to make.

Again, we will let you know as soon as we get updated as to the outcome of today's hearing just as soon as we get word, and too, we will get you the judges email as well so you will have it handy in case you need it.

Until then, as always, we thank you greatly for your continued interest and support in that which encompasses Oklevueha as well as our beloved Mother Medicine sacrament Cannabis - YOU DO and ARE Making the Positive Difference! Please do stay tuned for future updates on this and all other things encompassing ONAC that we believe You Might just appreciate knowing about. Blessings to you all in abundance!


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