Raid on Red Bluff Sugarleaf "Church"
Reverend Donna Will of the Sugarleaf Rastafarian Church said an abatement team from Tehama County District Attorney's Office showed up at her church on yesterday, the 5th of September in Red Bluff, California and that she was literally thrown on the ground by officials: "He twisted my arm back so far, I fell on my elbow and hurt my elbow, and he twisted me so far back that I actually landed on the ground," she told local media.

Ultimately Ms.Will was arrested, but was reportedly bailed out this morning, by whom we don't know. We also do not know how many plants were chopped down by officials or if anyone else was arrested or any other pertinent details at the moment unfortunately, we were hoping to have some more information and news sources put together for this article by publish, and are sorry that we didn't, but we will update you with more details just as soon as we get them. From the looks of the photograph no plant was left behind.
In the mean time, here is a link to a few media sources covering this bust:
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