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A Message from Sachem Graves - ONAC KM

Thank you for joining us as we have a very important message to be shared with you from Sachem Hawkeye Graves of ONAC KM.

"Greetings everyone and blessings in abundance be unto you. I am Joy Maxine 'Hawkeye' Graves, Sachem and Spiritual Leader of Oklevueha Native American Church Kautantowit's Mecautea, ONAC KM as our abbreviated version for those who struggle addressing us in native tongue, but we Do want to make Sure that you comprehend as clear and coherantly as is possible what our name means and entails so to dispell any confusion right off the bat.

On the 31st day of August, in the year 2013, I received a telephone call from Sachem Matthew Thomas of the tribe of my fathers grandmother, The Narragansett Tribe of Rhode Island. I had petitioned he and tribal council for their blessing in my journey's course through this the 7th sacred fire times as taught by White Buffalo Calf Woman and taught by the leaders of the tribes throughout generations. Sachem, which means "Chief" Thomas called to deliver our blessing from the tribe... "Kautantowit's Mecautea" This name is our blessing, and also, our obligation, responsibility and what we are to Daily strive to be.

Kautantowit means "Great Creator" and "Mecautea" means "Warrior Soldiers who fight off Evil and the Enemy." It is as it should be, Self Explanatory. This blessing makes us Distinctively Different as far as a "Traditional Church" even a "Native American" one as most "Churches" are known to be passive, forgiving, humble, and such things - we are a Warrior church, and whose warriors we are is also clear as a bell too, we are Great Creator's warrior soldiers. The evil and enemies that we are to be "fighting" are whoever puts themselves on the opposite side of honoring Creator's Creation.

Then, on the 1st of September, the very next day in that year 2013, Flaming Eagle Mooney, Brite Hawk Mooney and Gary Tom gifted us the blessing of their blessing upon the blessing we had received the day before delivered by Sachem Thomas... and so in honor of both their blessings, we Are Oklevueha Native American Church Kautantowit's Mecautea, but you can call us ONAC KM, we just want to make sure that you understand what your saying and addressing.

Having explained to you that, let me now address you on behalf of many if not all of my sibling trees, meaning my fellow independently standing ONAC churches as well as all our limbs, and hopefully too, even our mother church Oklevueha Earth Walks Native American Church when I speak to you of the following, as Respectfully as I myself can be as KM...

People understand that the original Native American Church (NAC) which they Say somehow absorbed into the NAC NA (Native American Church North America) of today. many of you know it was first "officially Established" meaning recognized registered and incorporated back in the 1800's, but do you Get it, meaning do you Fathom how the lands and peoples were here back then in your mind- can you envision being in it around them in Oklahoma, enduring life as it was when they made the move as an act of DESPERATION and did it? It is Important that you try, else you're Never going to get the most basic of fibers that make ONAC what we are and represent as well as why how and on whom we Reflect in the perceptional reality of each individual human beings mind whom encounters any ONAC.

NAC was established "officially" meaning recorded in there "laws" - we're Overlooking the factual reality Being that for at Least 10-13,000 Years prior the tribe who honored us along with many others were well content with our own spiritual ways and tribal creeds. In the 1490's as all say, things began to change, and the ways of the people as were the rights and even freedoms of the people were tossed off to the side and discounted and oppressor began oppressing... beating, raping, starving, stealing, killing, and forced Indoctrination as they did it, by the 1800's Yes, as an act of Desperation in attempt to Preserve the ways, beliefs, and creeds of the tribal peoples, the Original Native american Church (NAC) became an incorporated entity. It is Important that if you want to understand the foundation and structural CORE of ONAC that you understand that Factual reality first and foremost, especially if you're going to be out there publicly representing the whole of us as a spiritual leader.

One of the establishers of NAC was the great grandfather of Flaming Eagle Mooney, James Mooney. He wrote the Bylaws and the codes of ethical conduct still held b ALL NAC descendant churches to date, including All of ONAC! Most of the NAC's today don't have nice things to speak of ONAC, but it is what it is and we take their jealous resentment in stride hoping they will overcome it and follow the instructions of their ancestors meaning come together with us as the one tribe we are to be here upon Turtle Island during these times, knowing Creator has time frame and plans going on we don't even know, so with faith we continue on our journey... understanding and respecting the path and the repercussions that come of our traveling it, and walk as honorably as we can as Kautantowit's Mecautea.

Flaming Eagle stood As NAC NA many moons until they rejected fellowship based on blood quantum, and obtained the proper blessings that make us ONAC and able to stand Around such BS requirements, and whether Any like it including NAC NA, the BIA or any else, it is what it is and to say it's not is to speak otherwise Dishonors as well as casts doubt and shame upon their ancestors who Gave the honored blessings. THIS right Here creates our reflection impacting "Indian Country" and so Knowing that, we MUST tread Honorably on our path Mindful of how our coarse being traveled affects they and there people as we cohabitate Turtle Island as decided by Great Creator.

