King Lepp pleas for polygamous wife

Two interesting things came out of King Lepp today, the first being that he has reclaimed being "Founder" of Sugarleaf Rasta Church again on his social media, which makes one wonder why, but then too, most done thus far hasn't made since And has contradicted their last breath so maybe this is no different- after-all his queen still is claiming to be Oklevueha and we all Know she's NOT.
The second interesting thing to be said Today, is this post which the King Supposedly written all by himself but that most believe wasn't written by him at all but instead is written by whom the plea goes out for based on the writing and too the verbiage, here, check it out for yourself:
"Earlier today i ask that those of you who are my friends or claim to be quit attacking my wife as i said I LOVE HER and am very supportive of her. As i said sometimes things just don't work out. I have and will support what she is doing with the lawsuits. She is right and is trying to help us all. There is a lot of Information that many are unaware of so please until you have all the info. Please give Heidi a break. I don't want to block anyone but i will if this keeps up. Again I thank you all for all the love and support. I would ask that you also try to be understanding many times when people have issues they say and do things they don't really mean. Your all able to rise to any level please rise above hurting people when you don't have all the information. Or even when you do it makes us all look bad and this movement has enough problems without fighting with each other. TRUTH. RESPECT ALL HURT NONE. LOVE ONE ANOTHER ............ I. I LOVE YOU ALL HURT NONE"
Pretty well written by a guy who can't even spell Damn in a post and barely types a sentence, don't you agree. It's been no secret that Lepp is Not well skilled with computers and cell phones and that it was the queen doing most if not all of the posting on all there social media pages until September 1st, that is when you can see the King pecking his own posts out. This post is more along the lines of the previous posts, not ones from he himself, and too, the phrases quoted as being his quotes weren't ever quoted in this way in His posts, only in her posts As him!
Bette Braden says what most feel: "Kinda hard to do when you make a video telling us she is a mean chronic alky who has such greed she dumped you rather than give what she owes. That video said it all. Oh and also that shes a fucking rat. No respect for her at all." Of coarse some sheeple quickly rose up to jump to the defense of poor King Lepp, denying his own words, which is easy when he deletes his video where he actually finally spoke some truth for a change., but Bette held her ground "I saw the video. He stated Heidi is alcoholic, she drinks 3 bottles of wine a day and after 2 drinks she is mean. He also said she called both parole and cops on him. He said she wanted him gone so he would not get portion of harvest tithes. I am not beimg hateful i am just confused how to respect her."
We are glad to see people paying attention and standing up for truth, even and especially adults who don't own that which they should and we tip our hat of respect to Ms. Braden for being among those with courage enough to insist on the truth, even when it puts you against what seems to be the masses because in the end when the Garbage is removed from the picture, those like her shall remain honorably.
Many are left wondering at what is going on with these people and more at when they and there chaos will be stopped once and for all. Why would a man stand up for a woman who is willing to destroy his future over materialistic greed? Why would someone still stand in defense from someone who has called them a thief and has tried to get them put into prison? Why would a man who was never Legally married to a woman who is still legally married to another refer to her as his wife? So many questions, and not yet a straight answer that they haven't deleted in attempt to hide truth. we KNOW it's far from over just as sure as we know something's fishy besides his long worn queen.
If he wants people to stop being MEAN to her, then perhaps they should Apologize for having lied to, ripped off, snitched out and insulted the people and churches they have and then walk far from our plant and people - AFTER Repaying everyone especially the elderly neighbor whose house was Ruined because of you and you guys greed- there's an Idea! How many times and by how many people must you be told you're unwanted before you get the hint and leave? There will be no getting off the hook this go round King Lepp, sorry but no dice! Keep in mind people, HARVEST TIME IS COMING and they are BOTH worrying about collecting their tithing's from the illegal churches that their pigeons are expected to give them for lucking out and not getting busted like the others who have. We SUGGEST those of you really think TWICE before handing them a reward from Your risk they put you in because you're a Damned FOOL if you give them one stitch!
Thank you so much for your continued interest and support and please stay tuned for future updates on ONAC encompassing news, take care!