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Weedman helpless in jail while cancer spreads through his leg from lack of care

It is with great upset that we have just now learned that our worst fear is proving to come true. Eddie "NJ Weedman" Forchion remains illegally detained in jail without medical care or treatment for his cancer, and now that lack of care is causing the cancer to spread!

For those of us who know and deeply Care about Eddie, this is Completely Unacceptable of an option and we are calling for swift action to right the state of New Jersey's wrong by keeping him from his treatment and needed medication. We want Eddie RELEASED from jail NOW and we are NOT going to sit here ignored much longer about it!

This is what's posted as a public release announcement from Forchion's page about his serious and worsening medical condition: "Ed's Cancer is back in his hip and knee....yet he still sits in Mercer Co. Jail with 67 days added to the original 180......thank you Steven Fenichel for facilitating the follow up with Dr Benevenia ........UNBELIEVABLY Ms. Katz wants to wait til the end of October for trial.....guess it's easier to get a conviction on a Hospice Patient .........or better yet a dead man....." As of now, it appears as if Forchion will not get another day in court until early November now, completely Unacceptable to he and his supporters!

This is what Eddie had to say about it 28 days into his illegal incarceration: "I am a Medical Marijuana Patient, and I have been long before the State of New Jersey recognized its medicinal value with C.U.M.M.A (Compassionate Use of Medical Marijuana Act) in 2010. I am a Bone Cancer Patient and it is public knowledge I deal with my bone pain by using marijuana, not Opioids. Many people with my condition are addicted to opioids, I refuse to be. I use the G_d grown herb Cannabis. Assistant Mercer County Prosecutor Ms. Katz, malicious jailing of me for this bogus witness tampering charge is a direct threat to my health. I am being denied my medical Marijuana and my Oncology treatments at this time, because she cannot take losing to me through a FAIR TRIAL. This jailing was to tip the scales of INJUSTICE in her favor to prevent me from preparing for my trial, like I have successfully done in the past. TYRANTS SOMETIMES COME WITH VAGINAS."

According to the "Law" a state is only allowed to detain a suspect for Up to 180 days. Forchion has remained in police custody for almost 200 days now, which is a clear case of him being denied "Due Process". For two weeks Eddie was on a hunger strike contesting his illegal incarceration but concerned supporters including "Dog" The Bounty Hunter jumped in expressing great concern about Forchion's well being and ultimately were able to convince him that the best thing for him to be doing is staying as strong as he can so to make sure they don't get away with this corruption of justice being wheeled against him.

In Eddie's own words in a public post back as this all began, "I predicted the Bail Reform Act would be used against people like me. I am not violent.......I have a big mouth I engage in political dissent...........and now as predicted, I am a political prisoner thanks to the Bail Reform Act.." Of coarse no one including Forchion himself forsaw such a corruption in there so called "Justice System" as ever being an issue causing this magnitude of medical Harm.

Susan E Roth made the point best so far: "How can they deny him treatment? This is beyond belief, People get bail for murder and for less than what they are doing to Ed,. So Frigging wrong." And too, Janet Conner also made a good point in how wicked the state of New Jersey is Knowingly being done to Forchion: "Oh my God I'm so sorry to hear this I will be keeping Ed and all of you in my prayers this is such b******* that is system can railroad a good and decent man and now he's sick on top of it are you f'n kidding me New Jersey! Mercer County you suck! SET THIS MAN FREE!!!!!!"

Why this has NOT been covered by "Main stream" media remains confusing as well as upsetting to many of Forchion's supporters who remain deeply concerned for the health and well-being of Forchion. Right now, we put forth a call to action for all of our readers asking that you PLEASE contact Your local media and ask that they please give some of there press coverage to Forchion as time is of the essence, especially with the state refusing to honor his right to Due Process and speedy trial.

Forchion has announced publicly since the beginning that he is Ready for trial and too, that he insists on being given a jury of 12 of his peers. Forchion knows that once any jury is notified of their right to exercise Jury Nullification that he is sure to be set free as he and his supporters remain convinced that the state of New Jersey will not be Able to get 12 jurors willing to throw Forchion into prison for decades over any of their insane charges currently pending against him and insist that nothing he has done is illegal. To allow the conviction of Forchion for exercising his freedoms, is to condemn us All from having any rights or freedoms at all, and That is the important point there is to be had here in Ed's otherwise pointless suffering now.