By being Oklevueha Native American Church Kautantowit's Mecautea, we are also the warrior child of Oklevueha Earth Walks Native American Church, earth Walks is our Mother Church out of honor by blessing, Kautantowit (Great Creator) is our Father. We are the ONLY Mecautea blessed of, by and as an ONAC. This history is the roots of ALL Oklevueha "Churches" whether your an independently standing sapling, a limb off a sibling and of coarse a limb of our Mother tree. It Should be VISABLE even if only a minimal degree.

We are now where I aimed to be as far as having a point to this message, because ONAC IS of the original NAC, we are alloted the same rights as NAC. Because Flaming Eagle and Brite Hawk Mooney bravely took ONAC's stand a step farther, ONAC Did gain "special rights" above even NAC themselves. Many especiall who stand with NAC become immediately defensive but that's ok, once calmed and you listen you will understand and ultimately likely agree unless you're just too stubborn or choose ignorance. Both NAC and ONAC churches have the right to use, possess and even cultivate peyote whereas other "churches" do not, making NAC and ONAC "special" as far as peyote goes. ONAC members, Unlike NAC members do NOT have to meet or exceed a "tribal blood Quantum" to be accepted as members Or to Participate in Ceremony, any and all ceremony with or without peyote. ONAC, Unlike NAC can practice ceremony ANYWHERE opposed ot Only on Rez lands like the NAC require per the BIA who Happen to require of NAC the blood quantum proof for there members too BTW.


ONAC also had the court state on record that we and our members "Have the right to utilize all earth-based healing sacrament substances" and on that ONAC has since stood in support of honoring just that, ALL the earth-based healing sacraments. Now, Right THEN if ONAC had made the goal of making money, you would have seen it IMMEDIATLEY after that ruling (Unanimously in Favor of ONAC) You Didn't. Same as back in the 1800's, if it were about making money to them, you would have seen it. You didn't. What you saw and continue to see in many if not most ONAC churches to date is the honorable functioning of and as a Native American Church. It's Never been about MONEY to our tribal people it's Always been about what's Right Honorable and Just... Principle if you will.

And so my point, encompasses these so-called "ONAC Churches" and churches claiming the protection and or association of ONAC when there's not and you don't. Here, immediately below I am going to SHOW you an Example, a Perfect example in fact of what ONAC "Churches" I am talking about, the ones who appear like This:

Id this is what You call a "Church" then you'd better not be calling on me to bless you as one. If this was what the goal of the church was then why didn't you see this when ONAX established? Why not when we won the Utah case? Why do you Still to this Day NOT see Any Peyote sacrament anywhere for sale? The answer is simple, we didn't gave Wolves creeping into ONAC Claiming to sincerely Respect our position and standing for the web of life as we do, and it's blantently CLEAR as seen right here in these pictures what's drawing these wolves into our chucken den... our position regarding cannabis.

Show me ONE SINGLE THING other than the banner out front that Remotely looks like it Belongs inside a Church? Show me one thing anywhere that you could point to and say "well that's native american looking." If you cannot, then you are NOT a ONAC you are a Marijuana STORE. I've seen one place throw up a neon pink dream catcher from the dollar store and then ask for a blessing as a church... I Refused to bless them, and gave them one Simple word of Advice before seeking a blessing from ONAC again, one I share now with All of you interested in becoming an ONAC or not, because you ALL need to know and understand this as clearly as is possible... Give me SOMETHING to Work with!

Don't go get no cheesy shit from no dollar store and think it's gonna cut it and get you a blessing to which you're gonna turn around and make $20k+ a day, it's Not gonna happen and it's NOT what our church is about, if it was we'd have done it already on our own, we wouldn't NEED no wolves coming in and showing us how! Thanks but no thanks. A church is a spiritual sanctuary where connection between you and Creator happens. The earth is ONAC's temple, or haven't you heard. Explain to me WHY it is that Someone could Not have gone down to a local oodwill or Salvation Army or something and got a poster of a wolf howling into a full moon, or a bunch of cactus in an Arizona sunset - SOMETHING, I'm not even Expecting to see a totem pole or real native Art, but Something that when people look at it can say, "Yeah ok, that's native" for heaven's sake, it's NOT much to ask if you think about it!

PRESENTATION IS EVERYTHING in case you never heard that before, and it's Essential Too!

