ONAC KM Member Hero of Justice in Oroville
It is our honor to share with you a story that is both tragic as well as heart warming. Keep in mind, Kautantowit's Mecautea do not seek glory or praise for their good deeds, they do what is right because it needs to be done in order to ensure justice remains un-corrupted. We say that because that is what we have here in this story.
So on Tuesday night, just around 8:30 Pm, an ONAC KM member was traveling on Feather River Blvd. heading toward Oro Dam Rd. in Oroville, California when he noticed a bicyclist also traveling the roadway opposite of the traffic. The bicycle had a bright light on it is what our member says got his attention as all traveled the roadway clearly visable to oncoming traffic. Though the bicyclist was traveling on the roadway according to our member, it appeared that the rider was getting ready to enter upon a sidewalk that was just beginning in that stretch, but unfortunately the rider, 53 year old Native American Michael Cesspooch of Marysville would never make it onto the sidewalk this night, and what happened next would forever change many innocent lives forever.
Two vehicle legnths ahead of our member but with no vehicles in between, was a pickup truck that according to police and local media, was being driven by 37 year old Anthony Abuanbar. Our member best describes what happened next: "There was a cloud of dust because he had gone off the road a little bit. That's what I mean. He kind of went out of his way to hit him." According to the member, the impact was so hard that it not only knocked the cyclist out of his shoes, but also literally "It was like an explosion" our member says, and that all the stuff in the guys backpack literally scattered Everywhere upon the impact.

No one expects nor could really be prepared for witnessing something as horrific as this, but in California it's become commonplace for eye witnesses to "See Nothing" and go about their business as if nothing had happened. As sad as it is to say, it's the harsh reality of our world today, but for the suspect to continue driving on as if he had done nothing more than to run over a bag of garbage, is almost unimaginable to most, at least those of us with a conscious and a little basic human decency. That is Exactly what happened here, Anthony Abuanbar continued driving along his way as if he'd done nothing wrong, and witnesses seemed to do the same, except for our member who sprang into action seeking justice be attained for the victim left dead on the side of the road.
Our member chased Abuanbar down, the suspect finally pulled into a parking lot. According to our member: "He pulled behind two big rig tractors with sleepers parked at an angle .....I pulled around the other side & cut him off from a hole in the fence .that people use at rush hour." Our member approached to confront the man as "he was out of his truck looking at the front ......I said hey man you hit a guy back there .....he goes......no its ok ......I said hey ASSHOLE ITS NOT FUCKING OK .....YOU HIT & RAN OVER A GUY BACK THERE"
As our member confronted Abuanbar for hitting the bicyclist, Abuanbar acted as if he'd done nothing wrong still, while literally trying to Remove the tangled bicycle from under his pick up for heaven's sake, "Two guys from the big rigs were getting up to him....I started yelling get his plate number hes going to run!" Our member told Abuanbar that he had in fact done something wrong and insisted he was going to stay there until police arrived. Abuanbar decided otherwise and jumped back into his pick up truck "he got in .....jammed it into reverse cause he thought the bike was not there ....... the bike got hung up on a dirt mound & released itself" and took off, our member said so for the most part, he had a fairly clean get away.
To our members surprise, Abuanbar "Drove back towards the accident ...... the cop approached from the opposite direction of the way we had been headed when it started ..... the guy crossed the road directly in front of the cop." According to our member "others on the opposite side of the road told him (the police) it was the guy in the white f-150 who had struck the dead bicyclist" and that's when police sprung into action and a high speed chase ensued through town by the panda express & though the new walmart parking lot area then out onto 70 ...& endied on pacific heights on Hughway 70. All in all the chase went for about 5 miles before police finally caught and arrested Abuanbar at Pacific Heights Road.

"I & the two guys from the rigs yelled go get that white truck he did this go get him - the cop pulled a u-turn ...... went after the f-150, that's when I went to the body and called 911, they had put me on hold .....I hung up.....they called back.....I said officer is giving chase but this man needs an ambulance now. A second cop showed & started CPR.....I held my light for him ....he hooked up a defib .....it gave one jolt the said the patient had no signs continue cpr, then fire showed up.....tried their D fib.....ran a strip .....he was gone & pronounced dead. 4 of us who gave a shit enough to stop ....stood with the dead man for a good half hour ....."
According to media, while the victim was being pronounced dead, the officers arrested Abuanbar who has been charged with a list of charges including "Suspicion of involuntary vehicle manslaughter and avaiding police" among other charges and police are asking for all witnesses to please come forward and provide a witness statement for their ongoing investigation. Local media also report that 2 police vehicles were somehow damaged during the chase but don't give any information as of yet t to how or why damage to the vehicles occurred.
Though the media report tells the police version of the incident, they Do include a video interview with our member who again as you will see, remains intent on the focus remaining on the suspect and victim so that proper justice will be found at the end of this tragic incident. Our member has full intention of seeing this case through and will testify in trial if need be to ensure the victim and his family obtain justice as well as Some sort of closure. So far 4 eye wittnesses have risen up, we hope more will before everything's over and the case is decided in court.
According to media, the man was a vagrant, but the truth be told the victim was not a homeless man. Our member met and spoke with the man's girlfriend who said "He was getting back on his feet ...had a good bike ....& was living in a hotel ......his girl had dinner waiting for him" but to Oklevueha and our members it wouldn't Matter, he was a living breathing human being until this man's recklessness and he deserves the same justice as any and everyone else.
Named or anonymous publicly, our member IS a hero and we felt that given all the chaos and turmoil we've been having to report in central California lately, that even though the victim's life was lost, it's important to emphasize to our member as well as to the community and society that we and our members value and treasure all life and that we are damned proud that he did what he did chasing the suspect down and that it's likely why Creator chose for him to be there to witness it.
We are all but mere Tools to be utilized by Creator for His will and purpose, and in a situation like this we believe that Creator Knew that the only way there would come justice for this man is if our member was there and then spiritually led By Creator to ensure it, and that's what we have here. We THANK YOU brother, for being an Honorable Mecautea and doing Creator's will so Honorably and diligently! Blessings to you!
Here is a local media's report on the incident for your review:
We call upon YOU and all of our prayer warriors to please make smoke and prayers for Michael Cesspooch and for all his family and loved ones and that you put tobacco out in honor of his memory. This is such an unfortunate and very sorrowful incident and sometimes a little human compassion works wonders in ways ya may not even know. Also please make smoke and prayers for all the eye witnesses forever traumatized by the situation, especially for our member who bravely did what each of us would want done if it were we or our loved one killed, especially so senselessly! We hope he didn't suffer.
As always, we Thank you so very much for your continued interest and support in all things of interest to Oklevueha. We Hope you stay tuned for future updates about this and all other pertinent news and information. Blessings to all!