As of right now, the court docket shows no upcoming court dates scheduled for Eddie but we Are keeping an eye and an ear on it and will update you just as soon as we have one. When we do, we are then going to be calling for all of our members and supporters in the Mercer county area of New Jersey to PLEASE come out in personal and Attend the hearing and to PLEASE let your voices be heard and known. We will Hopefully be coordinating a public protest at the courthouse on the day of his next court appearance, so start working on your protest signs Now and let's Hope that main stream media realize they can Ignore this mis-justice no more!

In the mean time, we ask that you please contact ALL pertinent New Jersey state government agencies and continue Insisting that they release Edward Forchion NOW so that he can get the proper medical attention he needs. Cancer slows nor waits for no man, including judges and for every moment that passes that he remains behind bars and Away from his medication the state of New Jersey is causing Irreparable harm not to mention extreme emotional duress and anguish that he should Not be enduring under the guise of "law. The Sooner Eddie is released from custody, the sooner he can resume his medical treatment and Hopefully get the bone cancer back under control if not into complete remission all together which remains the goal.

If only you could understand the extreme PAIN that comes from cancer, it's indescribable and beyond any form of pain measurement "scale" you could Think to imagine. No one should have to suffer through this type of pain, in fact, it's protocol that once a "Cancer Patient" is put into the Home Health/Hospice "system" high doses of narcotic prescription Pain Medications are given and usually "as the patient deems necessary to alieviate the pain." One of the MAIN Reasons people like Eddie and the spiritual leaders of ONAC KM stand so Firmly in our mother medicine cannabis being RESPECTED AS an Equal Alternative "medication", I mean that IS the whole point behind "Medical Marijuana Laws" being passed, as "Acts of Compassion" for the sick, suffering and Dying Right?!


Correct us by All Means if we're WRONG here, but wasn't it Thanks To Eddie "New Jersey Weedman" Forchion that the sick and suffering residents of the state of New Jersey was "Given" the right of having a "Medical Marijuana Law" to utalize for Less Deadly ailments than he is now being DENIED ALL treatment options entitled him a an American born human Being! Please really Fathom that, he is being denied ALL treatment entitled and medically Needed, not Just his medicinal cannabis but his ONCOLOGY treatments Also!

Depriving him of either IS damaging to his right of existence, whether or not you concur that cannabis in a correctional institution is "understandable". To us it is NOT, it instead proves where the work is left needing to be done to correct it so that others do NOT end up falling into such a "crack" in the system that they SUFFER un-necessarily such as he is and so many others before him have.

But let's say that even if they Do come around and give him the latter, the fact that he LACKED it for as long as he has Is "irreparable damage" please know and make NO MISTAKE about that, and too, not giving him the one at all is ALSO irreparable damage being inflicted upon him because medically it IS provable that it Would benefit the health of his being NOW as it has been since 2010, and ultimately only NOW that They are Knowingly and recklessly DEPRIVING him, the cancer is growing and spreading and Will be medically provable in his very leg New Jersey is endangering his entire life with right now today - it's Deplorable of them! It would and should be seen no differently than they depriving a person of there heart medication or there blood pressure medication. why do that if not to Heighten there medical sufferings as you mess with there heads? Is This America's concept of "rehabilitation" now?

Of coarse too, looking ahead to once all of this is legally heard by Competent and intelligent Jurors, and Forchion is finally freed from this deplorable bondage condition they've illegally been keeping him in, whatever damage they have done to him medically will Hopefully prove to be correctable enough to restore his quality and quantity of life, which if anything will prove to be the cannabis that can. But too, it will surely spell in the end a lawsuit and likely settlement in his favor for a fairly big chunk of change obviously deserving of him for enduring this miscarriage of his justice.