Another Basic point is this... What are "Churches" Known for?? Gathering maybe, for like a fellowship or a ceremony or service... Bingo even. Show me in those pictures above where Any place for any of that is please? Show me an Alter of any sort, a shell, a smudge, Anything at all... if you can't it's Why... Not an Oklevueha Native American Church! In today's society, there's No Reason that there couldn't be one thing hanging on the wall somewhere reflecting Native American printed and framed from computer. And here is something that Really urks me personally, Show me anything aside from the cannabis that Is or is Used for "Church" at all - ANY church I won't even limit it to being a NAC looking item... as decor or for sale, I won't restrict your options in this "Where's Walkdo" show now... or should I say "Find something ONAC", lol... I HOPE your getting my Points because they are as simple and basic as I can think to make them.

Please understand, it's nothing personal, it's just that it doesn't Belong publicly reflecting as being an Oklevueha Native American Church. I understand that it makes the money which buys the fancy cars and other trinkity shit and even pays bills which most of us struggle to do, but we do so running our churches Honorably and we do Not Appreciate people looking at our church in any other way than Honorable, and when people come to us Insisting how Sincere they are in what we're doing, representing and are about, and then turn around and pull shit like This as Soon as they're entrusted with a position of honor within ONAC, you REALLY are not only bringing shame upon Yourself and dishonoring us, but too, your dishonoring your own ancestors And most importantly of all, Smiting the face of Great Creator. I Suggest that you NOT do that

We understand that the competition You Created in your Regulation is beyond your imagination and that the flood gates are now open and the dams bursting overwhelming and even consuming you, but it's not Our fault Nor our problem, we are a Church for heaven's sakes, not a back door for your personal profiteering, fame or fortune, How DARE you bring that kind of black eye upon Us and all other legitimately and Honorably functioning churches like us! Make no Mistake, when YOU fly Our church name while pulling your shady shit, you're Gonna get our attention on your ASS... you don't want that, then don't reflect your bullshit onto us- it' That plain and simple! Don't time and again reflect yourselves as being in association to Us and then whine and CRY when we call you out on your bullshit and denounce you. And don't EVEN try to make it out as if we're somehow the Bad Guy because we won't Allow you to Desicrate ALL those who Honorably do represent the spirit and the fibers of our church.

You wanna BE an ONAC, then PROVE IT... you heard me right, put up or else Shut up and go away because anything else is going to bring shame and havoc on us all, it's not cool and it's not honorable of you. Look around and you should quickly figure out of I'm referring to you... if I am then you better fix you because if you don't ONAC KM Will Come and we will call as well as SHAME you away from reflecting upon the Oklevueha name - again it's Nothing Personal on our part at all, it's all Your call.

Tomorrow marks a very spiritual day IF you concept the signs in the sky as Creator HOPES that you do because in ALL writing encompassing the teachings of our ancestors, it CLEARLY states to be so. Tomorrow is significant in that the boy child "planet Jupiter) WILL pass through the womb of the virgin of the sky (Virgo), which according to astronomers last happened 7,000 years ago. Christians state that one of our days is 1,000 to Creator's measurement of a day, and their bible states that the punishment for the Adam and Eva was to be 7 days. You can take it for what YOU feel it's worth, but the Christians are all freaking out in that it's the 2nd coming of the Christ Symbolically in the sky, as the last time it happened was the day the Christ was physically born of the virgin Mary here upon the earth AND too at the Same time THIS was the same Exact events happening in the sky.

We did a Round-table sermon on it, here is the link, I Encourage you Highly to check it out, even if only to see the pictures within it:

Whether it's the biblical prophecy you believe, White Buffalo, Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, or whoever, or even if you don't believe in Any of it at all, including astronomy or even "religion" as a human Being Creator is Expecting you to show Respect to the fact that others do, and to Not disrespect them. Whether you set yourself up like the so called "Church" above, or you Over-do it by Dishonoring the "Church" you proclaim to represent, Oklevueha or not, this wisdom is for all, such as was seen in another recent Disassociated ONAC "church" called Sugarleaf, where you wear dishonorable attire, intermix creeds that don't go or fit together, or whatever, you too are the ones we're going to likely be running into sometime soon because there's likely a problem.

If you claim ONAC then know about us and show us by bringing Honor upon us, if you claim Rasta then know and bring Honor to their customs and culture, or Hindu or Buddhist, Tao or whatever your beliefs... reflect them right and bring HONOR to them, not shame and embarrassment, else you do no service but instead Disservice and I Highly encourage you to think Twice if you do so in the name and reflection of Great Creator because you have his attention then for sure, just like if you do so to us you will have ours too... we are in Creator's image after-all!

Thank you for your time, understanding and comprehension to our position in regards to all this BS going on, I don't know what it is if there's something in the California air this year or What, just know and believe that we ARE going to get through to the bottom of all of it and get shit done and cleaned up so we can continue making the good medicine for the web as Creator expects us. We thank you for and too, welcome Any help and assistence, and will be calling our spiritual leaders together for a Round Table very soon. Until we're done, we thank you for your patience, support and understanding. Blessings to all, go in a good way and keep on making that good medicine!"


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