WE as ONAC KM feel that the ultimate point to keep burning deep in Your minds is that Whatever may come of all this in the end once it's won and gone away, is that it does Not change the validity of his suffering this NOW, nor will it right the wrongs being Knowingly and intentionally inflicted upon his physical being, and that ultimately there are many of us who rise and willingly stand in solidarity with Eddie progressing us through the sellout jungles of Regulation focused on securing our Liberation from such insanity as a "Law" declaring a senseless "war" on a safe harmless and medically beneficial PLANT for heaven's sake! We are Thankful for his honorable bravery and devotion to obtaining cannabis liberation and truly Blessed to have him as a friend, brother, and honorary ONAC KM Emissary and member.

This travesty is but another of the Many Examples to the much needed work left to be done by people like we and Eddie... fixing all the CRAP that continues stalling and depriving the sick of New Jersey and elsewhere from suffering because they are trying to control a safe and medically beneficial PLANT and have Miserably done so for way to long without we the people rising up and putting a Stop to it. Too many "systems of government" do not have protocol in place to honor medical cannabis aside from just jails and prison systems, hospitals, skilled care and physical rehabilitative facilities are too being hypocritical in states such as New Jersey who have implemented medical cannabis sanctions into law.

Those ONAC KM sees as the primary systems needing immediate attention to fixing and then follow the expansion needed throughout the sub-systems from there until cannabis is ultimately viewed as no different than any Other "Medication" according to law" if That's the guise they're going to use in attempt to regulate it. Until they are corrected, people like we, you and Eddie are going to continue to wrongfully suffer, just hopefully not to the degree of others such as another activist in Montana by the name of Richard Flor did - he suffered BEYOND MEASURE including Multiple broken Bones all untreated until ultimately he lay shackled to a hospital bed and DIED from the same level of intentional Lack of CARE being offered by our "Correctional Systems" of government.

We have other members whom are being Threatened with literally Dying in a cell like Richard Flor for the Exact Same reason - following the law of there home state As Medical Cannabis patients. One member jumps to mind facing that fate in the state of texas right Now all because he and his family were traveling THROUGH the star state of Texas from there home state of Oregon, and with him he did have his cannabis medication packed atop his car as they ventured from coast to coast to visit family for what was planned to be a fairly extended vacation. Know that it wasn't the member who elected to Stop in Texas, but instead it was the police officer who pulled him over who insisted that he Stop in texas, reason being according to the officer was that the vehicle had "Oregon plates". According to the officer, because he Knew that Oregon allowed cannabis possession, he figured that the member might likely had some so claimed he was speeding a little and went from there to threatening the member and his Family (including his minor Disabled daughter) until he ultimately force-coerced confirmation that there was cannabis in a cary-all attached to the top of the car.

They took that members medicine, and took him to Jail, where they discovered that our member has a medical condition that they are NOT capable of maintaining adequate medical Care over neither in their jails Or there prisons, and yet even with the heads of Both the county jail along with the head of the state prison in which our member is being threatened with being held in for a 20 year sentence if convicted for simply having his medication with him, insisting to the judge and court that they CANNOT medically care for him in there or any other state correctional facility, Still the judge in Texas Continues attempting to incarcerate our member Anyway, knowing that ANY period of time he is incarcerated WILL likely result in his literal physical DEATH, and yet Now they have actually issued a Warrant for our members arrest in effort of proceeding against him anyway, all the while the state of Texas residents call for relaxation for medicinal if not too Recreational allowance for within there state, how Hypocritical!

If people like Eddie Forchion were not Willingly out on the front lines of such an insane battle as this, members like ours could well end up literally DEAD like Richard Flor, and for What if WE do not pick up the ball and finish out this stupid ass GAME they've made this whole goal into. To us, he is a Perfect Example of what a true Mecautea of Great Creator is, he is ENDURING such Tortures so that the rest of us don't Have to. For that, we owe him a huge Thank You and as Much SUPPORT as we can possibly think to give him. You SEE how long this has gone on, and that they're even violating their own laws so to continue the torture upon him. Aren't we a Humane "Nation" anymore, that we turn our heads and let such travesty go on without legal accountability?!

As always, we thank you ever so much for your continued interest and support and we hope you stay tuned for future updates on this and all things encompassing the interest of Oklevueha Native American Church and our beloved Mother Medicine plant! Blessings to us all, especially Eddie and his supporters


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